eye's covered in "sleep"?


Mr. Homewrecker
I'm not sure of the propper term for this crap that is in the corner of your eyes when you wake up in the morning. We'll call it "sleep" until someone posts a better word for it.

Anyhow, halfway through my first cycle, I would wake up each morning with both my eyes completely covered in this crap! I couldn't see very well untill I took a shower and washed this stuff out of my eyes.

As soon as I finished my cycle this stopped happening.

Anyone else have this happen, or know what the deal is?!

One guy (who's not a very reliable source of info) told me that this was protein buildup. WTF?! I don't understand how this would be possible. My intake of protein didn't drop off after I ended the cycle.

I started my cycle using 250mg of Organon Sostenon per week, 100mg of Organon Deca-Durabolin per week, for 3 weeks. The last 3 weeks I doubled my sostenon intake to 500mg per week, and added Loelfler Revorvit-B to the mix. I was injecting the D-bol at first, but started to get these huge ass lumps on my ass. They hurt like a mother fucker! Not cool! I talked to a guy that used to play for the Texas Longhorns (UT Austin). He told me to NEVER inject Reforvit-B. He said its to dangerous to inject it because the quality is crap. He said to take the stuff orally. Less effective but much safer he said.

Could the Reforvit-B have been the problem?
Wow........never heard of this before being a cause of AS. Bump for some help for you.
I think the word your looking for is crust, not to difficult but ok. As for the reforvit-b well it is really painful for injection and almost as effective (if youll even notice) orally, so just take it with a drink.
I agree with Dougoefre5h. Sounds more like a coincidental eye infection. I know if I get a sinus cold it will come out that way. It's just excess mucus. I have heard of people who feel flu like symptoms on certain AAS, did you feel ill, or under the weather in anyway? It may be you just had an infection as you were on a cycle.
Use colirium Eye wash. you can get it in walgreens, CVS. Use it until the symptoms dissapear. I had the same problem.
It wasn't pink eye. My eyes weren't irritated at all. I just had this film over both of them. I've never had this before. It only happened to me when I was on the juice.:dunno:
i get that after a night of heavy drinking. I also grew up calling it "sleep"

I also ghet it relatyively heavy because i've had three eye surgeries and my lids dont close, but 95% shut when I sleep.
i grew up calling it sleep also. i usually wake up with a little sleep in my eyes every morning, kinda a normal thing i would say. however, whenever summer hits in louisiana, my allergies get worse and my eyes get really irritated which makes me scratch the shit out of them. when i wake up, my eyes are usually swollen and have a shit load of sleep on them.

for some reason, i had more sleep on my eyes while i was on cycle also...
I'm sure it's along the lines of increased oil and mucous during your cycle due to increased horomone levels. I never experienced this exact sympton, but I can count on my skin and hair taking on a somewhat oily look using those drugs you mentioned, especially test.

If your off and it's still around I would think about seeing a doc if it is that bothersome. You never know, it could be some kind of infection.