Does M1T cause balding? What AAS do not cause balding

Future Prodigy

New member
I was looking into doing my first cycle of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) but found that most people said to take test as your first because youll see how you react to it for future reference. But thats not a option, my hair is thinning and is already extremly receded.

I was told by anothre rmember who had a smiliar problem that he himself did 2 cycles of M1T and had no problems with his hair.
m1t is very androgenic, so accelerated balding is very possible.

but m1t has been illegal and out of production since 2003 or 2004, so unless theres an underground source out there, or you know someone who has stockpiled it, it doesnt matter anyway.

as little research as there is behind it, and as toxic as it is, I wouldnt even bother with it considering its no different from test or any other drug from a legal standpoint.
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Yeah this is a really odl thread i thoght id pump up, i should have specifeid that im lookin for the later part of the question, not the m1t