Feeling very average the last few days, Due to flu or?


New member
OK. So this current cycle, I am on 1gram deca. currently in week 9, 1gram deca, 125mg of sus. And the first 6 weeks ran 600mg of tren e. Was a waste really. lol

Anyway, yes I jumped back on cycle because I tried a hefty PCT with HCG, Clomid, tamox and some DAA for a while and my bloods still came back tanked.

Test came back at 4nmol, lol, range of 8-32 and lh and fsh were still tanked like they were on cycle. Anyway so on week 9 of this cycle and yesterday and today have been feeling quite shitty. Tired, not overally great, no europhic feeling. Before this, thing were going OK but hit me all of a sudden. I did develop the flu about a week ago and I can still feel I have it as I feel drained, but not sure if its what is causing this. Perhaps it is, im not sure.

Anyways, went and got bloods done yesterday. Thought perhaps my RBC was high from the high deca use so after draining a bit I felt a tad better but not long after felt shitty again. I had the following labs tested for.

hemacrit and iron. Im sure there was another one but cant remember. To hard trying to get proper bloods with a WHOLE LIST OF THINGS in Australia. Docs tell you no etc etc such a head FUCK.

Pretty sure liver and kidneys to but cant remember.

im currently NOT using an AI or PA. Stupid I know. ANYONE offer any input?

Libido wise im very horny lol. Always thinking about pussy. No issues of deca dick or anything. And people say im using to low of test lol. Have 0 issues in that department.

Also can high prolactin interfere with your dopamine levels and have you feeling no europhic feeling?
You probably need to up your test if you feel like shit. I tried the whole low test high tren theory. Ended up feeling terrible. Upped test to 500ew and feel amazing.
You probably need to up your test if you feel like shit. I tried the whole low test high tren theory. Ended up feeling terrible. Upped test to 500ew and feel amazing.

Thanks mate, altho the issue with that is, my e2 would skyrocket and I don't have any e2 blockers on me. Im thinking it could be the reason to. But while I wait for the tests to come back, just gathering everyones opinions.
1G of deca jesus, any more than 600 and I feel like a bag of shit, lethargic, bloated, slightly depressed, cant get my dick up, IMHO that dose of test is FAR too low for that dose of deca.
So you guys both agree that the dose of test is to low and to up it?

Im super sensitive to test and even the slightest amount makes me wanna rape any girl. fml

But perhaps the deca is causing a massive libido increase to. What do you guys think I shuld up the test to? shredder what do u think?

Yes I aws going to order some from ar-r, being in Australia and the time difference I missed there damn sale!
Keep in mind any of my advice on the use of anabolics is strictly my opinion and is based on what I have done and things I have learned or encountered. With that said, I find no better results once you pass 600mg/week with Deca, only more unwanted side effects, and as far as test goes I find the same thing but at 750mg/week. More IS NOT better all the time, something that would work is Deca at 400 and test at 600, this doseage has worked great for me as well 800 test 600 deca has worked great too. And you need an AI end of story, but in all honesty what you need to do is not fuck around trying to figure out a good dose to make you feel good, my opinion bro, is to come off completely run a PCT and get bloodwork done to properly medicate any issues you have if need be. Get you ducks in a row before you shoot man.
Honestly why would you even run a cycle once you know you should have a AI and a progesterone blocker on handy if you don't have them. That is why you feel like shit. Its probably a combination of you not using anything to control estrogen and progesterone. And also a combination of to much gear and not doing a proper PCT or I should say being able to recover using a proper pct. I think you are on the fast track to TRT if you don't give your self some real time to recover from the cycles you have run.
I will state it one more time. I did do a PCT. waited the appropriate time and got BW done and DID NOT RECOVER!

I jumped back on because I lost a ton of mass. I mean. Who the hell wouldn't with test levels of 4nmol lol.

Anyone else have any input?
Please stick to the topic guys, this isn't about why im back on cycle etc etc. Its offering opinions about my question.
Honestly why would you even run a cycle once you know you should have a AI and a progesterone blocker on handy if you don't have them. That is why you feel like shit. Its probably a combination of you not using anything to control estrogen and progesterone. And also a combination of to much gear and not doing a proper PCT or I should say being able to recover using a proper pct. I think you are on the fast track to TRT if you don't give your self some real time to recover from the cycles you have run.

No disrespect mate. But I followed austinites pct he layed out for me via PM so if you think its not a proper PCT you can take that up with him.
If he was offering you solid advice, why didn't you tell him that you had not recovered properly? I imagine he would've had you extend your PCT. Your body WILL recover IF you stop abusing it, toco!
it's not all about mass.. U shouldn't have jumped into a new cycle before making sure you have recovered completely.
Doing a pct, doesn't mean u are recovered, only blood work will confirm.. That's why a blood panel is needed after pct to confirm recovery.
IMO. U emplified the prob by jumping again , and yes 1 gm of deca is too much.