Double Chins when bulking!


New member
Who here gets a double chin when bulking up? I friggin hate it, I've only been bulking a week and it's already comin up! It makes me look so stupid. Just needed to rant.
How much "bulk" you putting on? I consider myself a fatty compared to most and even I don't have a double chin.
I got a double chin and my face bloated up on my first (and last) bulking cycle, which was about 6 months ago and still hasn't gone till today! I thought it would shrink after I stopped but no! And I am quite certain that it has nothing to do with simply "excess fat" coz I am at about 7% bf and lost a little over 20 lbs in these last 5 months!

To be honest, I logged on to this site today (after almost 5 months) to find a way to get rid of it and I wasn't expecting your post. So yea, I would appreciate anybody's feedback
my brother...used to weigh 205, pretty muscular, and he had that excess under his chin that makes him look worse. He shredded down to 170lb and he doesnt have the double chin, but if his weight gets to 178-180, double chin reappears and it looks like he put on 15 lbs...real weird. His jawline just ain't crzy defined. So he just keeps his weight about 170lb and looks good. double chin looks nastay. It seems like it would be a real easy procedure o suck the fat out underneath you chin.
Depends where you hold fat.

I tend to hold lots around my face. I could have a 6 pack, but my face looks like I'm 15%bf.... Genetic.

I hardly hold any fat in my arms and legs though.
i had a g/f that was REALLY self-concious, and she was one of those people, just a tiny body, but just a little tiny bit of extra skin under her jaw, and she used to do these different jaw exercises to help tighten that up. try lookin' into it. I wish i had more info for ya, but i'm sure you could google it up.
I never get the double chin but my cheeks are always bloated it seems.
Easto said:
Depends where you hold fat.

I tend to hold lots around my face. I could have a 6 pack, but my face looks like I'm 15%bf.... Genetic.

I hardly hold any fat in my arms and legs though.

haha...same here, when bulking that is. represent the chubby faces...HOLLA!!!
Popichulo said:
My face is the first place my weoight goes so whenever I bulk BAMM moon face it sucks!

thats exactly me too man. first 5lbs i gain looks like it all went straight to my face lol. and i get the double chin thing only when head is leaned down far. i really think its mainly water and not actual fat cells as it goes away within days of starting to lean down. blame it on the test/deca :spank:

Deep South Chris said:
thats exactly me too man. first 5lbs i gain looks like it all went straight to my face lol. and i get the double chin thing only when head is leaned down far. i really think its mainly water and not actual fat cells as it goes away within days of starting to lean down. blame it on the test/deca :spank:

True its definatley water weight but damn it sucks. Hope it subsides when I drop the d-bol in this cycle.
Someone suggested Yohimburn ES for the double-chins...I have just started using it for 4 days and will keep u guys posted
It's just genetic for me, but when I'm really lean it's pretty much gone. I have a friend who's 130lbs 5"10, skinnest fuck ever and has a serious double chin...i just don't like it.