extreme bulking cycle! need help


New member
ok im starting to put together a bulking cycle! these arfe the gear that i can get test,deca,eq,tren,winny, im wanting to put on as much size as i possibly can,and my diet will productivly show that.witch i will be postinf soon in the diet forum. im leading towars test tren but not quit sure, i am scared of getting shut down from the deca witch has happened in the past.the eq helps me eat but i dont think it would be as good for me wanting to put on alot of mass and also causes axiety. but im really not sure what im wanting to do yet. i always try to lean bulk but im a hardgainer so i think i need to bulk without worrying about that this time and just get the mass first then worry about taking the fat off later. what do you guys think the best way to put this cycle togother. i have used all of these compounds besides Winstrol (winny). this will be my 5 cycle. im 6'2 223 and 26 years old. please help thanks
i'd probably go either test/deca or test/tren... but if your worried about being shut down hardcore then i would stray away from the tren
any decent cycle is going to shut you down, if you are on test though you wont notice. Running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during a cycle will keep things working anyway. Its running deca on its own that will leave you feeling like crap
for mass, cant beat test/deca
bigggdoggg said:
wats a good dose test 600 deca 500. and should i use a-dex for water and gyno?

That's a good dose. Depending on your experience, since this is an "extreme bulking cycle", I would consider bumping up the test a bit (but not the deca) and/or possibly starting with a little dbol for the first 6 weeks.

An alternative would be to run test/tren and maybe even eq. Although eq isn't all that effective for me, it could add some anabolism for you without androgenic sides. Anxiety from eq is not very common, more people get it from tren and if you've used that with success...

And yes, I would recommend using arimidex or aromasin.
test/deca/tren....accept no substitute.
1,000/500/500...grow, grow, grow.
Might want to add some daily letro to thr regime too.
my body fat is around 11% and i was thinking test 700 deca 400 cause thats the amount of deca i have but i can get more if needed. i also have a bottle of test propinate i wanted to throw in at the beggining to get a jump start. what do you think?
If you get Anxiety from EQ, stay away from tren.

Weeks 1-12

Week 1-4
Test prop@50mgs ED or D-bol@40mgs

Run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or Proviron throughout cycle. Have Nolva on hand.
Test/tren/eq my favorite stack for putting on size..also run some d-bol in the first 5-6 weeks of the cycle like trev said
A better use of the prop would be to finish the cycle. If you want to get it started more quickly, you can frontload the long esters.
I love/hate tren ...I just had a tren episode 20 min ago because my wife made me repeat myself twice.I just quietly close3d my eyes and waited for the hotflash to subside....works very well
12-14wks is long enough for good results with the deca @ 400mg/mk and test @ 700mg/wk. I would use the prop like Trevdog say, as you will get a more lean hardened gain towards the end of the cycle. I would also use armidex/anastrozle @ .50mg ed thruout cycle and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 500IU 2-3 times a wk up to post cycle therapy (pct). It will help greatly from getting atrophy and help with recovery later.

yes i got it down test 700mg deca 400mg for 12 weeks. but when should i throw in the prop and at what dose
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