dropping deadlift


New member
i know this isn't really steroid related but i gotta ask since i have back day today, and theres alota big mother fuckers here, is dropping the deadlift acceptable?, seems like a deadlift is something that you pick off the floor and then unlock, the bringing it back down slowly seems like a waste of energy, and i notice my lower back starts to bug me after a few sets from doing this, maybe drop it from knee level? or full unlock? idk whatca guys think? :sulk:
In my non-expert opinion if you are going for mass then the more time you're under the tension the better but if you're going for powerlifting then it should be fine. Some gyms don't like you dropping the weights though. If you feel like your back is about to give out though just drop it, injury isn't worth the extra effort.
If im going really heavy, i'll explode up, hold it for 3 secs and drop it from knee level. If youre doing lower weight, i do full range up and down. Exploding up and lowering slowly. im Not an expert but it works for me
I lower it down sometimes if I'm doing a lighter set and wanting some TUT. On a real deadlift I let it go down at approximately 9.8m/s2 but keep my hands on it "maintaining control of the bar" as the rulebooks say. Somehow just dropping it seems a little uncouth.
Imo The decontraction of the muscles on the way down are important for strength and size. That's when I feel I get most of my progress rippin those muscle fibers. But yea if I fel I was about to injure myself I'd drop the weigh
i will experiment with dropping from full unlock, knee width and just dropping, i tried straps, makes it harder to grip in my opinion, only time i use straps are for lat pull downs
I never drop weight. (beside injury or near miss) I like to pick up the weight lock it out, set it all the way back down on the floor (gently) ease my grip off a little. Check from real quick, drop my hips and do the whole lift everytime. Dropping the weight is like doing a half squat, or those guys you see that stop 1/2 to there chest for a bench press... If your gonna do it do it right.
Wrap the straps around the bar the opposite way your hands wrap around it. You'll never break grip that way...
Wrap the straps around the bar the opposite way your hands wrap around it. You'll never break grip that way...

i always went with the grip, lol ive been using it wrong this whole time, will try this in like 2 hours, ill report how it is when i get back home
i know this isn't really steroid related but i gotta ask since i have back day today, and theres alota big mother fuckers here, is dropping the deadlift acceptable?, seems like a deadlift is something that you pick off the floor and then unlock, the bringing it back down slowly seems like a waste of energy, and i notice my lower back starts to bug me after a few sets from doing this, maybe drop it from knee level? or full unlock? idk whatca guys think? :sulk:

Only if you want to show everyone in the gym what an alpha bad ass you are. Control from the floor to full lockout and back down ftw. If you have to drop it due to exhaustion fine, but I wouldn't make it a habit.

My .02c :)
Only if you want to show everyone in the gym what an alpha bad ass you are. Control from the floor to full lockout and back down ftw. If you have to drop it due to exhaustion fine, but I wouldn't make it a habit.

My .02c :)

Ima start dropping that bitch even though its only 405 and scream "ain't nothing but a peanut" after every drop
Ima start dropping that bitch even though its only 405 and scream "ain't nothing but a peanut" after every drop

Hahahaha, I totally am going to have to use your gift to me:

On a serious note, I used to see kids do that all the time. "AWWWW YEEAAHHH 225 BITCHESSS!!!" Then you walk over and silently pick up and rep out with 585 without a peep. Silence can send a powerful message imo. :p
Off subject here but I think that with a avatar like that IMDENIS you need to put no homo directly underneath lol
Only if you want to show everyone in the gym what an alpha bad ass you are. Control from the floor to full lockout and back down ftw. If you have to drop it due to exhaustion fine, but I wouldn't make it a habit.

My .02c :)

^^Especially when you have less weight than what you weigh. It just makes you look like a douche, I only drop it if I've done a 1 rep max I feel like my back muscles are going to snap. There's no reason to drop weight that weighs the same you do and your doing multiple reps with it.

If you can't set it down correctly, don't pick it up!