excessive sweating during cycle??

Look on the bright side, at least your not dripping sweat on some guys face. Seriously though, might be time for blood work. Happened to me big time on a test e / eq cycle. My creatine level was obscenely high. Bp was way up too.
I'm on a test e deca cycle as well, and I'm sweating all the time, I can almost ring out my shirt after I train.
60 lbs muscle in 3 months

I would wake up in pools of sweat and have to change clothes and put towels down to lay on to get back to sleep. I figured all the sweat was from my body growing so rapidly.

test/deca cycle 12 weeks

weeks 1-2
200mg test twice a week

weeks 3-10
200mg test 225mg deca twice a week

weeks 11-12
200mg test twice a week