Day 15 - Going F'ng Hard!!
So, first I want to apologize for not updating this weekend... I had a killer workout Saturday which was Back and Traps... I absolutely killed it on both.... I was celebrating my birthday this weekend, so I went straight to the beach afterwards and was pretty spent after that and Sunday is just my cardio day so no new updates except a sweet cardio day...
As for today... I didn't feel super great this morning as I usually don't get enough sleep, but I actually slept a little too much today... However, for some reason, I really felt like I was going to have a sweet day in the gym today and I was definiteliy right! My cardio started off absolutely great today... I had a few rougher days in the cardio last week for some reason but today was simply awesome... That had me in an extra good mood going into the lifting portion... I was also pleased that my weight held steady... Normally I drop a few pounds over the weekend but last night I ate a pound of cod and shrimp and that helped! =)
Now normally, chest is always the workout that I struggle with the most...Its my area on the body that I always have a happiness issue with... I always feel like it is the one part of my body I am weaker in and just needs more shape... I must say though, the last few weeks, since I started this stack, my chest is STRONGER and LOOKING BETTER than ever... I absolutely killed my chest today... I was able to get 95 lb. dumbells for 10 today, so that PR last week was no fluke! Then I did a nasty superset of dumbell incline arnold flies and arnold dumbell bench presses... 70's on the flies and 75's on the bench... absolutely killer! I also did two different exercises of negatives on triceps today... I did 100 lb. dumbell tricep extension overheads as negatives and that was tough but i nailed them! I also did tricep extension negatives that were tough! I did alternate arm chest presses that were so tough but super strong today... I felt so strong and so happy with my size... I really feel like I am getting excellent size on this cycle... I felt power bursts today that were just insane... I have to say, sarms are f'ng amazing!! Here's a few new pics to update my progress!