ECA results so far

Yeah I did ClenT-3 and wasn't that happy with it. i'm going to try one more time prolly in l;ate summer. I didn't like the racing heart, bervousness, etc. but i think that s typical of all of these formulas that raise yoyur metabolism. I want to try ECA to compare them. The other prob I had with clen /T3 was i didn't have the diet carefully hooked up snd I did little cardio. So i lost about 3% points BF but did not get to 10% where i wanted to be.

I handle ephedrine alot better than clen, clen fucks me up even at low dose, i dont even bother with it. jitters and headache, just sucks for me.
to be honest the stack worked crazy for a week....but you like like an alien, youre body is completely disproportional, and looks weird no homo, your traps are tiny, as well as your chest and front delts are way to small for your rears, forearms too, you look far from a body builder youre just took drugs to get weird abs, you should try investing in a personal trainer before steroids
to be honest the stack worked crazy for a week....but you like like an alien, youre body is completely disproportional, and looks weird no homo, your traps are tiny, as well as your chest and front delts are way to small for your rears, forearms too, you look far from a body builder youre just took drugs to get weird abs, you should try investing in a personal trainer before steroids

Damn man who said he was bodybuilding, maybe hes just lifting for a recreational sport for himself, he didnt ask anything about his flaws or if he should take aas or not, his results are great..QUIT HATIN! cant stand some of yall fools stay off if ur gonna be negative!!:whipping:
Im surprised that anyone here would go the clen/T3 route. There are lots of studies that showed large groups of individuals losing lean muscle mass on clen/t3 AND low doses of test. That stuff is so catabolic its ridiculous. Stick with the ECA...

figured I would add something more then a "looking good Bro" post on a 3 month bumped thread...

My boyfriend recently turned me onto ECA stacks, and I'm still a little confused as to the whole routine.

I'm 5'2'' 122lbs and I'm wondering how much I can expect to lose from ECAs. Thanks!
My boyfriend recently turned me onto ECA stacks, and I'm still a little confused as to the whole routine.

I'm 5'2'' 122lbs and I'm wondering how much I can expect to lose from ECAs. Thanks!

Hi Alyssa, this is pretty hard to say. Everyone is different and we obviously dont know your diet, workout program or life style. Maybe an example will help.

Last year my fiancee wanted to get rid of the last of her weight she put on from having our son. She is about 5'7''. To be honest I dont know how much she weighed but she was athletic (volleyball player) before she got pregnant and gained the average amount of weight. She did a week run (2 on, 1off, 2 on, tapering up). She only got to go to the gym about 3 times a week for about a half hour per season. she just ate decent (not even close to perfect) and lost 15LBS.

Again, There are a million different factors but this should give you an idea. If you have any more questions let me know. I have been an avid ECA taker when I gut for years now and have tried it all...
Nice delts bro...
when I would run ECA I got my ephedrine from the walmart gas stations, just show them your drivers license, but they jacked up the prices big time and your only able to buy one box at a time. I was really good on clen but last time I got some it fucked me up bad... almost like test flu but hardcore. jitters, fever, felt like shit.