evansss training log

AngryMuscles said:
i bet ur shoulders are like coconuts

lol. they have a decent size but the problem is my arm's are too big (not really a problem) and it makes them look a bit disproportionate. im decently strong though so i dont really care.
AngryMuscles said:
arms bigger than shoulders?? that's pretty normal in lifting

true, but my arms are about 20 inches. not that a small guy or anything, but they are a bit unproportional.

Flat Bench 125x12/135x12/265x5/265x5/265x5/265x5/265x5
Incline Dbs 90x10/90x10/90x10
Incline Db Flys 50x10/50x10/50x10
Cable flys 35x10/35x10/35x10
Freemotion Calves 1 leg 200x15/200x15/200x15/200x15

Bench went up 5 pounds and still kept reps
Incline DBs and Incline flys i was able to hit a full 3 sets of 10
Cable Flys i went up 5 pounds and kept reps.]

Happy with my workout, but i was at my school gym, and the bench weight feels alot lighter than it usually does. weird.


Barbell Milt Press 95x8/135x8/185x6/225x3/205x4
Hammer Strength Milt Press 270x8/320x5/320x5
Upright Rows (Smith) 40x12/60x12/80x12/120x12
Front Raise 25x10/35x10/45x10/25x15
Lateral Raise Machine 60x12/80x12/100x8/140x8
Shrugs 90x12/180x12/270x10
Shrugs on Smith machine 180x12/270x12/270x10/290x8
Weight Crunches
25 Minutes on elliptical.

Went to a new gym today with my boy. Decided I'd do his workout for the hell of it which was similar to mine except all shoulders and he threw in shrugs too. I'm liking it, as i like a lot of volume, and we still hit it pretty heavy.


Front Squats 95x6/135x8/185x8/205x6
Squats 225x8/275x6/315x5
Leg ext. 150x15/195x15/225x12/255x10
Ham Curl 60x15/80x15/100x12/140x9
Calf Raise on Leg Press (dont remember weight/reps)

Got back into legs for the first time in a while. Felt a little wobbly on the squats, but was still able to throw around some decent weight. Got A2G on all but the set of 315, where i hit parallel but no further. Acceptable, but i like to squat deep.

ps. I cant walk now.


Deadlifts 45x12/135x10/225x10/315x10/405x2
Hammer Strength Low Row 90x10/180x112/270x10/360x8
Hammer Lat Pull 180x12/270x12/325x10/360x8
Smith Bent over row 90x12/140x12/180x10/230x6
Pulldowns (regular bar/grip) 120x12/150x12/210x8
Pulldowns (Close Grip/Triangle Grip) 120x10/165x10/195x10
Pulldowns ( Side Grip/ Nutrual grip) 120x10/165x10/195x10
Reverse Cable Flys 25x12/35x10/45x6
Lower Set 60x7


Flat Bench 135x12/135x12/265x5/265x5/265x5/265x5/265x5
Incline Dbs 90x10/90x10/95x10
Incline Flys 50x10/50x10/55x10
Cables 50x10/70x10/70x10

Bench stayed the same as last week but felt real light gonna go up to 270 next week
Incline dbs i was able to hit 95s for my last set
Flys i was able to hit 55s for my last set as well
Cables I wasn't able to gauge because the cables at my school are freemotion and totally different kind of weight.

bi's and tri's

BB Curls 45x15/65x12/95x10/115x8/135x6
Preacher 65x12/75x10/85x10/95x6
Hammer Curls 65x10/65x6/65x6
Cable Double Bi's 50x10/60x10/65x6
Close Grip 95x12/135x12/185x10/185x10/225x6
Overhead Ext 110x10/110x10/110x10
Pressdowns 50x10/50x10/50x10
Supinated Pressdowns 35x10/35x10/35x10
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Smith Milt Press 50x15/90x15/140x10/180x8
Hammer Strength 270x8/320x6/320x5
Upright Rows Smith 60x12/80x12/110x10/130x8
Front Raise 25x10/35x10/45x10/25x15
Lat Raise Machine 60x12/80x12/110x10/130x8
Shrugs 90x14/180x12/270x12/270x12

Wasnt able to get on the BB milt press so i used smith this week
I was able to squeeze out an extra rep on the hammer strength for my second rep
Everything else stayed the same for the most part.
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Chest/ calves

Flat Bench 45x20/135x12/135x12/270x5/270x5/270x5/270x5/270x5
Incline Dbs 95x10/95x10/95x10
Incline Flys 55x10/55x10/55x10
Decline Hammer 180x10/270x10/360x7
Cable Flys 70x10/80x10/70x10
Lower pec cables 40x10/40x10/50x40
Calf work. (Didnt write down)

25 mins of cardio

Bench went up 5 pounds and kept reps
Dbs went up 5 pounds and kept reps
Flys went up 5 pounds and kept reps
Cables i was able to go up in my 2nd set, but it was too much so i kept it at 70. Will go to 75 next week, not 80


Front Squats 45x12/95x6/135x8/185x8/205x6
Hack Squats 180x6/270x6/290x6/360x6
Leg Ext 140x15/200x15/220x15/260x10
Ham Curl 70x15/90x15/110x15/130x15

Front squats stayed the same
I started hacks today instead of regular squats just to switch it up
Leg ext's and ham curls both went up in significant weight with the reps staying the same

Im gonna be feeling it tomorrow.
AngryMuscles said:
wow. 270 bench

Thanks, but its pretty light compared to when i was going consistent. ( I think i was hitting sets at 305)

its going up pretty steadily though.