Yeah, but you can intimidate people who think they are bad shit.....damn I tell ya man...being that size I bet you rule the places you go too...and command respect...MULE said:I got tired of being 440lbs and out of shape I'm 38 and I figured it was time to get smaller
mister69 said:are you still in law enforcement?
deadbeatrec said:wow, ur a train! i would love to see u 5% bf.
Shire said:that sucks about the ketosis. u should try a good diet and shouldn't have eaten so much when u were growing up. your body looks slightly unproportional, what happened with the muscles on your arms and chest? lookin kinda flat and fat in those areas. decent stack but for your size i suggest switching the light weights to heavy weights (if 500 bench is light then i'm calling you miles davis) but i suggest stacking a 1000 test 250 ten and 200 Winstrol (winny). but yah nice size good base keep it going. hey did you get those tats in jail? jk but actually i am very serious, when did you get those they look nice.
RJH90210 said:you're a fucking douchebag. He's a powerlifter you dumb fuck. Nice way to criticize. Jesus.
Mule, you look great buddy. Are you worried about your strength once you get down to your goal weight? Or are your comp days behind you? Just curious, cause you could prolly crush numbers at lower weight classes if you did the drop correctly.
LiftTillIDie said:I hear you about taking a break. I can imagine all the weight you move has enacted a tole on the joints over the years.
Tryn2 said:I saw your tatoo and an article in a mag last year I guess...Your a strong bitch !!!
MULE said:but I'm not tradign the ggoood helath for strength