Evidence steroids are harmful to those under the age of 25?


New member
The unanimous consent on this forum is that steroids for people under the age of 25 are extremely harmful. Where is the evidence for this? Most posters retort facts about the HPTA and how the body already has a good degree of natural testosterone.

I understand the majority of young people do not have the discipline nor the knowledge to properly use AAS.

I'm finishing up my neuroscience/psychology major and one thing I've learned time and time again is the body is extremely resilient at a young age. Whereas when people become older, the body has an increasingly more difficult time to recover.

I simply do not see any evidence for why a 20 year old male will have more severe health effects than a 30 year old male who is taking steroids? THere is no way the 30 year old male's HPTA is more efficient and allows for better recovery.

If you're going to simply retort arguments without evidence, please do not post. I have tried to find evidence for both sides of the argument and have not found much.
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From what I've read by 25yrs old a man is done naturally developing. By using anabolics to soon could hinder natural gains. Not fully developing would be something someone would have to live with beyond aas.
I'm not saying I support anyone using under age 25, But I will say this. "using anabolics too soon can hinder natural gains" Ok wtf thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard. Using anabolics correctly will blow right past any natural gains someone would ever get.

Now I can understand if someone is 19 and 5 feet 4 inches 130lbs, then yes it is a dumb idea. But someone say 21-24 and 200lbs 6ft tall starts using steroids, how much "natural gains" is he missing out on?? None, because the muscles will develop as he uses the steroids. They will surpass natural gains in a very short time. Now if the user is smart and has a good diet, these gains can be permanent. The whole hinder natural gains thing just doesnt make sense to me, sorry but they are making gains with steroids anyways.
I used deca/winny/dbol/tren E/ and test when I was 17 I was probably close to 6' and close to 200lb I'm now 6'6'' and over 280lb , actually its was this site where I learned everything about steroids and how.to use them and in that day I always did post cycle therapy (pct) and everything to a T bc I knew it could be dangerous and I thought of it as a science I've learned a lot since then haha and grew over 6'' lol and packed on over 80lbs of mass and I'm not finished I'm still very young and my best years are ahead of me I believe another 80lbs and I might be happy lol
It is not a dumb post. All the reasoning behind not using steroids until 25 which i have found are simply theories, the fact is there have been no studies comparing doing a cycle at age 20 with proper post cycle therapy (pct) vs age 30
I think it's because men do not stop developing until they around 24-25. And anything thrown into this development proccess could cut you short on natural peak levels and things like that.
I used deca/winny/dbol/tren E/ and test when I was 17 I was probably close to 6' and close to 200lb I'm now 6'6'' and over 280lb , actually its was this site where I learned everything about steroids and how.to use them and in that day I always did post cycle therapy (pct) and everything to a T bc I knew it could be dangerous and I thought of it as a science I've learned a lot since then haha and grew over 6'' lol and packed on over 80lbs of mass and I'm not finished I'm still very young and my best years are ahead of me I believe another 80lbs and I might be happy lol

....and how old are you now?
Looking back, did the swinging hormones contribute to any academic, social, familial hardships at all? If not, I'd say you were an anomaly.
Are you in professional sports, or do you compete? I just can't fathom hitting the gas so early.
I'm not saying I support anyone using under age 25, But I will say this. "using anabolics too soon can hinder natural gains" Ok wtf thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard. Using anabolics correctly will blow right past any natural gains someone would ever get.

Now I can understand if someone is 19 and 5 feet 4 inches 130lbs, then yes it is a dumb idea. But someone say 21-24 and 200lbs 6ft tall starts using steroids, how much "natural gains" is he missing out on?? None, because the muscles will develop as he uses the steroids. They will surpass natural gains in a very short time. Now if the user is smart and has a good diet, these gains can be permanent. The whole hinder natural gains thing just doesnt make sense to me, sorry but they are making gains with steroids anyways.

You are missing the whole point. If you take steroids at a young age, if can alter your hpta permanently. If you are not fully developed, you are building a falsification action within your hpta, and when you stop using steroids, your baseline will be possibly much lower than normal.

When you are growing, your biochemical systems are continuously growing as well, which means all of your mechanistic systems are moving toward their final state of growth which they will remain. After your body stops growing, you biological systems will begin to degrade and normative values will slowly dwindle as you age. If you abuse steroids when you are young, your baseline values will get screwed up, and you can take a lot of points off of your normative values.
You are missing the whole point. If you take steroids at a young age, if can alter your hpta permanently. If you are not fully developed, you are building a falsification action within your hpta, and when you stop using steroids, your baseline will be possibly much lower than normal.

When you are growing, your biochemical systems are continuously growing as well, which means all of your mechanistic systems are moving toward their final state of growth which they will remain. After your body stops growing, you biological systems will begin to degrade and normative values will slowly dwindle as you age. If you abuse steroids when you are young, your baseline values will get screwed up, and you can take a lot of points off of your normative values.

...so basically you'll be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for life in worst case scenarios.
Personally I wouldn't trade a half an inch in height or a wider jaw that lasts your whole life for 30lbs right then and there that you can get afterwards. And top notch developed levels of hormones because you waited only benefit you in the end unless you opt for trt.
Are there any type of research studies which show this? I simply can't find them, just only theories.
you saying there are no studies that use of steroids shut down growth/development? That they dont affect hpta or close bone growth? Or have adverse mental effects on the young? You clearly are not looking very hard!
its more psychological development that is effected by steroid use under the age of 25. The pre-frontal cortex of most people is not fully developed until 25 the earliest. this is the most important part of the brain for development and as infection stated you can alter your hpta permanently.

Steroids will obviously have a positive effect on muscle building and bone density, but that will happen eventually with age and a proper workout routine. The point that everyone is trying to make is that using steroids at age 30 or 40 actually has a more positive effect on the user due to the senescence that inevitably happens with age. Using roids at an earlier age puts the body into an unnecessary "compensation" mode that will inhibit proper hormone output if proper protocol is not followed.

Who cares if members on this site are not posting studies that prove roid use at an early age is bad. Do you need to see studies showing that eating a big mac each day is bad for you, or can you connect the dots your self and understand why and how it would be bad? Read into the lifespan development of humans..you'll understand those theories you found a little better
IMO AAS can be harmful at ANY age. I think the people here around the age of 30 have mostly been lifting for at least a decade and have accepted the consequences of the lifestyle they live. A guy who is under 25 just isn't there yet mentally 90% of the time. SURE there are some who will continue to lift their whole life, but many young people stop. Just think how PACKED all of ours gyms will be after January 1st. By February 1st things will be back to normal. IMO if your a serious lifter or BB'er you should use AAS, not some far weather part-timer. That is my beef with young people using AAS, they just don't know what they want yet most of the time.

Just think of the things you THOUGHT were important @ 22y/o and think of what is ACTUALLY important now. I mean shit, I had a car payment that was as much as a mortgage at that age.... what a dumbass!
I did my first cycle when i as 17 I was 6 Ft at 17 and then two years after that i was 6ft 2inches. 3 years after that!. IM now 6ft 4inches. STEROIDS DID NOT MAKE ME STOP GROWING!! I DONT KNOW WHY PEOPLE SAY THEY DO! I GREW AFTER DOING THEM!