First cycle Beginner needs help to do it right!

And this person below is drawing with 25G and injecting with 25G. So how about keep your wrong words to yourself. Still waiting on you to upload a picture of yourself. Please and thank you.

Nice. I'll be using 25G when I pin my quads I think. Do you feel any more extra needle pain when you pin with the same one you drew with? Some people say the needle gets a little bit less sharper.

I don't draw and pin with the same pin. I use a 25g to draw, swap that out for another 25 and pin. I've only pinned with same one once, and yes it dulls it a bit and you can tell. I will always make sure I have double if not more the pins i need for a cycle. I just did it with the same one my 3rd pin on my 1st cycle to see if it really dulled it.
So how much experience do you have using aas? None according to your other threads. So you feel the need to give advice to another forum member regarding aas. Your a punk wanna be that should keep your ideas to yourself until you have some real knowledge.

Please aware me on where I was wrong. Thanks man.

I don't draw and pin with the same pin. I use a 25g to draw, swap that out for another 25 and pin. I've only pinned with same one once, and yes it dulls it a bit and you can tell. I will always make sure I have double if not more the pins i need for a cycle. I just did it with the same one my 3rd pin on my 1st cycle to see if it really dulled it.

Thanks mate I appreciate your help.

Do you get the point everyone is bashing you bc you are giving AAS eadvice to someone and you dont even know WTF you are doing and have never done it b4.. How dense are you????

Not very dense considering the course I am studying at university. Try again.
I couldn't have explained it better. What is your problem, seriously? Are you on cycle right now? Because that would explain a lot. And what mullet are you talking about? I don't need a hair cut when I've got short hair. Strong logic.
If thats you in the avi looks like a mullet to me
If thats you in the avi looks like a mullet to me

Lol I assure you it's not a mullet. I'm not a true Australian. I don't walk around saying gday mate how you going? My mother is Australian but my father isn't. So yeah, I don't dig the mullet and never will. It probably looks like one because my head is leaning back and my hair is leaning on my shirt. This is occurring because I'm helping my cat to pull ups, to become an aesthetic pussy.
Just bc you go to a "university" doesn't expempt you from being dense. I know alot of people that are very very booksmart but common sense forget it, they had zero.
Lol I assure you it's not a mullet. I'm not a true Australian. I don't walk around saying gday mate how you going? My mother is Australian but my father isn't. So yeah, I don't dig the mullet and never will. It probably looks like one because my head is leaning back and my hair is leaning on my shirt. This is occurring because I'm helping my cat to pull ups, to become an aesthetic pussy.

Your mother is a douche Bag Cunt who should have aborted you when you were still a fetus.
Just bc you go to a "university" doesn't expempt you from being dense. I know alot of people that are very very booksmart but common sense forget it, they had zero.

I have common sense though. You can't really judge someone's denseness online, friend.

Your wrong giving advice to someone on aas use since you have no experience. Perhaps a website called douchebagology is more your core area of expertise.

I searched for that website on google and it wasn't there. I was shocked.

Your mother is a douche Bag Cunt who should have aborted you when you were still a fetus.

That's offensive to my mother. You really must not have many friends in life. In fact I'm certain you wouldn't. Abortions are no laughing matter. There is something awfully wrong with you, friend.
LOL... guys suggestions on Equipoise vs Deca, I understand the risks of sides without knowing which ones will be causing it but I wanna combine my Test-E or Test-P cycle with EQ or Deca.

Which do you guys suggest Test-E vs Test-P combined with Deca or EQ? I need the skeletal development because of my small frame, need that wide look.
you dont nee Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for a test only cycle. yes it would def help but why use something you dont have too. its also shot subcontious or however the hell you spell it. its shot into your fat not muscle. i pinch my belly fat and shoot it 1/4in in. I'm not sure about clomid causeing acne but i know acne gets worse though pct's for myself. it could be clomid or the stress your putting on your body who knows. one side effect for test is acne so if your prone to it better be prepared for it. lots of water and b5 at 10g a day is the only thing that has helped me. clomid and nolva are a good combo for sure like metalhead dosed above

Your body starts to shut down its natural test the moment you take your
first shot, so its always advisable to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 500ius throughout cycle.
Whats the worst that can happen, you increase the amount of test in
your system and the best that can happen is you stop yourself from
shutting down.
Not being funny bro! just advice
Your body starts to shut down its natural test the moment you take your
first shot, so its always advisable to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 500ius throughout cycle.
Whats the worst that can happen, you increase the amount of test in
your system and the best that can happen is you stop yourself from
shutting down.
Not being funny bro! just advice
I am already gonna be doing Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with my cycle. Any advice on my last question?
Read it

Read my last post, I need advice on stacking Deca/EQ on my first cycle or not, my joints/skeletal muscle is so-so, I read deca helps with joints/tendons and makes you less injury prone during your cycle.
Read my last post, I need advice on stacking Deca/EQ on my first cycle or not, my joints/skeletal muscle is so-so, I read deca helps with joints/tendons and makes you less injury prone during your cycle.

If you want to stack, go with deca. 400mg will bring optimal results. be sure to keep your test higher say 500mg weekly test e or c, and 400mg deca a week to prevent deca dick. Get caber to take e3d to battle prolactin just in case. Run the test 2 weeks longer than the deca. So youd run test 14 weeks and deca 12 minimum. Being your first cycle, teste or c would be the test to go with so you only have to pin twice a week. Just in case you decide to stack
If you want to stack, go with deca. 400mg will bring optimal results. be sure to keep your test higher say 500mg weekly test e or c, and 400mg deca a week to prevent deca dick. Get caber to take e3d to battle prolactin just in case. Run the test 2 weeks longer than the deca. So youd run test 14 weeks and deca 12 minimum. Being your first cycle, teste or c would be the test to go with so you only have to pin twice a week. Just in case you decide to stack

Thanks bro you are the only one that has actually paid attention :)

I was thinking of doing Test-E at 500mg/weekly and 250/300mg Deca weekly, or is that too low for Deca? I read that running Nolva as PCT with deca causes some bs/negatives or something?
Thanks bro you are the only one that has actually paid attention :)

I was thinking of doing Test-E at 500mg/weekly and 250/300mg Deca weekly, or is that too low for Deca? I read that running Nolva as PCT with deca causes some bs/negatives or something?

Anything less than 400 is mostly for joint support. 400mg is a good starting point to get optimal results with it. Thats what im running now with 600mg test. Its slow, like test e and c to build up. It takes about 5 weeks to fully start kicking in. Youll be fine using nolva and clomid as a pct because youll have a month before you start pct after the deca. End deca 2 weeks before the test, start pct 2 weeks after last test pin. The thing about nolva and 19 nors ive read is that prolactin sides can be increased if you take nolva during cycle to battle gyno. Now i dont know if that is a person to person thing or not because ive read not to do it but ive also read where people got rid of gyno while using nolva on a deca cycle. Just take caber as a precaution to keep prolactin sides low and away.
Anything less than 400 is mostly for joint support. 400mg is a good starting point to get optimal results with it. Thats what im running now with 600mg test. Its slow, like test e and c to build up. It takes about 5 weeks to fully start kicking in. Youll be fine using nolva and clomid as a pct because youll have a month before you start pct after the deca. End deca 2 weeks before the test, start pct 2 weeks after last test pin. The thing about nolva and 19 nors ive read is that prolactin sides can be increased if you take nolva during cycle to battle gyno. Now i dont know if that is a person to person thing or not because ive read not to do it but ive also read where people got rid of gyno while using nolva on a deca cycle. Just take caber as a precaution to keep prolactin sides low and away.

What about Anavar (Oxandrolone) instead of Deca? I am just mostly looking for joint support mostly.

Also since I will be running Aromasin, is caber really necessary? I read everywhere if Aromasin is used as Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at 25/mg ED then your estrogen levels should stay in check and prolactin shouldn't be a issue then and caber is not needed with Aromasin?
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