Exo test as a contraceptive?


New member
Ive read a few pubmed article and posts here that exo test can be used as an effective contraceptive. But then again Ive also read of some guys getting thier girls pregnant on grams of test per week. Whats the word on test & sperm count?
im intrested beyond belief myself, I recently heard of this and want some more info why more test lessens my sperm count or what exactly it does do
lowers the chances --but there is still a chance

there a few on this board who have gotter their ladies preggies
whil on a heavy test cycle
its effective (not 100%). but if your on Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) then it wouldnt be effective at all.
Bimmer said:
what exactly does it do that makes it lessen the chances?

im not positive, but i believe female birth control pretty much works by raising estrogen levels, it works as a contraceptive and raises there libido, as if you are a male and you are taking testosterone it does the same thing. then again if you are taking Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) it will raise your free test and therefore make it alot easier to get a girl pregnant. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is used for infertiltiy in males.
I was on 2500mg of gear a week when my wife got pregnant, but I was also using hcg. Either way I would never bet on it
If you want small nuts and possibly permanent atrophy. Unless you are 60 years old dont bank on it being effective, would you really rely on something completely random with no real gaurantees?

Condoms and/or birth control pills much better.
im not looking to rely on it at all, rather I came across some articles around the time I started getting with this chick that isnt on any birth control. Made me wonder if I was, possibly an inherant benefit of being on a cycle w/test. Im only using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for the last 4 weeks so I havent started it yet. Even so I wont be busting any nuts inside her, thanks guys.