First cycle, come look!


New member

Age: 24
Height: 5'6
Weight: 168
Bodyfat: 12-14%

Total test = 355 ng/dl on 250-850 scale
Free test = 9.7 pg/ml on 9.3-26.5 scale
LH = 5.1 miU/ml on 1.7-8.6 scale
FSH = 5.7 miU/ml on 1.5-12.4 scale
Cholesterol = 138 mg/dl on 100-200 scale *all basic bloods within normal ranges*

Week 1-12 (600mg testosterone enanthate broken into 2 dosages of 300 mg Monday/Thursday)
Week 1-17 (6.5-12.5 mg aromasin ED)
Week 14-17 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20 clomid 50/50/50/50

Heavy weight training since age 16, former powerlifter in 132 pound class with PR lifts of 260 bench/425 squat/405 deadlift with wraps only.

Monday - chest/tris/abs
Tuesday - Back/bis/shoulders
Wednesday - legs/abs
Thursday - off
Friday - bis/tris/shoulders/abs
Saturday - off
Sunday - off

SUPPLEMENTS: whey protein/creatine monohydrate/multi-vitamin

DIET: Very lean with little fat content, types of food include: Chicken/salmon/steak/rice/noodles/baked potatoes/lean burger/peanut butterand jelly/oatmeal/bananas/eggs whites/ mixed vegetables/broccoli/carrots...etc.
* Usually consume 5- 6 meals per day* Also limit sugarand caffeine to minimum

Obviously I am young to be running a cycle, however, I have serious goals to enter competitive bodybuilding. I understand the risks fully and accept the very real possibility that one day I may need testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) if I begin down this path. I also feel that my own free and total levels are quite low for my age and the fact that I have never run a cycle before. If my goal was just to get back to normal levels, than I would definitely just try a restart, however my interests lay in competing.

Another idea is that I may be a little small to start a cycle. After playing with diet/training/supplements and still being stagnant at this weight for about 2 years, I feel that I am close to genetic limits. My father being 6'1 and around 170-180, although he did not weight train.

My overall goals are to add as much quality mass as possible, while maintaining or possibly decreasing body fat slightly with diet.
Day 1


Although i did a quick 250mg pin on saturday, today is my first official day. I did 300 mg pin after workout. Wasn't painful at all, but if last pin was any indictation, i'm gonna be sore as hell for the next couple days....hopefully other cheek will feel good again for thursday!



barbell bench press 4 sets 10/8/6/15
Incline dumbell press 3x12, little rest
machine fly's 3 sets 15/12/10
pushup's 2x25, limited rest

cable pushdowns 4 sets 15/12/10/15
skull crushers 3 sets 14/12/10
dips (bodyweight) 3 sets 25/20/20
machine tricep extension burn set 1x20

abs - 3x35 crunches

* was a good workout, but obviously felt totally normal, haven't noticed anything yet, and don't expect to for a while still.

weight: 168

Well last night was interesting.... woke up around 5 a.m. with massive hard on...and couldnt stop thinking about sex...somehow managed to fall back asleep around 7. This kinda thing hasn't happened to me since high school.

no pin today, just aromasin



seated barbell press 4 sets 12/8/6/15
lateral dumbell raises 4 sets 15/15/12/12
dumbell shrugs 3x 15

lat pulldown 4 sets 15/12/10/8
seated row 3x 15
dumbell row 3x10

concentration curls 3 sets 10/9/8
cable machine curls 2x 15
dumbell hammer curls 2x12
pullups (palms facing eachother) 2x failure

crunches 2x50
6 min cooldown on eliptical (bout 75% max hr)

*Workout went well, felt great, but still obviously haven't noticed any strength or appearance changes

weight: 168

Today is a rest day, tomorro is supposed to be legs...however i somehow managed to catch a fucking cold 3 days into my cycle. It's not bad, but im not sure if it's worth it to weaken my immune system and drag this cold out longer by hitting a hard leg day tomorro.

no pin today, just aromasin

weight: 170

Still have that cold, and kinda feel like shit, so skipped workout...i never felt that working out with a cold does anything for you anyways. Now that i think about it, though, i get sick alot. Had a bad cold in september and a couple bad colds during the summer. Hopefully this test will keep me cold free once it really kicks in!

All That being said, it's killing me that im now "on" and can't workout atm. oh well, i still have 11 more weeks, and im still trying to make sure i get my calories in. I'm sure i'll feel good by saturday.

* Did 300 mg pin and 6.5 aromasin, no problems.

Well this first week has been pretty shitty to say the least, ended up catching a cold on wednesday that's lingered for a few days. Gonna get back in the gym and hit it hard tomorro.

pins have gone easy though, however i haven't felt like im "on" at all. obviously it's only the first week, and this cold could fuck things up also. only thing ive really noticed is increase in dreaming about sex lol....well anyways, week 1's to hoping the next 11 weeks go a bit better!!

weight: 170

Cold is pretty much gone, feeling pretty good today. Couple things i have noticed though. This morning my left nip was itchy so i immediately bumped up my stane to 12.5, the itchyness went away, and there is no lump or anything like that underneath the nipple, however i know an itch is the first sign. So i'm gonna run stane @ 12.5 for the rest of the cycle and increase more if neccessary.

Also, i dont know if its just my head playing tricks with me but i swear my balls are a tiny bit smaller than they were before cycle. I know im only 4 pins in, but i feel like they are a bit less dense maybe? I'm rethinking possibly ordering some hcg, I really don't wanna end up with raisins by the end of this cycle!

* 300mg pin/12.5 mg stane
i'm noticing i'm much better at right cheek pins cause im right handed lol. Just more awkward on left side.



lat pulldowns 4 sets 15/12/10/8
seated machine row 3x12
single arm cable row 2x15 each side

barbell shoulder press 3 sets 12/10/8
lateral dumbell raises 3 sets 15/12/10
dumbell shrugs 3x15
standing dumbell press 1x20

machine curls 3x10
underhand pull-ups bw 2xfailure
alternating dumbell curls 3x10
concentration curls 1x12 each arm

6 min eliptical/ 3x50 crunches

* workout felt great, good pump, felt a bit more solid and a little more energy. I think i still have some time before this shit really kicks in though!
Hey man nice detailed entries - definitely going to be following your cycle. Was just going to suggest maybe posting weights used so we can track your strength improvement. Keep it up, glad to hear you're not sick anymore!

Hey man nice detailed entries - definitely going to be following your cycle. Was just going to suggest maybe posting weights used so we can track your strength improvement. Keep it up, glad to hear you're not sick anymore!

yea i'm not a very heavy lifter, I used to powerlift and did a bit of overtraining when i was younger and developed some overuse injuries...Whenever i go too heavy now, even with proper rest, sometimes those old injuries will flair up. To be completely honest though, for me its all about building a better physique, any strength gains that come with it are a bonus.


Well, woke up today with a sore throat and kind of congested, I knew i wasn't 100% when i worked out yesterday, but i was feeling pretty good. When i get colds i ussually go through a cycle....for example it starts as general achiness, then into runny nose where i have to blow my nose every 30 seconds, then into a cough, and finally into a sore throat...seems to always follow that suit.

So unfortunately i feel i need to take a day off again....ughhhh...its driving me a bit nuts....and theres always this nagging feeling in the back of my head saying.."how do you know its not from what your pinning?" I know its a bit of paranoia but to be many of us are 100% sure of what we are putting into our bodies during a cycle?? reguardless i'm very careful and safe about my pins and swab the site and vial with alcohol pads each time.

All that being def starting to feel the test kicking in slightly...even though i've been sick...weight is actually up! And i'm noticing more thickness in my muscles. I am noticing slight testicular atrophy, but nothing major yet. Also, itchyness in nipple went away, and i don't feel any sort of lump or anything under it, so i think bumping stane to 12.5 might have been the right idea.

fuck, man i wanna be in the weightroom!!!

*12.5 mg stane only today
yea i'm not a very heavy lifter, I used to powerlift and did a bit of overtraining when i was younger and developed some overuse injuries...Whenever i go too heavy now, even with proper rest, sometimes those old injuries will flair up. To be completely honest though, for me its all about building a better physique, any strength gains that come with it are a bonus.

I hear ya man - I'm sure your strength will increase some on cycle though. I don't concern myself with weight so much either - just see it as a tool to put the muscle through ROM with resistance - but if I can perform the same # of reps with a higher weight then at least I know something is happening :D

G'luck bro and hopefully you can kick this sickness and get 100% soon. Bummed to hear you're not yet.
still somewhat sick, but feeling better.....also feeling pretty swole today...fuckin love it....can't weight to pump some iron!!
DAY 10


woke up feeling kinda shitty, wasn't even sure if i'd get a workout in. As the day progressed however, i started feeling better and better. After lunch i felt really swole and pumped to workout.....well anyways today i had the best workout of my life!!! Super pumped, muscles popping out where they never did before, strength was most def up, along with overall energy level. Felt like superman today, even though the test probly hasnt fully kicked in yet, and i still have minor cold.

* Did chest and tris today to take it easy on my immune system, time for legs tomorro finally!
* Stane only today 12.5mg



Barbell bench press 4 sets 15/12/10/8
dumbell flys 3 sets 15/12/10
incline dumbell press 2x15 (light)
bodyweight pushups 2x30

skull crushers 4 sets 12/10/10/10
cable pushdowns 3x15
bodyweight dips 2x failure

bodyweight pullups 2x20
crunches 2x 50

*5 min eliptical cooldown
DAY 12


* pinned 300 mg test-e and 12.5 mg stane yesterday. Also did legs, abs and fifteen minutes of cardio. Felt pretty good, knee was kind of bothering me from a previous overtraining injury, but it will heal up and come back again like it always does.

As for today, feeling pretty good, still fighting off the remnants of this cold, but really isn't effecting my workouts in any way. Haven't had any bad side effects, no itchy nips, acne, aggression, and balls have seemed to have stopped shrinking.



seated barbell press 4 sets 15/10/8/6
seated lateral raises 4 sets 20/15/12/10
dumbell shrugs 3x15
machine row 2x15

supersetted bi's/tri's

preacher curl 4 sets 14/10/8/12
cable pushdowns 4 sets 20/15/12/15
dumbell kickbacks 2x 15
concentration curls 3x10 each arm
pull-ups w/bw 2xfailure
dips w/bw 2xfailure

* felt good, got a decent pump, overall weight on every exercise is up 5 to 15 pounds
DAY 15


* pinned 300 mg test e/ 12.5 mg aromasin

Weight gain has seemed to level off a bit, as well as strength and intensity. To be fair, i still think that the full effect of the test has yet to kick in. I'm just starting week 3 and most people state they see gains in week 4 at the earliest.

I'm going to recap sides i've felt thus far:

1) slight increase in libido....pretty minor
2) noticeable testicular atrophy
3) itchy nipple that subsided upon increasing stane to 12.5/day
4) slight increase in strength/intensity
(every lift up about 5-15 pounds)
5) minor weight gain (about 7-8 pounds)

*Still haven't felt any crazy sense of wellbeing or that i'm the alpha male quite yet. I feel good, but not neccessarilly like im a juicemonster lol.



seated dumbell press 4 sets 15/12/10/8
lateral raises 4 sets 20/15/12/10
dumbell shrugs 3 sets 15/14/12

pullups w/bwt x 20
lat pulldown 15/12/10/15
dumbell row 3x10 each arm
machine row 2x15

machine curl 4 sets 15/14/10/10
alternating dumbell curl 3x10 each arm
pull-ups (hands facing eachother) 2x failure

machine shoulder press burnout 2x 20

*workout felt great, good pump, decent intensity. its time for my 3 skinless chicken/brown rice/mixed vegetable meal....see ya tomorro!
DAY 17


did chest/tri's yesterday, took today off, and training legs tomorro. Been getting alot of wood as well lately. Will continue log tomorro!