DONT LAUGH: Bf guess?


New member
Im 5' 11", 201LBS





Really? I posted in the diet section, and a few people said "your no where near 11%, 13% I would guess"?

They are also blurry pics. Anyway who says you are 13% is a moron. 12% is where you just start looking "lean". 10% is where you really are lean. Obviously depending on where your body preferentially stores and loses fat, but those are general rules.
They are also blurry pics. Anyway who says you are 13% is a moron. 12% is where you just start looking "lean". 10% is where you really are lean. Obviously depending on where your body preferentially stores and loses fat, but those are general rules.

I was the one who said 13% as he only posted the first picture up which looks like hes carrying ALOT of bodyfat in the love handle/oblique area.. After seeing his other pictures, I change my guess, but I gaurentee him to still be over 9%.. No way hes THAT low.
In this picture I was the EXACT weight of this guy and skin folds told me I was 12%.. If not LEANER, imo I was VERY close meaning hes got to be around the same bf.. 9% is no way imo.
I do carry my fat in the "love handle region".

thats what people dont understand.. While do you look AWESOME in ALOT of your bodyparts and dont appear to carry any bodyfat, in your love handle region you carry ALOT which hurts your bf%

Again, you do look great though, especially after seeing more pics.
your definitely at single digit! If anybody think your at 13 then they are mentally retarded cause if your 13 then I don't know what a single digit bf is.

What I want to know is when did you weight yourself? Did you weight yourself wet or dry?
In this picture I was the EXACT weight of this guy and skin folds told me I was 12%.. If not LEANER, imo I was VERY close meaning hes got to be around the same bf.. 9% is no way imo.

Show us a side picture. You could have intra-muscular fat but that dude doesn't.
Show us a side picture. You could have intra-muscular fat but that dude doesn't.

Dont have a side pic to show you, but if you just look at my "love handles" they for the most part shoot straight down.. His flop over BIG TIME. I wish in his 4th pic, his arms wernt hiding his lovehandle fat and youd see.... I have only been a certified personal trainer for a few months, but in that few months I've seen ALOT of surprising bodyfat %'s on people.. This guy is absolutely not 9% bf.. I would STILL say 11-12% after seeing his other pictures.
Dont have a side pic to show you, but if you just look at my "love handles" they for the most part shoot straight down.. His flop over BIG TIME. I wish in his 4th pic, his arms wernt hiding his lovehandle fat and youd see.... I have only been a certified personal trainer for a few months, but in that few months I've seen ALOT of surprising bodyfat %'s on people.. This guy is absolutely not 9% bf.. I would STILL say 11-12% after seeing his other pictures.

I dont know how to get rid of em! I do sometimes do super heavy side crunches, I wonder if thats building em up?
I dont know how to get rid of em! I do sometimes do super heavy side crunches, I wonder if thats building em up?

do some hanging leg raises and go side to side.. Also try the side crunches on a ball and use a medicine ball stretched out in front of you for added weight.

nah, thats not building em up, your love handles are just your bodies fav place to store fat so its a little bit harder to get rid of.
Ive got the same looking lower sides but I cant really pinch alot of fucking fat there, it's grainy like muscle fibers all in there on me, it is a combination of muscle built up and internal organs just pushing that area out more.. If you want to trim it down, cut carbs and don't use weights for your core.. You will make them slim down with ultra hi reps using just body/leg weight with hanging leg raise variations from side to side. Like a hanging side crunch. More weight is going to cause bigger muscles right, which=bigger not smaller