Filtering Question - In Need of Answer


New member
Okay, just did two batches of 40ml Tren Enth. I was told that one Whatman filter could easily do 100ml so I used one filter for the two 40ml bottles. But, as you can see in this pic:


The vial on the left was the first one filtered and the vial on the right was the second. You can see that the vial on the right isn't as clear as the one on the left. It has to be a result of the filtering too because I did two more vials through a brand new Whatman and the same thing happened. First one filtered is nice and clear, second one filtered is not so clear.

Now, my question is, even though it's not as clear as the first vial, is it still good to go or should I do something with it?

Appreciate your advice!!
So the first vial between both batches has always turned out more clear than the second one?

I'm wondering if you might have pulled back on the plunger to stop the flow while transfering from one vial to the other and that screwed up the filter? It's possible that you did something that blew out the filter (and did it twice) that now effected the second vial.

I would refilter it with a new Whatman, shit it's only like $10 with shipping included for a Whatman. In my opinion it's worth it.
Actually Cause4alarm you are right. There were two ways I considered doing it. One was to use a 20ml syringe to push it through the Whatman. I read that using this size syringe made it very difficult to push through the filter. I did try it and found that it was pretty tough.

Second method I was instructed about was to take a smaller syringe, in this case I used a 3ml and backload it with another syringe. This way the one syringe is always attached to the filter. So, every time I needed to backload the syringe, I had to pull the plunger out. So that in fact would have done what you mentioned.

I'm going to refilter the two bottles. As you said, the price of the filter is cheaper then taking the chance.
One question though. After filtering, obviously I'll have to push more GSO through the filter to make sure all the solution is pushed out of the filter. Will this not now give the solution more oil then is called for? Normally would finish pushing 5ml GSO through filter, should I go with less this time?

Thanks for the help!
it will add more oil to the solution. some guys will set aside a few ml's of oil from the total they are suppose to use just for that purpose.
it will add more oil to the solution. some guys will set aside a few ml's of oil from the total they are suppose to use just for that purpose.

Exaclty, when first brewing it, 5ml's was put aside for this. But if I do this again and more oil is added, then I no longer know the dosage of the stuff.
So what happened here? I took one of the clear 40ml vial and was putting it into individual 10ml vials and got this:


Something happened to two of them and not sure what. The one on the left is clear, the right one is weird looking, almost like it cyrstalized or something. Did everything the same as I did when bottling the Test and had no issues. I'm confused as to what happened with these
Exaclty, when first brewing it, 5ml's was put aside for this. But if I do this again and more oil is added, then I no longer know the dosage of the stuff.

I understand what you're saying and for the fact that you would have to refilter again you would also like to push that little bit of additional oil thru the Whatman to clean it out.

When I brew tren (and use a Whatman) I usually only push thru 1 or possibly 2 cc's at the very most thru to clean the filter. So if you are going to refilter, adding the additional 1cc of oil will alter your conversion a tad but if this is for yourself I wouldn't worry too much about it.

So what happened here? I took one of the clear 40ml vial and was putting it into individual 10ml vials and got this:

Something happened to two of them and not sure what. The one on the left is clear, the right one is weird looking, almost like it cyrstalized or something. Did everything the same as I did when bottling the Test and had no issues. I'm confused as to what happened with these

All you did was draw straight out of the larger vial and relocated into small vials, huh?

Is it just the picture or does the vial on the left looks as though there is something floating around in the bottom?

I'm not sure what could have happened here, have you tried to shake it up a bit? I've experienced that sometimes when the oil is still hot that shaking it up a bit in the vial helps everything combine. If nothing settles in the vial after waiting awhile, try heating it again.

One more question, you said this is tren enanthate correct? So I'm assuming that you have the raw powder, what was your process in doing this experiment and what chems and % of the chems did you use? We need to get to the bottom of this.
Okay, the worry has settled ;) I put the vials in a pan on low heat for a couple minutes and they are back to nice and clear as they were before. Maybe it was just too cool in the room while I was doing this or something, don't know but they are a beautiful sight now

As for refiltering the other two, I will push 1ml at the most through the filter once I'm finished. I think I would rather lose a small amount of solution then change the dosage very much...

Thanks for your replies and help C4A
I've got one 40ml vial here that is puzzling. After I heated it, it looked great, same as the others. Filtered it, looked great still. After it sat for a while it got real foggy like, no where near as clear as it was. I heated it up just a bit again and it looked perfect. But, after sitting again, back to foggy...

Any ideas what's up with this one and is there something I can do to correct it? Or is it okay?
I've got one 40ml vial here that is puzzling. After I heated it, it looked great, same as the others. Filtered it, looked great still. After it sat for a while it got real foggy like, no where near as clear as it was. I heated it up just a bit again and it looked perfect. But, after sitting again, back to foggy...

Any ideas what's up with this one and is there something I can do to correct it? Or is it okay?

It's crashing, and it will be a painful injection days later.
Run down for me the exact product you made (though I'm sure it's listed above) and let me know how many mg/ml your goal was then tell me exactly how much powder u used, how many ml of oil, co-solvents, solvents, and alcohol you used.
Recollect back if you can and think whether or not you are for sure that your measurements were exactly what you're going to be telling me they were and I will try to get it straight for you.
tren doesnt always brew clear.. varies from batch to batch.. ut in your case you have the same batch with different results.. something either went wrong in the brew or something unsterile in the vial.. ifyou heat it and it stays clear your good.. if it goes back to cloudy somethings wrong and the depot will be painful post injection.. if you used EO you should let it cool before filtering.. tends to take the plastic with it.. could actually be overdosed in that single or multiple vial if it wasnt stirred and brewed properly..
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Just for everyone's knowledge who is interested in this post.
Animalized PM'd me and ran down exactly how he brewed this gear.
1st problem I told him that I noticed was the fact that he did not use Any Benzyl Benzoate!
For future reference guys:
I know there is info out there that BB is not important in some conversions but honestly I must disagree.
Use BB in a minimum of 15% in all conversions to make the brewers life more simple. It is cheap in the scheme of things and there is really no reason not to.
Second: Tren E at 250 is close to this compounds threshold. Tren E is not like Test E and does not want to hold at high concentrations Like Test E at 400 etc. Tren E is best made at 200mg/ml.
That is not to say you cannot get it to hold higher!!! Just that it's pushing it and 200 makes for smooth painfree pins.

I sort of agree with you Greazy (PS... what's up bro? haven't heard from you in a while lol. Don't see you over here with us brewers much anymore!) I agree that I believe his technique in stirring and the lack of BB and possibly uneven heating and maybe non accurate heating has led to the concentration being stronger at the bottom of his beaker and when he has aspirated syringes full from the top he is getting low concentration gear, filtering it and it is staying clear and the lower he aspirated from in that brewing beaker the more concentrated stuff he got, filtered it then it has begun to crash cause it is probably dosed at upwards of 300mg/ml

Lastly: He put his BA and oil and powder together first to mix.
Always put the powder and Sovents co-solvents together to heat first. Example: Powder BB and BA in beaker first, heated and stirred properly until NO swirls.............. THEN add your HOT/WARM carriers GSO, CSO, CO, SSO, EO and combinations of these..... IN SMALL INCREMENTS.
Hope this clears up a lil bit of the mystery.
Jstarks thats what I did and my very first batch turned out fantastic.

GSO warming in its own beaker and pan.
BA, BB, Powder in beaker in its own pan, manual stir\swirl till liquid golden and clear. Temp about 156.3F I turned off the heat at one point and it ran to 170f ish, (would have to check my notes) put it on the side oven mit and let it cool to 140 ish where I then started the filter process. I stirred it and such several times during my filter process. I did notice that there was some white fluff at the bottom.
Can you go and check my pictures please.. Everyone...There was some stuff on the bottom of my GSO beaker...No idea wtf it was.

I added my oil into my BB, BA, Powder mixture all at once, not in small increments. It was warmer or as warm as the other mixture. (did not take the temp though, perhaps I should have)

I have another brew session coming up depending on the tests of my last batch :)
Jstarks thats what I did and my very first batch turned out fantastic.

GSO warming in its own beaker and pan.
BA, BB, Powder in beaker in its own pan, manual stir\swirl till liquid golden and clear. Temp about 156.3F I turned off the heat at one point and it ran to 170f ish, (would have to check my notes) put it on the side oven mit and let it cool to 140 ish where I then started the filter process. I stirred it and such several times during my filter process. I did notice that there was some white fluff at the bottom.
Can you go and check my pictures please.. Everyone...There was some stuff on the bottom of my GSO beaker...No idea wtf it was.

I added my oil into my BB, BA, Powder mixture all at once, not in small increments. It was warmer or as warm as the other mixture. (did not take the temp though, perhaps I should have)

I have another brew session coming up depending on the tests of my last batch :)

Looking pretty good here. Try to keep better tabs on your temps. While heating (pre filtration) keep heat at 95 degree C. Then turn heat down a tad (no lower than 75 degree C) for filtration. But remember, as long as you don't apply too much pressure, you can filter at 95 degree with a whatman filter.
Just want to clear up that I did not put the BA, GSO and powder in the beaker all at the same time. The BA and powder were put together, then after they heated to the point there was no swirls or anything, THEN I added the GSO. Also, the 40ml vial we're talking about was brewed all on it's own. The 40ml's were taken out of one 40ml vial and then filtered into another, sterile 40ml vial. So there can't be any inconsistency with the dosage.
Just want to clear up that I did not put the BA, GSO and powder in the beaker all at the same time. The BA and powder were put together, then after they heated to the point there was no swirls or anything, THEN I added the GSO. Also, the 40ml vial we're talking about was brewed all on it's own. The 40ml's were taken out of one 40ml vial and then filtered into another, sterile 40ml vial. So there can't be any inconsistency with the dosage.

I am not an expert but no BB?
and BA at what 2%?
BB would have been 18-20%
Did you compensate with oil for the volume?
did you pre-warm your GSO?
What temp did you bring the whole mixture to? Does this even matter? if its above 120F?

Still learning sorry for the questions....
I am not an expert but no BB?
and BA at what 2%?
BB would have been 18-20%
Did you compensate with oil for the volume?
did you pre-warm your GSO?
What temp did you bring the whole mixture to? Does this even matter? if its above 120F?

Still learning sorry for the questions....

Yes, no BB because as you can find in this forum, there are posts where some mention that they never use BB. Even talking to some in private this is what they do.

Check out this thread: