First cycle: dbol + cypionate need some advices


New member
Week Cypionate-----------Dbol--------------Arimidex ---------------Clomid
1 ----500 mgs / week----20mgs / day ----1mg / day
2----500 mgs / week ----20mgs / day ----1mg / day
3 ----500 mgs / week ----20mgs / day----1mg / day
4 ----500 mgs / week ----20mgs / day ----1mg / day
5 ----500 mgs / week ------------------------0.5 mgs / day
6 ----500 mgs / week ------------------------0.5 mgs / day
7 ----500 mgs / week ------------------------0.5 mgs / day
8 ----500 mgs / week ------------------------0.5 mgs / day
9 ----500 mgs / week ------------------------0.5 mgs / day
10 ----500 mgs / week------------------------0.5 mgs / day
11----500 mgs / week ------------------------0.5 mgs / day
12----500 mgs / week ------------------------0.5 mgs / day
13 --------------------------------nothing------------------------------------------------------
14 ------------------------------------------------0.25 mgs / day ----200 mgs / day
15 -----------------------------------------------0.25 mgs / day ----100 mgs/ day
16 -----------------------------------------------0.25 mgs / EOD ----50 mgs / day
17 -----------------------------------------------0.25 mgs / EOD ----25 mgs / day
18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------25 mgs/ day

Hey i just turned 23, im 5'6'' , 158lbs, around 10%bf , been lifting in a gym for 2 years and before that i worked out at home with dumbbells , chinups bar etc for 3 years

Ive read that i should not start a cycle until im 25 because it would mess with my HPTA, but elsewhere it says it doesnt matter since the body is fully grown by 20. Can anyone tell me if its ''safe'' to start a cycle for me now?
Also, ive read on here that if a cycle is longer than 10weeks, i should add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to my cycle, so if its unavailable should i reduce my cycle to 10weeks?
Ive also read that for my first cycle i should not use anything but test , but would dbol at the start of my cycle be ok to jumpstart it?

Any advices or constructive critics about my cycle would be appreciated.
I also used ''elsewhere'' as a source, i know its more than vague but i forgot on which site ive read that, sorry about that

PS: also sorry if sometimes my english is bad lol
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At 158lbs and 2 years of hard training, skip the gear for another year or 2 is what I'd say. Still have some natural gains that can be made. For the future, cycle looks good aside for the dbol, drop it for first cycle. Introduce it in the second cycle at about 40mg per day for 4 weeks.

TEST Is fine 500mg for 12 weeks

AI try .5 and work your way up or down depending on sides usually eod because of the half life. Adex is really strong and at 1mg it may not be the dose your looking for.

HCG can be very effective run a blast phase of 500iu's everyday for 10 days about 2 weeks after the cycle.

Pct Clomid 50mg 4 weeks, Nolva 2 weeks 40mb,
Nolva 2 weeks at 20mg

Good luck to you
I say invest ur money on ur diet and u will c some results. If ur diet sucks u being on gear wont be doin crap. Diet is the KEY