Effects to expect from tbol??

Yeah. Great nutrient partitioner, both discriminate muscle pumps, ie shins and forearms. Both are notorious for lean mass, Trenbolone is without a doubt (by observation) more potent. But for someone who values less side effects over money, Oxandrolone would be the go-to compound.

Oxandrolone is even less toxic than Trenbolone and less impactful on HPTA and less damaging to lipids and less disruptive to nervous systems.
Yeah. Great nutrient partitioner, both discriminate muscle pumps, ie shins and forearms. Both are notorious for lean mass, Trenbolone is without a doubt (by observation) more potent. But for someone who values less side effects over money, Oxandrolone would be the go-to compound.

Oxandrolone is even less toxic than Trenbolone and less impactful on HPTA and less damaging to lipids and less disruptive to nervous systems.

Sick info man. Much appreciated.
Correct me if I'm wrong here cause this is just hear say. But I've heard Dbol is more anabolic then Tbol, so you will get more muscle gain from DbOl. Sure you get the bloat, but the end results more likely to gain more muscle mass with dbol over tbol after the run of it and the water subsides.
Correct me if I'm wrong here cause this is just hear say. But I've heard Dbol is more anabolic then Tbol, so you will get more muscle gain from DbOl. Sure you get the bloat, but the end results more likely to gain more muscle mass with dbol over tbol after the run of it and the water subsides.

They're pretty identical structurally. Bloat is not really the only concern. Hair Loss and other estrogenic side effects are not present with Turinabol. This is due to the 4-chlorotestosterone alteration. This is where the A:A ratio is hindered, however, the difference in lean gains is fairly negligible. For me, Turinabol takes the lead for it's overall performance.
Yeah, you definitely want to take baby steps with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). It's sooooooo much easier to drop E2 than it is to bring it back up. You feel like utter shit once you do crash it too, which kills gym sessions as you hardly want to get out of bed. Sounds like you're doing some good research, and should absolutely benefit in your cycle. :)

Okay bro so how about this?

Test-e 1-12

Dbol 1-4
(thinking about running 35mg vs 50 because I have 50mg tabs and 10's. Trying to keep minimal bloat with decent size and strength, thoughts?)

Tbol 8-14(60mg/day up to pct)

Give my body that 4 weeks break between orals while continuing to take the liv 54 and nac all the way through pct
They're pretty identical structurally. Bloat is not really the only concern. Hair Loss and other estrogenic side effects are not present with Turinabol. This is due to the 4-chlorotestosterone alteration. This is where the A:A ratio is hindered, however, the difference in lean gains is fairly negligible. For me, Turinabol takes the lead for it's overall performance.

Thanks for the reply, I was thinking of going with Dbol for next cycle, but was considering TBOL. Which is why I asked. Is 50mg ED even good, or is 75mg ED the best route. I know thats a hard question to ask, since everyone is different. Also cant you run tbol longer then 4 weeks and it be okay on your liver
Thanks for the reply, I was thinking of going with Dbol for next cycle, but was considering TBOL. Which is why I asked. Is 50mg ED even good, or is 75mg ED the best route. I know thats a hard question to ask, since everyone is different. Also cant you run tbol longer then 4 weeks and it be okay on your liver

60mg to 70mg would give you decent results. I've used tbol for 8 weeks. but I don't recommend going beyond 6 weeks.
Okay bro so how about this?

Test-e 1-12

Dbol 1-4
(thinking about running 35mg vs 50 because I have 50mg tabs and 10's. Trying to keep minimal bloat with decent size and strength, thoughts?)

Tbol 8-14(60mg/day up to pct)

Give my body that 4 weeks break between orals while continuing to take the liv 54 and nac all the way through pct

Sounds good, just don't forget that Aromatase inhibitor (AI). ;) You might find that you'll be upping that dbol dose though, 35mg is good for some - but I tend to crave what 50mg brings to the table.
Sounds good, just don't forget that Aromatase inhibitor (AI). ;) You might find that you'll be upping that dbol dose though, 35mg is good for some - but I tend to crave what 50mg brings to the table.

You're probably right, one piece is never enough.. I always want the whole cake ;)
Turinabol is an amazing steroid,, first time i tried it i got no gains, thought tbol is garbage, only to find out it was bunk, now im running real turinabol with amazing results, at 70mg it takes 3 weeks to fully kick in, and gets better week after week,, also tbol is dose dependent, higher dose will yield better results but more side effects, i recommend no less than 60mg, if you're over 200lb 80mg.
sex drive is crazy high, amazing strength gains that builds up overtime (it doesnt happen fast like dbol, drol), great lean gains and if your bf is low enough your veins will pop out like crazy.
I knew those east germans were onto something.
Best oral hands down, kicks anavars ass.
Dude yeah that shit is off the chain expensive. My chick runs it and at only 15mg a day it still runs her 200 bucks a cycle

My gf runs her Var cycles @10mgs/ED. She's considering bumping up to 15mgs/ED. Did your gf notice a difference btwn the 2 dosages?
My gf runs her Var cycles @10mgs/ED. She's considering bumping up to 15mgs/ED. Did your gf notice a difference btwn the 2 dosages?

My girl starts out at 10 for the the first week or two then kicks it up to 15. She said she notices a great deal of difference between the two though. I remember her squat went up around 50 pounds in a few weeks. I was actually talking to a girl in my gym yesterday who frequently runs 20mg/ed and loves it. She doesn't look manly at all either. Talking straight fox bro. My girl is thinking about stepping it up as well. I think she's going to do 6 weeks of 20. Ill definitely keep you up to date though