Fast Food


New member
Hi guys was just looking for some advice,
I consider myself to be somewhat of an ectomorph and I am looking to bulk up,
My diet is actually really good and I am gaining but I work at a fast food resteraunt...
On work days I find myself eating crap..

What could you recommend I eat that has decent nutritional values?
I have been eating southern fried chicken breasts but have read online that even without the skin these can be up to 40% fat....

crush em with some paper towels and look at the grease left in it.

I love fried chicken..moderation bro..
I wouldn't trust ANYTHING from a fast food joint, period.

If you find yourself eating crap, you're not eating enough in your "mass gain diet". That's how I see it...
I know I am trying to stay away from all fast foods,
everything we sell is deep fried except for Beef Burgers which are grilled or pizza,
Not much better, I think the chicken is the lesser of two evils...
i eat for free in work brother :D
I wouldnt mind bringing my own food but I only have two long shifts a week where I would have to eat there, every other day I can easily avoid it...
If I were you, I'd limit to fried chicken breast.
P.S. I like from time to time KCF's crispy strips with garlic sauce. :P
A friend of mine posted a picture with a caption on face book, it was McDonalds, Burger King, and Wendy***8217;s both with a burger and fries in an open are case left to sit for 2 years......needless to say no mold no deterioration that***8217;s why you should not eat fast food, ever watch supersize me? pack some good clean healthy foods the night before you will be shocked what it does to your appearance. I pack 3 meals the prior night, all brown rice with broccoli, chicken, or tuna, or something clean no salts no dressings nothing.
You just eat light Grilled Chicken, light roast chicken and avoid Roast turkey ranch and bacon sandwich because chicken have 30 or more grams of protein, and are under 300 total calories. So eat these type of fast food and feel happy.
Yeah bring your food people look at me weird when I'm eating my fresh home Cook meal at work. Normal people eat whatever and that's why normal people look like shit
I bought a 6 pack fitness bag for work and i just feel it up everynight and take that with me. Having that bag really helps me keep on track.
Yeah bring your food people look at me weird when I'm eating my fresh home Cook meal at work. Normal people eat whatever and that's why normal people look like shit

These are the people that ask why you are eating that food when you are so thin..

They feel a diet is something you go to lose 10 lbs before you go back and wreck yourself again.
Yeah bring your food people look at me weird when I'm eating my fresh home Cook meal at work. Normal people eat whatever and that's why normal people look like shit

These are the people that ask why you are eating that food when you are so thin..

They feel a diet is something you go to lose 10 lbs before you go back and wreck yourself again.