ELITE FITNESS gets under my skin!!!!

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Community Veteran
I posted this over at Elite Fintess this morning because of some of the attacks some bro was taking just because he made a decision to take Fina orally. What an immature board! I just thought I would ADD to this immaturity!!! (heehee).

I certainly hope Steroidolgy continues to have mature conversation and continues to protects member's choices on WHAT/WHY/WHEN/HOW they take their gear! :mad:

My Quote from Elite:

I get so sick of threads regarding "ORAL FINA questions" leading to moronic responses like "JUST INJECT DUDE!".

WTF!!! Read the F*cking question!!! I'm pretty f*cking sure whomever asked the question or started the thread about taking Fina orally was aware of the fact that YOU COULD INJECT THE SHIT!!! MORONS! :mad:

If someone wants to take it orally....what's the BIG F*CKING DEAL????

1 cartridge of Fina Pellets = $35 (2 grams of Fina)

Even if one were to take even
400 mg/day (20 pellets/day) in order to achieve 80mg/day (@ only 20% absorption), you would only be spending $7.00/day. That's $210/month.

What's the big deal???

Most people that take 50mg/var per day spend at least $12/day!!!($360/month!!) I'd be willing to wager that 400mg of ORAL fina would be AT LEAST COMPARABLE to 50mg of mid-range var!

Grow the f*ck up and quit being moronic band-wagoners!!!

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Elite was the base of my knowledge and where iv spent the most time. God it was hard learnin about juice from scratch worried that if i posted sum simple question, id get flamed badly. Glad to call this my new home :D
yeah Elite provided a base of info in regards to Anabolics and Diet

but then all the Great Mods and Members up and left or at least do not frequent the board as much.

hmmm? wonder where they went:wiggle: :)
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Elite was where I got my start.

I did a google search on this Oxandrin stuff my Dr. wanted to give me to gain weight back after chemo.

Wouldn't you know, Elite popped up and the rest is history.

This was last summer and even in that short time the board has digressed into a virtual kindergarten. The vets have left.

Also newbies who go there to read a while and then ask a question feel they have to live up to the attitude in place there. Example:


How could you NOT like this place if you want real guys, smart opinions, and NO BS.

Also when looking for information, the last thing I need is someone telling me to fuck off. I have not seen that yet here.
I don't even bother with that place anymore! It USED to be a great board until all the elementary kids started joining!!!!!!!
Funny you should post this. Last night I entered the post below in a fit of frustration over the way EF is going. I got my start there. Thank God for S'ology!

wayne and zeus said:
BuffDoc, You have just dealt with Tony Sopranoff

No kidding? I've got "issues" w/ the original TS, is this just a vodka-soaked impostor?
Seriously, EF seems fair to partly lame, after hanging on S'ology for a while (my modship notwithstanding!)
Wow, I'm not a member of EF and never have been. This isn't the first time I've heard about the immaturity there. So I really can't comment on the board it self. But I can say that, is seem that a lot of boards were started by members(mods, vets) from EF. So I belive they were a good place, at one time. It seem like everyone(or close to) that's a mod or vet on any board, is or was a member of EF. So this sounds bad, but there lose is our gain, all the good members will leave. They'll become to Steroidology and boards like it. JMO

Elite gave me a solid base on gear usage and knowledge but now there are nothing but idiots over there. I am glad to call this my new home!!!!! Let's never get like that board please!!!
same here....I learned a good bit as a base over there....but it's nothing compared to what I've learned on this board in friendly conversation and the openness given to newbies and people like me to ask questions. We're all learning...no matter what you know. I'm sure even Buffdoc has learned from this board and he's a doc. But some people at EF think they know everything and they shun people for asking questions....I guess they forgot that they were there at one point!
I know how Elite changed but lets not talk shit about them or any other board. Its downgrading Steroidology.
Alot of us Mods and Vets started from there.
TechChemY said:
But some people at EF think they know everything and they shun people for asking questions....
This reminds of a signture I seen. " I'm not young enough to know every thing"

Canuck4 said:
I know how Elite changed but lets not talk shit about them or any other board. Its downgrading Steroidology.
Alot of us Mods and Vets started from there.

I agree 100%......you are right brother. it was in a fit of PURE anger when I wrote this.....sorry!

Canuck4 said:
I know how Elite changed but lets not talk shit about them or any other board. Its downgrading Steroidology.
Alot of us Mods and Vets started from there.

Thank you.....and now I am locking this thread down.
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