Feeling good......


"Resident BadAss"
I have to say that I had a pretty good session tonight at the gym & I feel pretty good about how things are slowly turning out. I got a little paranoid about not gaining as fast as I wanted to, but I am going to be a little more patient. I am now 22 days into my cycle.

Weight is up to 188.6 tonight. I'm feeling like I'm losing my abs though. Damn Dbol......
5'10"....weight as of last night was 188.6lbs.

My bodyfat is still considerably low.....in the 7% range from what I have been measuring. My abs were relaxed & my stomach is kinda poking out, so the picture would argue with my 7% reading. Its accurate though. I can't wait until the dbol is up. I have the rest of this week, & 1 more week left. Then I am going to start tren @ 37.5mg per day.

Bye Bye water weight & fat.
Ok, well I just got back from the beach tonight. Had a great time. Ate some great food. (Clean food most of the time)

I was driving myself crazy because I had not weighed since last Tuesday, so last night I drove up on a Winn Dixie & went inside to use their scale. They have this huge scale in the front of every store, I guess so fat people can use it, I don't know. But the damn things are accurate, so I couldn't help myself............

Now, before I went on my trip I weighed 187

Last night................196!!!!!!!!!! WTF? I'm freaking out! I don't look like I have gained that much weight? I don't feel that bloated at all either. But hey, I'm happy. I'm sure that it can only be good, as my strength has probably gone up considerably, and I'm back in the gym tomorrow to test the waters.

(And yeah, I worked out in the hotel training facility....lol....it sucked)
looking good man, your not running any testosterone compounds with ur dbol or tren?
Front side looks good, but imo youre lacking back. Calves look pretty good but no wheel pic?
Keep it up bro!
Nicely balanced I recon. I'd agree with the above post and say more back. It will def make u look more awesome than you do already. Well done.

7 % bodyfat? *slaps you* :) I cant wait to see myself at that percentage. Keep it up.
Thanks guys. Yeah, I'm lacking back for a reason. I don't want to go above a 44R suit. I wear them every day & honestly, I don't want to out grow them. I don't do deads, but I do everything else.

I'm thinking about getting back into modeling soon, so if I do I will have to be a 44R tops. Kinda sucks, but if I can make some extra income, I will have no problem sacrificing a little size.

My legs are good....I think there is a pic of them in another post I made in this forum...they are around 24" right now, which I'm happy with.
Thanks for the comments all. Yeah, I have busted my ass this time around, & I feel like its paying off. I can honestly say that I am very pleased with 500mg of cypionate a week. I have gained very well, & in the future I think this will be the highest that I go.

I opted not to take the tren, just because I can't risk gettin acne. I got it before from tren, & with me potentially getting back into modeling, I just don't want to take the chance. So, I am substituting it with Winstrol (winny) @ 50mg per day orally. 25mg in the morning & 25mg at night. We will see how it goes. So far I'm noticing more vascularity & strength is still going up. We are in the middle of week 7 now. 2 more weeks of cyp & 3 more of winny.

I am hitting cardio in a major way, & my weight is around 192 right now. I'm trying to keep the water off & get lean now. My diet is good, & I'm not going to be cheating for a while.