Dragon Pharma

Hmmm...11 post and a good majority of them are bashing DP products. Seems pretty suspect. I take it the competitors sales must be down.

Take you own advise bud. How much you guys want to bet this guy will never post on another thread. Thanks for letting us know to keep an eye out:rolleyes2 2 posts and you pop in defending this company? you sir seem a little suspect.
At least you got your package, mine was stuck at customs for over a month. When it came it was obviously opened with green customs tape all over it, so i sent it back to them. When i emailed them telling that, they just told me that i ordered too long ago (10 weeks is not long in our game), and they will not resend even though they charged money for "insurance"
Lesson learned: STAY AWAY FROM DP.
At least yours weren't this bad:



OMG what did they use...a hammer and a flathead screwdriver ?? lol
so is this stuff legit ? or not because i shot my sus350 on tues in my butt and within a couple hours it became very hard and hot.. and now i was sick all of today
Is this gear legit? i posted an order with a friend and he gave me 4 bottles of test E 250, and 5 bottles of EQ 200 and i have never heard of this brand called dragon before?
Trust in Z or geneza, is not for nothing they are here. i would not give this advise, if i wasn't a regular users of their gears.
i hope you will understand the wicked game is to get gear on web and i'm sure you learned the lesson about that.
it's a rude game, and we are all playing the same.

What is Z?