Dragon Pharma

that dragon pharma is proper pony m8, several of my freinds tryed it only to feell like they been truley had over!! the qaulity of the seals is terrible. servearly underdosed id say. and cheap looking. taking them bk was the best thing. good luck m8!!
you know the mind does the damnest things to people... It's getting so damn hard to find and trust anyone and that's just sad... The worst thing about it is these guys that are making the fake one's don't give a rat's ass if any thing bad happens to us guys out there that really want and care what we look and feel like... So here goes nothing because I'm going to try the Dragon phar..... You guys take care of your selfs out there
Booom! Busted! Dragon pharma is crap. I went to the dr. Had bloodwork done. I have the t levels of a man my age! Been on it for 3 allmost 4 weeks now and what a suprise nothing in my system out of the ordinary! Turns out the pumps i had are most likely from the suplements i take.

that really sucks bud, im sorry to hear that. well, at least you know now....thanks for the heads up about it though man, i know to stay away from it.
aparently i made someone mad about posting what i have had happen to me. first of all i'm 35 year old man lives neer houston texas. i work in construction. i like juice. i have had plenty of good exerence in this game. i take this stuff just like most people here do. truthfully, there is no reason for you to trust me. go ahead take it yourself it's no more than a placebo you believe you work harder at the gym and walla. noobs fall for this type of juice, gain and feel. truely for me when i'm 4 weeks in say on some sustonon 250 i'm smashing shit. and thats just sustanon. this time i have been taking masteron,eq,deca,test e, from DP, and havn't gotten a lick from it. no ball shrinkage nothing, but thats me. i'm good people. i don't represent a soul on here but me. most of my experence has been with different brands. but this has truely been the worst one ever. in my opinion it's clearly not worh it. i'll just keep on looking for something else.
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aparently i made someone mad about posting what i have had happen to me. first of all i'm 35 year old man lives neer houston texas. i work in construction. i like juice. i have had plenty of good exerence in this game. i take this stuff just like most people here do. truthfully, there is no reason for you to trust me. go ahead take it yourself it's no more than a placebo you believe you work harder at the gym and walla. noobs fall for this type of juice, gain and feel. truely for me when i'm 4 weeks in say on some sustonon 250 i'm smashing shit. and thats just sustanon. this time i have been taking masteron,eq,deca,test e, from DP, and havn't gotten a lick from it. no ball shrinkage nothing, but thats me. i'm good people. i don't represent a soul on here but me. most of my experence has been with different brands. but this has truely been the worst one ever. in my opinion it's clearly not worh it. i'll just keep on looking for something else.

Trust in Z or geneza, is not for nothing they are here. i would not give this advise, if i wasn't a regular users of their gears.
i hope you will understand the wicked game is to get gear on web and i'm sure you learned the lesson about that.
it's a rude game, and we are all playing the same.
i have 4 different types of product from dragon pharma EQ 200, DECA 250, MASTERON 100, ENANTAT 250. they all seem to be exactly the same color and consistancy. in the past i have used several different types of gear and none of them were exactly the same and there is a specific taste to them. where this stuff just tastes like food addatives. if you look at there site it is crap and they don't answer any questions you might have. anyone have any idea if this is real or not or maybe if it was tampered with? or is this typical of this company.

Hmmm...11 post and a good majority of them are bashing DP products. Seems pretty suspect. I take it the competitors sales must be down.
I was considering an order of Tabz Dragon Pharma Line.I think I'll pass now.:Puke:

Keep in mind, in this game, doesnt matter the brand, your always gonna have people saying negative stuff about it. You name any big UG company and you can find a thread with someone bashing their products. Some have hidden agendas, and some are just giving their honest opinions.... but DP hasnt become one of the biggest UG labs in the world by selling crap. :)
Keep in mind, in this game, doesnt matter the brand, your always gonna have people saying negative stuff about it. You name any big UG company and you can find a thread with someone bashing their products. Some have hidden agendas, and some are just giving their honest opinions.... but DP hasnt become one of the biggest UG labs in the world by selling crap. :)

I have to agree with this man. A lot of bullshit going on in this board lately and I have been here a few years.
No you haven't made anyone mad. We have no affiliation with DP. THere are rules about this for a reason. If we allowed everyone with 13 posts to go around bashing manufacturers you wouldn't be able to tell who was good and who wasn't. There is a organized effort to discredit anyone in the industry by competitors.

I have no clue who you are or what your motivation is. If you had been here for a few years and had a lot of friends and some credibility it would be a bit different. I recommend you make some friends.

So I think your trying to help other guys avoid any problems. If that's your intent it a good one. This is why we recommend doing check before you purchase. THe truth is the cost of the glass vial is more than the cost of what's in it to the manufacturers.
i just don't want the next guy to make the same mistake. bottom line. my experence with dp has been way less than satisfactory. i'm not mentioning other places or brands. as some may suggest. so i will not speak anymore about DP. I said what i had too. rock on. and the hunt continues lol
something isn't right about the crimp job.....did these come from local friend? one of the resellers? did you contact the source immediately with these pics?......obviously no source wants their customers to receive items that have this presentation......

and yes OP, I'm a site rep.....you can pm me questions and responses.....I'll do within my capabilities to assess and help
Irish - I know you mean well, but as you can now see at AB, others have had the same crimping issue as the OP, and in some cases, worse. That said hammerfist is well known for his issues with various UGs, but this is a legit issue, product quality product aside. Unfortunately for the OP, there is an overall lack of credibility because of those other issues but this one is legit, imo.

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awefull gear.

guyz go with Z-line, euro-pharmacies is a good UGL and they make 2ml amps. what's better?
i was able to talk to EK and he has posted on OLM for those that are affected with this to please pm him there and he will replace the items.....that's the best i could do on this
i have 4 different types of product from dragon pharma EQ 200, DECA 250, MASTERON 100, ENANTAT 250. they all seem to be exactly the same color and consistancy. in the past i have used several different types of gear and none of them were exactly the same and there is a specific taste to them. where this stuff just tastes like food addatives. if you look at there site it is crap and they don't answer any questions you might have. anyone have any idea if this is real or not or maybe if it was tampered with? or is this typical of this company.

That's unbelievable that they would even consider to send you crimped vials like that.

I can't even imagine what kind of job they did in actually making the gear. If it's anything like the job they did on the crimped vials, I wouldn't even consider injecting that stuff.

It's obvious they don't give a shit about your health or anyone else's.
Damn there's a lot of the blame game going on up in here... If some thing looked that bad. One, it went out there back door or it has been messed with. That's wild.. but it is our job to flag that kind of shit when it gets in our hands, because I know if one of my boys came up to me with some thing that looked like that he would be keeping it... Be safe out there....