Fina Aggression???


NPC Amateur Competitor
Just curious.....I'm doing my first cycle of fina with propionate. 1 1/2 cc's of fina and 1 1/2 cc's of prop. every day. Is the fina making me CRAZY and AGGRESSIVE?? or is it the combo of the two?? I'm also doing 9IU's of gh every day, and 25mg of Anavar (var) ed. Any feedback would be appreciated!!:)
I'm on fina/prop/enan right now and I know exactly what you're talking about. Test alone does not do it like this to me. I'd like to try tren on it's own to see if it has the same effect.
Never experienced any mood changes or aggression on fina, in fact it put me in a better mood beleive it or not :)
Thanks guys!! Bouncer- This is so much more intense than any cycle of test, d-bol, anadrol, halotest....I've done it all. Nothing is close.

Buffdawg- I feel like you said- Short tempered. But, I try my best not to take it out on my little petite.

GB- It's good to hear that I'm not the only one!! If you hear about anyone doing fina alone I would like to hear about it.

Are my mg's high or low?? Approx. 112 mg ed.
Thanks again!!-BP
bigpresser said:

GB- It's good to hear that I'm not the only one!! If you hear about anyone doing fina alone I would like to hear about it.

I know a guy running it alone right now but he's one of those naturally angry guys and therefore not a really good gauge...
bigpresser said:
Thanks guys!! Bouncer- This is so much more intense than any cycle of test, d-bol, anadrol, halotest....I've done it all. Nothing is close.

Buffdawg- I feel like you said- Short tempered. But, I try my best not to take it out on my little petite.

GB- It's good to hear that I'm not the only one!! If you hear about anyone doing fina alone I would like to hear about it.

Are my mg's high or low?? Approx. 112 mg ed.
Thanks again!!-BP
hmm, i guess you react differentlly then me. i never get that from fina.
bigpresser said:
Just curious.....I'm doing my first cycle of fina with propionate. 1 1/2 cc's of fina and 1 1/2 cc's of prop. every day. Is the fina making me CRAZY and AGGRESSIVE?? or is it the combo of the two?? I'm also doing 9IU's of gh every day, and 25mg of Anavar (var) ed. Any feedback would be appreciated!!:)

fina gives me nomore aggresion then test enth. but i did notice with fina prop eq i had way more bacnie and it lasted longer
then a deca test cycle
i ran a fina only cycle at 75mg/eod for 6 weeks and didnt have too many problems. i was a little more edgy, but that couldve been all the eca's i take :D
FINA, makes me a mad man. Its the only androgen that makes my temper go through the roof. It also made my unit go through my pants I was so horny all the time. My poor girlfriend was tired of my temper by the end of the cycle, and tired of the sex cause I was like a porn star.:D
bigpresser said:
Just curious.....I'm doing my first cycle of fina with propionate. 1 1/2 cc's of fina and 1 1/2 cc's of prop. every day. Is the fina making me CRAZY and AGGRESSIVE?? or is it the combo of the two?? I'm also doing 9IU's of gh every day, and 25mg of Anavar (var) ed. Any feedback would be appreciated!!:)

when did you begin your fina cycle bro ?
I've that problem in the beginning, now it seems to calm down .. maybe because I become a good guy :D
Fina really didn't make me more aggressive, but it did bring on some mild depression. I could catch myself most of the time though and relize what was going on. While on Clomid though I am an emotional nightmare.
Re: Re: Fina Aggression???

mike1107 said:
when did you begin your fina cycle bro ?
I've that problem in the beginning, now it seems to calm down .. maybe because I become a good guy :D
I started it abour 2 1/2 weeks ago. I have to MAKE myself realize that the edgy feelings and the aggression are the fina....I hope it calms down, like you say!!:(
DRveejay11 said:
Fina + Winstrol (winny) + DRveejay11 = PSYCHO!

LOL.....Here's another one.....Fina+prop+BigPresser=Overreacting, Nutty feeling bodybuilder.
I've never felt so DIFFERENT on anything else.:eek: