EP Tri-Trenbolone(Tri-Tren)150mg/ml 10ml PSL


New member
Whose used it? 150mg per ml of Trenbolone. 50mg Trenbolone Acetate, 50mg Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, 50mg Trenbolone Enanthate.

Its pretty stable in your system if you're injecting it every two to three days.

Has anyone used it? Did you feel it has less side effects then regular Trenbolone Acetate or Trenbolone Enanthate?
Interesting blend. Apparently no one has tried it. I don't like blends but some people love them...
I don't know could be a night mare. It would take a couple weeks for the E to kick and an impatient person could be upping the dose trying to get desired result and then WHAM!! the E kicks in and your in for the worst 2 weeks of your life. Tren A for me. I have seen way t many people get messed up on E.
I don't know could be a night mare. It would take a couple weeks for the E to kick and an impatient person could be upping the dose trying to get desired result and then WHAM!! the E kicks in and your in for the worst 2 weeks of your life. Tren A for me. I have seen way t many people get messed up on E.

Good point dude. Probably good for people who have experience with both tren esters.
The other challenge is depending where you get it from the potency is always different. I have had tren that I could take at 600mg a week and other that I could not go over 400. Which is why I chuckle a little when I see people stating that they will take "X" amount of tren a week. I always start around 200mg a week and bump it up by 100mg after the third week, then every week to find the sweet spot. Only with Tren A can you do this. Because it hits so quick you can feel an increase in a few day rather then weeks with Tren E. You will be in the sweet spot in 5 weeks. You would have to run tren E like 20 weeks plus to do this as each adjustment would take about 10 days to show.It would be like 3 months of tweaking it. Then by the time you figure it out cycle is over and then good luck finding the exact same potency the next time around.
The other challenge is depending where you get it from the potency is always different. I have had tren that I could take at 600mg a week and other that I could not go over 400. Which is why I chuckle a little when I see people stating that they will take "X" amount of tren a week. I always start around 200mg a week and bump it up by 100mg after the third week, then every week to find the sweet spot. Only with Tren A can you do this. Because it hits so quick you can feel an increase in a few day rather then weeks with Tren E. You will be in the sweet spot in 5 weeks. You would have to run tren E like 20 weeks plus to do this as each adjustment would take about 10 days to show.It would be like 3 months of tweaking it. Then by the time you figure it out cycle is over and then good luck finding the exact same potency the next time around.

If the lab is dosing and manufacturing their tren properly, potency variations should never be an issue. 300mg of our tren will feel like 300mg of tren, because it's 300mg of tren lol. Sometimes tren can get "overcooked" in the manufacturing process which can lead to degradation, in which case we throw it in the trash. :)
If the lab is dosing and manufacturing their tren properly, potency variations should never be an issue. 300mg of our tren will feel like 300mg of tren, because it's 300mg of tren lol. Sometimes tren can get "overcooked" in the manufacturing process which can lead to degradation, in which case we throw it in the trash. :)

I hear you but even when just considering the raws there will be variances unless your spectro analyzing each batch of new raws to make your potency correct. Not saying anything bad about your lab but we all know every lab skims a little to increase profit. 10mg's here 10mg's there Were no stupid:)
I hear you but even when just considering the raws there will be variances unless your spectro analyzing each batch of new raws to make your potency correct. Not saying anything bad about your lab but we all know every lab skims a little to increase profit. 10mg's here 10mg's there Were no stupid:)

"Some" labs do that yes....just like "some" labs go out of business whereas others stick around. Like you said, you people aren't stupid...I agree. Eventually people will catch on to a lab with poor practices, sales will drop, then scamming will begin to make up for lost profit. Temporarily this may lead to bigger profits, but in time it will lead to an inevitable downward spiral ending in the demise of a UGL. The best way to profit, is to consistently put out good product and keep customers happy and coming back. Our greatest asset is our customers, their word of mouth is the best advertising we have.
I've always ran prescription gear, test prop, test cyp, deca, primo.. However for the first time I'll be running PSL gear along with the pharma gear for my cycle,, we'll so how their test e, primo, Dbol, primo, masteron, NPP, proviron, and deca stack up :)
Back to the original question, has anyone tried this or a similar blend? Any opinions compared to single ester tren?
Used e and ace and loved both, never hex though. Interesting blend for an injectable kick start but prefer seperate esters in case I need to change things on the fly.