Does this warrant hcg, post cycle therapy (pct) or trt


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Does this warrant hcg, pct or trt

So I have been waiting on BW results before I start my next cycle. Just had a sit down with the doc today. Vitamin D is a little low, but I have been working in a shop with little to no sunlight. As for other values are as follows:
reference range
FSH 4iu/l > 1-18
LH 3iu/l > 1-9
test 9.1 nmol/l > 8.0-29.0
TSH 1.49 miu/l > 0.20-6.00

cholesterol 6.04mmol/l > 3.20-4.60
triglycerides 1.37mmol/l > 0.60-2.30
HDL 1.05mmol/l > >=0.91
LDL 4.37mmol/l > 1.7-3.00

So my test levels are within normal range but on the lower end. And he does not warrant testing for free test levels because my levels are within range....barely.

He is pretty much useless. And as for my cholesterol, I have recently replaced all my ground beef with ground turkey and ground chicken and will do streak once every week or so.

Any other comments or recommendations?

After pming a couple members, one suggested Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for a few weeks. I plan on going back on cycle or should I wait only to supress my levels again. I have no problem being on hrt if its needed, just not at this age.

28yrs old
approx. 210lbs
bf% varies between 8-12%

I have noticed over the last few months that I have been sluggish, hard time waking up no matter how long I have slept, libido is down and sometimes non existent. Starting to get small adipose deposit around belly. Strength in the gym has remained pretty much the same, a little less endurance though.

I don't smoke, I don't drink, I eat well and as of late I have been experiencing shortness of breath from simple things like walking quickly up the stairs. Another point is I have not cycled in over a year.
when and what did you cycle? When did your cycle end? What was your post cycle therapy (pct) protocol?

What you have to remember is that SERMs just get your body moving in the right direction. Your body may just take a while to recover completely. This is the problem most have when they cycle. They see a low test level and either talk about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or start another cycle, or take more drugs to help out. Don't take any Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as that is suppressive in and of itself, and will only mimic LH response anyway.

If you have only been done with post cycle therapy (pct) for less then 3 months, I would wait another 4-6 weeks and get tested again. If he won't do it, go to another doc. Not sure how you Socialist get med help for, but get tested again.

I would certainly talk to Chip, but don't assume testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the answer. Your body just may need more time to recover.
I am not looking to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). And I have not cycled in over a year. I get blood work done before and after all cycles(after post cycle therapy (pct)). And my last round of bloodwork produced higher numbers than this last run. So my t levels have declined within the last 14-15 months or so.

As for how I was running post cycle therapy (pct), I used to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at the end of my cycle, along with nolva and clomid depending on which compounds I was running. I have ran compounds such as deca, tren, test. However my last couple cycles were around the 20 week mark. Perhaps there was the problem. But as for recovery off these cycles. All seemed to go well and BW showed decent number shortly after post cycle therapy (pct).

when and what did you cycle? When did your cycle end? What was your post cycle therapy (pct) protocol?

What you have to remember is that SERMs just get your body moving in the right direction. Your body may just take a while to recover completely. This is the problem most have when they cycle. They see a low test level and either talk about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or start another cycle, or take more drugs to help out. Don't take any Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as that is suppressive in and of itself, and will only mimic LH response anyway.

If you have only been done with post cycle therapy (pct) for less then 3 months, I would wait another 4-6 weeks and get tested again. If he won't do it, go to another doc. Not sure how you Socialist get med help for, but get tested again.

I would certainly talk to Chip, but don't assume testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the answer. Your body just may need more time to recover.
couldmy cholesterol be up a little with these lower test values? Or are they anywhere near to affect this? Just a though.
couldmy cholesterol be up a little with these lower test values? Or are they anywhere near to affect this? Just a though.

of course, but not necessarily a direct correlation.

My first thought is that you did Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while doing your SERMs. Which is not good as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is suppressive to your natty test. It should be taken before you start your Clomid.

My suggestion would be to run 30 days of Toremifene Citrate. Even Clomid would be fine, but I liek TC better. Then get your bloodwork done again. If its still on the low end, talk to CHip, or find a new doc.
Do you think it could still be an after effect of my last cycle over 14 months ago? My next cycle is planned to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout, then stop and start pct. I do have some tc on hand. Do you think I should go that route before I start my next cycle only to suppress my t levels again?

Thanks for the input.

of course, but not necessarily a direct correlation.

My first thought is that you did Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) while doing your SERMs. Which is not good as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is suppressive to your natty test. It should be taken before you start your Clomid.

My suggestion would be to run 30 days of Toremifene Citrate. Even Clomid would be fine, but I liek TC better. Then get your bloodwork done again. If its still on the low end, talk to CHip, or find a new doc.
Do you think it could still be an after effect of my last cycle over 14 months ago? My next cycle is planned to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout, then stop and start pct. I do have some tc on hand. Do you think I should go that route before I start my next cycle only to suppress my t levels again?

Thanks for the input.

Absolutely. You need a starting point (baseline). If you start another cycle you'll never know if your body will ever be able to recover again.
I misunderstood toremifene for temoxifene. I do however have some clomid on hand. What dosage would you recommend running the clomid at? As much as I am salivating at the mouth to start this next cycle, I would like to rectify this low test level if possible. On top of which we are sorting out hormone issues with my fiance(she does not produce estrogen) and we are planning on having a baby and as it stands right now we are going to need invitro. I have to do a sperm check this coming week. Would you say my t levels are high enough to support a healthy sperm count warranted nothing else is wrong....sorry drifting into another topic.
I misunderstood toremifene for temoxifene. I do however have some clomid on hand. What dosage would you recommend running the clomid at? As much as I am salivating at the mouth to start this next cycle, I would like to rectify this low test level if possible. On top of which we are sorting out hormone issues with my fiance(she does not produce estrogen) and we are planning on having a baby and as it stands right now we are going to need invitro. I have to do a sperm check this coming week. Would you say my t levels are high enough to support a healthy sperm count warranted nothing else is wrong....sorry drifting into another topic.

hell yeah. i had really low FSH levels and my sperm count was 42million ppm. Normal is 20million ppm.

Either way, just do a regular CLomid post cycle therapy (pct) 50mg/d for 4 weeks. Or if you can get some Toremifine, try it out, but Clomid is fine. You wanna get this rectified before you cycle again, esp if you are trying to have a kid in the near future,.
I went and spoke to my doctor again. He said I could have readings on the lower end due to the time my blood was drawn, he said optimal times to check t levels are between 7am and 11am. I was in around noon, so I can't really see how that would make that much of a difference. I told him I would be back in a month to retest and that I wAs going to self medicate with clomid. He said he would not advise it, my levels are fine.

So I am on the hunt for another doc. Which sucks, I spent 9 years trying to find a family doc instead of going to walk in clinics. Do you have any other sources of research available to read regarding clomid therapy for this reason?
