down 40 lbs total....30 more to go

LiftTillIDie said:
Looking good mule. Any particular reason for losing the weight?

kinda curious about that one myself too....

your a fuckin beast though. good shit.
I got tired of being 440lbs and out of shape I'm 38 and I figured it was time to get smaller
MULE said:
I got tired of being 440lbs and out of shape I'm 38 and I figured it was time to get smaller
at this lighter body wt MULE are you still able to hit the same heavy wts in the gym?
adidamps2 said:
at this lighter body wt MULE are you still able to hit the same heavy wts in the gym?

I have been in ketosis off and on so I"ve gotten weaker. I have hit 500 on the bench my shrugs and accessories are good but my squat is down, How much I'm not sure I havnen't tried a max in quite awhile...I'm eating 0 carbs and no sugar 6 days a week and 1 day of carb loading.
lol mike, give the BB a run for their money.

how's the keto treating you? how long have you been doing it, and how has it effected your energy levels and training. what has you weight loss been like on the keto
Tafman said:
great progress

would u mind posting some of your 0 carb diet?

morning 6 eggs cooked in olive oil bacon, or sausage crystal light and coffe with splenda

probolic protein drink by MHP

lunch salad with olives onion spinich chicken breast,hard boiled egg green pepper steak meat oil & vin.

snack protin shake probolic by carbs

2 cups of green veggies
some sort of protein many times I eat my fish here...
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Nice progress man looking great. Don't veggies have carbs in them? I always thought vegetables were a good source of carbs
\m/ MANOWAR \m/ said:
Nice progress man looking great. Don't veggies have carbs in them? I always thought vegetables were a good source of carbs

green and white veggies are very low and don't cause an insulin response...

MULE said:
to give you guys a refrance

Wow, you are really starting to shape up. I know it's not your thing but I'd love to see what you'd look like at single digit bodyfat. It would be unreal. The fourth pic of you up top(close up) looks freaking unreal. You are so huge that it looks like somebody photshopped it . Awesome!