First cycle assistance


New member
Hi guys, I need your advice on my first cycle.

I'm 20 years old, 230lb, 6'3", around 10% b/f and I have been cuttin up for the summer so my arms are down to 17" with my chest and stomach changing every week.

I have the opportunity to get a wide variety of stuff for Sept and beyond, just wondering what some ppl would recommend givin some of the stats that I've posted, I've been workin out for around 4 years consistently so dedication to an inject or complicated cycle isn't a problem, thanks for reading this you guys, great msg board.

I posted this in 'my cycle' but thought I'd get more views here.
mski7 said:
we got the same dimensions bro, 400-500mg test enan/wk1-10 is a great first cycle.

This is a great first cycle! Keep it simple, then you can gradually increase & add as you become more experienced. Good Luck!;)
:( i dont like that you are 20 and already considering Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) useage....i still say wait a few're a raging hardon of test right now as it is.
i dont like that you are 20 and already considering Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) useage....i still say wait a few're a raging hardon of test right now as it is.

I second that actually. Although if you're hellbent on starting a cycle right now, I'd go for 400 mgs test a week. It's a low enough amount for you to build on.
i would normally agree that 20 is too young, but this bro has been training hard for 4 years, and he lifted hard with his football team ... i think he has reached his natural potential or close to it (ive got more stats and history through pm)

i think he is ready to hit the test
Just be sure to run your post therapy correctly when doing a test-only cycle. If you want to keep the bloat down through AAS, then run some Winstrol (winny) or fina along with the Enth but as this is your first cycle, could be a bit much. Hard to say. Otherwise, I've always been partial to Nolva for anti-e, although there is a myth that it is just a blocker--not true. Will probably get a few yelps from folks but can provide sources if needed.
Thanks for all your help guys great board, I'll keep in mind all the post therapy too, I'll be sure to post before and after pic's come sept also. Thx for the help.
Good luck bro

I did my first cycle at age 20 too!!

I did sus@500mg/wk 1-10 gained 25lbs and kept all, have fun!!!
iamcdn said:
i would normally agree that 20 is too young, but this bro has been training hard for 4 years, and he lifted hard with his football team ... i think he has reached his natural potential or close to it (ive got more stats and history through pm)

i think he is ready to hit the test
Bro that has no baring on his growth plates or his hormonal system. He's still growing and devoloping Bro.

You'll be shutting down your hormonal system when it's still devoloping, you may never recover fully. You could cause problem that wouldn't show up for years. Which could cause emotional problems in the future.

Shutting down your hormones when they're devoloping isn't worth it, not when your hormone are at the highest they'll be in your life. Take advantage of them, build a good foundation. Then in 4-5 years juice.

JohnnyB said:
Bro that has no baring on his growth plates or his hormonal system. He's still growing and devoloping Bro.

You'll be shutting down your hormonal system when it's still devoloping, you may never recover fully. You could cause problem that wouldn't show up for years. Which could cause emotional problems in the future.

Shutting down your hormones when they're devoloping isn't worth it, not when your hormone are at the highest they'll be in your life. Take advantage of them, build a good foundation. Then in 4-5 years juice.


well im pretty sure he wont mind if he doesn't see 6"4" :D

as for the hormones, most ppl suggest that getting shut down they bounce back within 2months ... i would *think* that being younger would allow you to bounce back faster ... if im wrong please show me my ignorance, its the only way to learn ... later bros
bump anyone know if being younger allows you to recover faster?
ive heard in some ppl you never quite bounce back to your old normal levels, is there any truth to this?

and, if you do juice early, and you are happy with your groth, feet, hands, height etc. what else does it mean to say your growth plates fuse together? what do you lose?