Excessive persperation on cycle


Olympian Bodybuilder
Is there anything to reduce the excessive sweating during a cycle? I work with asphalt out on the Highway and that stuff is already 300 degree's as it is , but in the summer , I am drenched to the point my pants are soaked to almost the knee's on a hot day. I look like I pissed my self! I just thought I would ask a knowledgable person as yourself.
Peace Oz
LOL I thought I was the only one that this happened to. I never really sweat even while working out I sweat very little but since I have been on I sweat just sitting still.
ha ha ya i know the feeling i woke up the other night and had sweated out a puddle of sweat about six inches round i beleive its all dependent on the amount of water u take in im an ironworker n i tie rebar 4 a living i sweat like a pig but whats up with the drool on the pillow ha! thats almost too much ha! the price we pay i guess!
I sweat all the time, like literally all the time, doctor says it is hyper active thyroid, and that is why I am a hard gainer, despite that I have been able to pack on the muscle and going strong at 44+ yrs old!
Yeah it gets about 110+ degrees down here. I actually find Underarmour helps. You are still gonna sweat buckets but, at least it wont soak through your clothes or make you uncomfortable or chaff (sp?).
Test makes you sweat. Tren makes you sweat worse. DNP makes you sweat the worst. Pretty much everyone experiences an increase in sweating while on gear. It kind of sucks but you just have to take it in stride. My girlfriend hates me in the winter because when I'm on gear I sleep with the windows open in December. Feels good to me, not so much to her. Get a good anti perspirant and dress in lighter color clothing on hotter days. Stay hydrated and cool. Eat healthier, watch the carb intake. All this should help.
The only thing you can do is go to the doctor and get RX meds for excess sweatings. There are orals and topical things to help.
Another option is Garnier's 48hr absolute dry deodorant. I import it from India. Shit is so powerful if you spray it on after a shower your bone dry. Uses minerals that trap water. Fallbacks are it is shit expensive and a bottle lasts a week tops. But if it is really an issue then their is nothing better. Also don't spray overly long in one area (IE armpits) otherwise you get this crystal build up which can chafe.
Yeah, Sweat Protect also works like that, it's even more effective because its designed for ppl with Hyperhidrosis (sweat-protect.com). If that doesn't help, there's Iontophoresis, just inform yourself on iontophoresis-device.com I'm kinda lazy right now ;)
All depends on water intake too me. I can drink a 20oz bottle of water and within five minutes its pouring out of me. I drank 3 gallons while at work two weeks ago and only pissed twice. I just bring extra clothes and change at lunch.