fall/winter precontest bulking blast


New member
so after much consideration at the end of my last cycle I decided to cruise until ready to blast so I can hold as much size and run the cycles I want before a show I am intending to do next year..

so my first cycle was 500mg/week of test-e along with aromasin on cycle at 12.5mg ed and I ran this cycle for 12 weeks

I did a log with this cycle here: http://www.steroidology.com/forum/my-steroid-cycle-forum/651266-first-cycle-12-week-test-e-4.html

I finished up the last week of august and cruised until this past sunday at 300mg/wk

my fall/winter bulk will consist of the following
week 1 through 18 600mg/wk t400
week 1 through 16 400mg/wk deca
week 1 through 2 100mg anadrol ed
week 3 through 4 150mg anadrol ed
week 8 though 13 60mcg igf-1 ed
throughout entire cycle and into cruise 12.5mg aromasin ed
week 1 through 16 0.25mg prami eod
week 1 through 18 500iu hcg a week

I decided to start my blast early for two reasons(and I may get flamed for this)... first my work... I am currently off for 8 weeks and want to get the most out of this as I can (may not return to work at all, may go land based for better gym access) and 2nd is timing.. I want to be able to cruise for 12 weeks next year before starting my precontest cut and I figured it would be better to cut this cruise short than cutting it short after a harsher cycle

I will post up some picks tomorrow as well as measurements and my routine just as I did in my last log

stats as of today are:
18.5% bf
4200cal/370protien/450carb/105fat per day (7 meals including shakes)
so like I said I started sunday, 100mg anadrol ed, 12.5mg aromasin ed, ive done 2 shots thus far of 200mg deca and 300mg t400

each shot is just under 2ml in total and shots are done sunday night and Thursday morning along with 250iu hcg Monday and Thursday

only issue thus far is when I do a delt shot I can see oil leaking out when I take out the pin, is 2ml too much for a delt shot?

other than that all is well
Age is 24. I had my bf checked a few months back with my work with a 5 point caliper test. At that time I took some measurements and used an online calculator and got back 20.5. The same number I got with the doc. So I checked it again a few weeks back using the same site and it came back with 18.5. Which I figured was handy because physically I look leaner tHan I did then
ok so 3rd pin was tonight .75ml of t400 and 1ml deca ... t400 is a 200mg/ml test-e and 200mg/ml test-c blend... and deca is dosed at 200mg/ml... also another 250iu hcg tonight.. still continuing my 12.5mg dose of aromasin and 100mg anadrol.... will strt prami at .25mg eod possibly tomorrow... not in a big rush because it takes deca so long to build up

just a quick question.. how long does it normally take you guys to feel anadrol...ive been taking 100mg ed split into am and preworkout doses for 8 days now and not sure if I feel anything ... im up 4lbs in a week but I would imagine its only water.. will continue at that dose until next sunday when ill up it to 150mg ed

will try and get pics and measurements up early this week.. been kinda busy lately
I hope you understand what you're getting yourself into running such a cycle. Good luck to you.
workout tonight was shoulders traps and forearms...
barbell press 245x12 245x12 245x12
dumbbell press 135x12 135x7 135x7 and a drop set on the last set 100x12 80x12
bent over flye ss with lat raise 45x15 for 3 sets on flyes and 35x15 35x11 35x10 for lat raise and a dropset one the last set of lat raises 30x7 25x10
dumbbell shrugs 135x15 135x15 135x15 dropsets on last set 110x15 100x15
reverse grip curls 85x15 85x15 85x15

so the biggest difference in my routine now compared to before is higher reps (12-15) as opposed to the 6 4 and 2 before.. also incorporated supersets on the lest exercise for a bodypart each day and on the last set of an exercise ive incorporated dropsets ... basically getting as much blood as I can into the muscles
thanks bro.. I do understand in terms of being shutdown for an extended period of time meaning reduced chance of recovery, and possibly permanent shutdown

any advice would be greatly appreciated though.. do you think this may be too advanced of a cycle? or is the concern with the duration?
Yes I believe the cycle is too advanced for your second one. And I'd be more then happy to give you a free critique in my free diet advice thread. If your looking for someone to set up your whole contest prep you can become a client. Check out my website

thanks for the input.. what would you change about the cycle? from what ive read test/deca is a pretty common 2nd cycle and ive seen lots of people use an oral kicker even on their first cycle .. as for the igf that's not set in stone, im just considering it, its effects greatly intrigue me, but I can definatly hold off on it if that would be the better option..

as for the free diet advice ive already gone that route and changed my diet as per the advice you gave me ..... as for becoming a client for pre contest prep im extremely interested, how long do you normally run a program like that given my stats?
so tonight was legs
squats worked up to 415 for 3 then did 3 sets 375x5 3 sets 335x8 3 sets 305x12
leg press 560x20 560x20 560x20
leg extensions 110x10 110x10 110x10
stiff legged deadlift 175x15 175x15 175x15
single leg curl 85x20 85x20 85x20
standing calf raise 260x20 260x20 260x20
single calf press 380x20 380x20 380x20

will also start prami tonight at 0.25mg eod and will keep it at that dose unless I see any sides (ie libido/deca dick or lactate)... will also take it before I go to bed as Ive read it can be harsh on the stomach and many people avoid that by sleeping through it