First Cycle Anavar (var) ?

cute girl

New member
First Cycle Var ?


I am new to this forum, My name is Jenn, I live in Alberta and I was wondering if anyone one has done ana Anavar (var) and how much a person should take and what a cycle would look like? I am 142lbs at 5'5 tall I eat fairly clean and I wieght train 4-5 days a week plus I try to do at least 3 days of cardio a week. Mostly have been doing about 4-5 days a week. I have been train for 4years now and want to take it to the next step but not sure of what to do. My diet looks something like this

*1 whole egg + 4 egg white two heaping tbls of dry cottage cheese and a splash of 1% milk + 1 tbls of ketchup all scrambled. 1 cup of plain cheerios with 1/2 cup of 1% milk. Someday I will have cream of wheat instead of cheerios.

protien shake (nectar by syntrax) with 8oz of water.

* 4oz of white chicken breast seasoned only with Mrs. Dash seasoning (no salt added) and about 1-1 1/2cup of veggies.

*Meal replacement drink (bioX power meal) I only use on scoop with 8oz of water or sometime 1% milk. If I don't have milk I eat a banana.

Supper. (before gym)
* 4-5oz chicken breast with either 1cup white rice (plain) or pasta with my pasta I usually make sure it's no more then 35g of carbs. Then I add some veggies into whatever carb source I chose.

After gym Meal
*1 protein drink with a banana

Training looks someting like this

Monday: Shoulders/ traps
Tuesdays: Back
Wednesday: Legs/Abs
Thursday: Bic's/tri's
Friday: Abs
Saturday: rest day
Sunday: rest day

I do cardio on different days everyweek that way my body doesn't get use to it. I also flip cardio machines from day to day I never do the same thing or the same time. some days I might do 20min + 5min warmup and cool down. other days I will do 30 to 45mins + warm up and cool down. I use treadmills, elliptical, bikes and stairstepper machines. I don't train chest because I got implants on 12/17/03 and I had them under the mucle.

If you have any suggestion on how I can inprove this diet I am all ears and eyes. lol. Guess I can't hear you so I'll have to read it. hehe.

Anyway I am looking to cut and look good for the summer. I have no Idea what my bf% is. But my measurement are 34in rip cage under bust. waist is 29in. Hips are 33in. thighs are 22in. So I am not that bad as I have alot of musle like my arms and back and shoulders are fairly lean still room for improvement though:) it's the abs, belly, but and leg thing that need some work. I want to see abs by summer is it possible? I also heared that Anavar (var) helps to harden you is this true? Oh yeah and can you use E/C stack with it and how? I am using e/c right now about 2-3 time a day mon-fri and sat/sun off. Am I doing this right for fat lose? Please any help would be great. Thanks everyone sorry so long just thought I'd write everything down cause I was sure I would be asked to anyway lol. Talk to you all later

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Hey there cute girl. First off I just want to say welcome to ology.

Next. Before you even begin to consider using anavar it's important that your diet and training are right in line.

While your diet looks cleaner than most (and I applaude you for that) there is still room for improvement.

First off, ditch the cherrios!! The only kind of cereal I'd ever eat is All Bran, and that just for the fiber. You'd be better off eating 1/2 cup of oatmeal or oatbran in the morning.

Next, 3 shakes a day is overkill imo. 1 a day, 2 at most if you are really pressed for time. Most of your protein should come from real food. Your lunch looks awesome, could you just eat more of that for your second meal of the day? I'd also move the banana at the end of the day to the after lunch shake, or whenever you decide to have it. I just wouldn't eat the banana at the end of the day when you are about to go to bed. Eat those carbs earlier in the day so that you have time to use them.

Also, ditch the pasta, and make sure that you are eating brown rice, not the white processed stuff.

90% of this game is diet, diet, diet. Making some of the changes above to your diet will make a big difference in the way you look.

Now, as for the anavar. If what you are looking for is to get lean and cut, I have to tell you that is not what anavar is for. Steroids are for building muscle, not loosing weight or cutting body fat. Diet and training are what will get you lean. You do not need anavar to do it.

Last summer I did a cut. I started out at your weight, 142 lbs, and dieted down to 127lbs and 10% bf in 15 weeks without the aid of any Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) or even a fat burner. You can find my pics in the Members Picture forum under "The same pics I post everwhere..."

Good luck to you.
Ok I made the changes to the diet tell me what you think, does this look better? If not let me know whatelse I can do. I cut out the cheerios and add in oatmeal or oatbran. And cut out the one protein shake and instead added peanut butter. (all natural) The one I have is called Adam's all natural peanut butter. Get it from safeway. It has 11g protien, 17.5g fat poly's 6.9g mono's 7.9g sat's 3.0 and carbs 4.7g per Tbls or 35g serving.
I thought it looked pretty good in the good fat's department.
Anyway What do you think? By the way I looked at your pic's you look great!

*1 whole egg + 4 egg white two heaping tbls of dry cottage cheese and a splash of 1% milk + 1 tbls of ketchup all scrambled. one serving of oatmeal or oatbran. With less then half cup of 1% milk.

* 2 Tbls all natural peanut butter with one apple

* 4oz of white chicken breast seasoned only with Mrs. Dash seasoning (no salt added) and about 1-1 1/2cup of veggies.

*Meal replacement drink (bioX power meal) I only use on scoop with 8oz of water or sometime 1% milk. If I don't have milk I eat a banana.

Supper. (before gym)
* 4-5oz chicken breast with either 1cup brown rice (plain) or one small sweet potato. Then I add some veggies into whatever carb source I chose.

After gym Meal
*1 protein drink with 8oz water.
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do you use i find it helps me figure out my cals and ratios.

how many cals and what ratio are you aiming for? is this for a bulk - because you're going to want 1.5x bodyweight in protein... and you'll want at least 300 cals over maintenance to see gains (i'd recommend 500).
Diet looks better already! And sparkly is right, a breakdown of the cals/pro/carb/fat would be helpful, but I think it looks great!

Now for training.

Cardio - 3 days of cardio is plenty to begin with. As you get closer to your goal you will need to increase the amount of cardio you do, so it's good to start off with as little as possible. Switching it up is perfect too, that way your body doesn't get used to it. You might want to incorporate one session of HIIT (high intensity interval training) each week for added fat loss benefits. Do a seach on the web and plenty of information will come up.

Weights - You split looks fine too. What kind of set/rep structure do your workouts have??
Hello again

I will go and check out that site sparkly I have not seen it before so thanks I do think it will help.


My work out set/reps are something like this on my heavy days I usually aim for 8-10 reps with 3-4 sets depending on how I feel. Sometimes I will do a drop set until I can't lift anymore. On my lighter days I do 10-12 reps and again depending oun how I feel 3-4 sets. I like my heavier days as I like lifting heavy. But once in a while I give everything a rest and throw in some light days. Like I said my arms and back look great:) I see lots of girls with weak backs and my back seems to ( not tring to sound conceaded ) look better. When I lean up I will have a nice V taper as I can see it already. And my arms will have a nice 3 dimensional look. If I can get some pictures on here I will show you all my progress from start to finish if I can. Thanks for your help I really appreciate it.:) Oh yeah I almost forgot, how long do you recomend my cardio sessions to be?

So I take it you are going for a leaner, harder look right now?

Cardio - can you do it first thing in the am??? You need to go for at least 40 min. to reach optimum fat burning.

I have to disagree that you can't use steroids to go for a lean/cut up look. When I am cutting for a show I use more than when bulking - just use them differently and certain ones help you cut up and retain your muscle.

Anavar will give you a "harder look" and most will not see water retention. Start out with 5mg per day run for a couple of weeks and then if no sides you can bump up to 10.

My guess is that as you are a newbie your receptors will take the anavar nicely and you may not need to bump up - especially if your diet is clean.

Keep us posted.
there is some great advice above from the ladies!! diet is where it is at for sure!! but if you want to build some more muscle your diet will look a little different!! also when you build more muscle it will be easier for you to stay leaner. the more muscle your body has the better your metabloism will be!! the Anavar (var) will help you get to the more muscle part, along with a solid diet~ good luck
Hello Technobarbie

Yes I can do my cardio in the am:) I kinda thought that some steroids helped you lean out and cut up as I have read that lots. Expecially about Anavar (var). I am looking forward to seeing what I can look like, if all goes well now (this is my trial and error practice I am doing) I would like to try and compete next year, I haven't decided if I want to do light wieght BB comp. or Fitness yet. Either one as long as I get on that stage and can say hey I did even if I don't win first place. :) I have always believed in give it your all or don't do it at all. I always have succeeced in the things I wanted so I will succeed at this:) I will for sure keep you all posted on my progress and I will try to get some pics too. That way I can get some feed back on others opinions about where I may be lacking and need to improve:) If anyone has anything different to say or any other info/help I'd love to hear from you. Thanks so much ladies for all your advice and help. I really appreciate it. Talk to you all soon.

Techno - All I'm saying is that steriods are not NECESSAY to get lean or cut up. Yes, they do help preserve lbm while dieting. However, if you can do it naturally, why take the health risks?? There is ample room for improvement in cute girl's diet and I think it's important to see how far diet and training take you before using AAS. Furthermore, I think that if diet and training aren't in line, you can take all the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) you want and you might as well flush your money down the toilette, because it's not going to help you get lean.
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I see your point Faye, and it is good advice. She may be able to see better results if she eats a little more.

HOWEVER, I am with Techno on this one. Depending on the AAS, it is possible to get a harder, leaner look. I also don't agree with the proteins shake thing. Shakes are a great way for your body to get the necessary protein, and not have the nuisance of eating/making a meal. In all actuality, Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) could help you get lean even though you are not eating a lot of calories. I actually plan on doing the exact thing- Reducing cals the last 2 weeks of , my cals will be cut. It helps preserve muscle. Therefore, it makes your metabolism faster due to higher amount of cals needed to maintain that muscle.
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I see your point also, RS. I just think it's important to take things as far as you can without Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) first. In other words, diet and training first, then Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) to give a push, but not to be relied on as a substitute for good clean eating habits and hard training. In other words, there is no magic pill and too many people have a misconception that if I just take this I'll look like that, when it simply is not true.

As far as loosing muscle while dieting, I guess that's different for everyone. When I did my cut last summer I started with 116 lbs of muscle, and 12 weeks later I had 115 lbs of muscle. I only lost 1 lb of lbm and I didn't NEED to use anything. I just dieted and trained hard. Would I have kept that 1 lb had I used AAS? Probably. Would I have reached my goal faster with the aid of an AAS? Probably. But would have 1 lb been worth the side effects and damage I would have done to my liver, cholesterol, kidneys, etc..? That's a question that every individual needs to answer for themselves.

I just want people to at least try to reach their genetic potential and asses the risks of using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) before they just jump on it. Too many people want it NOW, aren't willing to put in the time, and end up with regrets.

As for the shakes, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I, personally, don't think anyone should ever NEED more than 1 or 2 a day. Another reason I prefer food is that I find more satisfing and filling when I diet.
I definitly agree that anyone - male or female - should max their natural potential through diet and training before trying any kind of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) Usage. I trained naturally for over 10 years before I touched anything AS related and wouldn't have it any other way.

And true enough - if diet and training aren't in line then you won't get the most out of any AS or supplement so why spend the $$.