Fina Pumps


New member
This is my second round with fina, And I"m about 2 weeks in...cutting this time instead of bulking...hit up shoulders tonight....i'm doing 75mg of ED...and that was only about 2 hours ago and my shoulders and tri's are still sooooooooo pumped....I love it :)
2 weeks in @ 80mg ED with 600 mgs prop and 50mg Winstrol (winny), 25mg masteron. Getting HARD, and havnt started dieiting yet
cant go wrong with fina...

cant wait to hit my Fina/winny cycle

now i just need to choose whos fina im goin evrythin else
I can't wait!!! I start my first bottle of fina next week!!! How long before it "KICKS IN"?? I'm ready!!!:D
fast halflife like same day as people do like esterless gear prop/sup ed or eod injects.
Seemed to really just solidify me bro! I did it in a bulk cycle got strong and cut but not really huge weight gains, just quality look and strengh!
DangerousGrounds said:
fast halflife like same day as people do like esterless gear prop/sup ed or eod injects.
Seemed to really just solidify me bro! I did it in a bulk cycle got strong and cut but not really huge weight gains, just quality look and strengh!
I'm sweatting my ass off, I'm so anxious!!!! I LOVE fast acting juice!!!!!!:D
sonis9 said:
calm down BP i will have it brewed for you soon!!LOL
HURRY UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D YOU DA MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
hell yeah this is the gear of the god's and so cheap too. I'm on my 21st day of dieting right now, and this is the first time I have ever had veins like this at this weight. It's not even my second full week on fina, but hey that only leaves a bunch of room to go :) hopefully I'll be above 200 when I'm done.
I just finished a detour bar.....ahhh I remember these jaw pumps.....there the only thing that ever really bothered me....but aw well it's worth it i love any pump :)
x2buff4ux said:
This is my second round with fina, And I"m about 2 weeks in...cutting this time instead of bulking...hit up shoulders tonight....i'm doing 75mg of ED...and that was only about 2 hours ago and my shoulders and tri's are still sooooooooo pumped....I love it :)

Yup.......Fina rocks!

For me, Fina kinda sucks w/o test. Not because f the libido but because of the lack of effect?!?

It's almost like the synergy of the 2 (T+Fina) is what does it for me. Fina solo was very disappointing. :(
Make sense?