Feeling very average the last few days, Due to flu or?

it's not all about mass.. U shouldn't have jumped into a new cycle before making sure you have recovered completely.
Doing a pct, doesn't mean u are recovered, only blood work will confirm.. That's why a blood panel is needed after pct to confirm recovery.
IMO. U emplified the prob by jumping again , and yes 1 gm of deca is too much.

You say you want to know why you feel bad. But than I offer you advice about why you are not feeling okay and you say it is not staying on subject. I said it could be from not doing a proper pct or not recovering right from your pct. If your blood work shows up that you have low testosterone after you did a cycle the last thing you want to do is hop back on cycle. Basically all that does is stop your body from any natural recovery it already started and puts you back at square one. I don't know what your PCT was that is why I said maybe you did not do a proper PCT or maybe you did not properly recover from it.

It sounds like I was right you did not recover from the pct. To over look that being possibly part of the problem as to why you don't feel ok or normal would be limiting your possibilities in solving your problem. I never said their was anything wrong with the PCT. I know Austinites PCT procedures and they are all great. It sounds like you just cycled for to long or just simply didn't recover. Like I said though you should start using an AI and something to block progesterone if you want to start narrowing down what your problems could be. I wasn't trying to turn this into a does taco do PCT or not thread or if your PCT was worthy or not thread. I was just simply trying to answer your question with the facts you laid out.

Still though all you are doing is putting your self on TRT if you started using steroids again because your levels were low. Basically if you want to get those levels back to normal or try to you should go see a good TRT doctor or some one who specializes in that area of expertise. And if you feel shitty and like something is off all I can say really is go get blood work or play the guessing game with AI's and anti progesterone medication. Good luck.
I had bloodwork done, 8 weeks post pct.

They were at 4nmol. What makes you think they are going to recover from a hefty blast/cruise for almost 2 years? No wonder. Yes im going to end up on TRT. I jumped back on cycle because I lost a shit ton of mass.

The body is not going to just rebound back just like that. Not after using deca/tren in some of my cycles, and tren 5-6x with test.
I had bloodwork done, 8 weeks post pct.

They were at 4nmol. What makes you think they are going to recover from a hefty blast/cruise for almost 2 years? No wonder. Yes im going to end up on TRT. I jumped back on cycle because I lost a shit ton of mass.

The body is not going to just rebound back just like that. Not after using deca/tren in some of my cycles, and tren 5-6x with test.

You must be fahking hooge dude
I cant even imagine how big id get if I was on for that long. Maybe one day ill stay on forever and be big like you
I cant even imagine how big id get if I was on for that long. Maybe one day ill stay on forever and be big like you

OK mate. Each to there own. I can almost guarantee you do things that I never would. You probably drink alcohol, or smoke, go to clubs and b bars and blow money on worthless drinks. I don't do any of that shit.

Anyone else have opinions? I shall pick up the blood tests today.