Recommend a steroid? (26/m)

I dont have a lot of time but wanted to comment on your last post about Designer Steroids....If your looking for something safer thats not the route to go bro. ANY oral is going to be a lot harsher on your body. When your ready go with straight TEST for the first coupe of cycles and you can guage yourself from there.

PH's are a common mistake by young people thinking they are a safer route to take..THEY ARE WRONG!!!! as was I when I was that age
I dont have a lot of time but wanted to comment on your last post about Designer Steroids....If your looking for something safer thats not the route to go bro. ANY oral is going to be a lot harsher on your body. When your ready go with straight TEST for the first coupe of cycles and you can guage yourself from there.

PH's are a common mistake by young people thinking they are a safer route to take..THEY ARE WRONG!!!! as was I when I was that age

Hi Barry, you get it wrong. It's not a Designer Steroid and it's not a Prohormone. I know how bad oral Steroids (AASs=Anabol Androgen Steroid) are, they're much worse than injections. But this stuff is a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) and works differently. It's ok to take them oraly, they are just as livertoxic as regular medicine, so no comparison to Steroids. Thanks for clearing this up though, I know most beginners think, hey an oral steroid is better than one that needs to be injected, which is soo wrong..
Hi Barry, you get it wrong. It's not a Designer Steroid and it's not a Prohormone. I know how bad oral Steroids (AASs=Anabol Androgen Steroid) are, they're much worse than injections. But this stuff is a SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator) and works differently. It's ok to take them oraly, they are just as livertoxic as regular medicine, so no comparison to Steroids. Thanks for clearing this up though, I know most beginners think, hey an oral steroid is better than one that needs to be injected, which is soo wrong..

Aghhh...I should of read the whole text...sorry bro!!! Gluck
WTF? I'm going to venture to say that you really are 17 and your lying to us. No 26 year old hangs out with 15 and 17yr olds and if they are cycling at that age (especially with tren) then they are just fucking stupid. 5 months is not shit to be lifting. You shouldn't be juicing if you've only been lifting that long and especially if your as fucking dumb and ignorant as you come accross.

LOL, man you wreaked that kid, oh i mean 26yr old man.
Ha wow you guys are being mean, but you're right nonetheless. Look man, you seem like a nice guy. Where are you from? Looks as if from somewhere in Europe. But the blunt truth're no where near ready. Keep on training and researching and when it's time you'll know exactly what to do and how to do it safely. Spend some time on here and read some threads. A lot of experience/knowledge around. And do me a favor, tell you're teenage friends to do the same. See ya around buddy.
The Steroids are not recommended unless prescribed by a doctor. Illegal steroids will stunt for growth, shrink our penis, gives us headaches, lead to bouts of anger, and can even start to kill of living tissue. I read a story of a body builder who abused steroids all his life. He eventually just passed out one way and was hospitalized for a ful year. At one point he looked down at his legs to see maggots eating his flesh, because his cells were just decaying on him. He did survive, but it was a very long ans painful recovery. Now he's small, thin and lean and into yoga and other types of fitness like that.

muscle maximizer
best muscle builder
You are still young and only a couple months into this , you have plenty of time to lift naturally before considering aas. Lear all you can a bout good diet, good lifting form, and get strong, then learn and study as much as you can about aas and how they work, and also very importantly about post cycle therapy (pct) after aas.
Then maybe you can consider going on a cycle.
I only go to the gym with them, but the younger guy already took it weeks before I even knew anything about this stuff. The other one regardless what I said still wanted to inject it. I could convince him to not take it (showed him how 'bitch tits' look like). And the younger guy isn't injected anymore now, because he probably has Gyno now..yeah totally stupid

However, yeah it goes subcutaneous and I know how, but it won't be necessary anymore. I won't take AAS,DS or Prohormones. I'm fascinated a little by SARMs.
We both increased from 154.32lbs to 187,39lbs (10x) on the bench press, just by taking Creatine. I'll stay here for at least a half year before I take anything else.

But the parents might come to you if there kid starts havin side effects from the juice, theyll be like why are you letting my son take this juice shit hes 17 for godsakes hes not even fully developed. since your the 26 year old adult. But other then that I dont see a problem training with a person younger if hes da same jackness and strength as you.
But the parents might come to you if there kid starts havin side effects from the juice, theyll be like why are you letting my son take this juice shit hes 17 for godsakes hes not even fully developed. since your the 26 year old adult. But other then that I dont see a problem training with a person younger if hes da same jackness and strength as you.

post ment for the 26 yo kid not Pharma giant LOL.