First Cycle, First Time User


New member

I am thinking about using Deca Durabolin for my first cycle, I have never used before. I was considering some precursors like Halotest 25 or androbol, but I figured the real deal would benefit me more.

I am thinking a 12 week cycle should be good, should it be shorter?

Do you think I should use a stack for my first time?

Has anyone used Deca with Proviron or nolvadex? I am going to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 3 weeks after cycle is complete.

Deca will be 400 mg wkly

Anything to help me out would be greatly appreciated.

6' 280 pounds, high body fat
have been lifting for 12 yrs, last 4yrs consistently.
I like the way deca sounds on the way it builds muscle, slowly and with little side effects.
But I am open to suggestions.
yea, i mean, it's up to you on what you want to start with first.

deca being a 19nor compound, it's going to kill your libido, and could cause some unwanted sides from progestin.

I'd say go with a 12 week test e cycle to start with to get your feet wet.

maybe add in a 3 week kickstart with something like beastdrol, or dbol.

do you plan on using nolva along with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in your pct?
I have a friend who used Test. had some good results, I do plan on having Nolvadex, maybe clomid on hand in case I start to feel the effects.

Have you used both before? Anyone you prefer?
1. deca is not a low side effect steroid.
2 no one should even put nolva and deca in the same sentence let alone use then anywhere near each other.
3. you do know that there is legal steroids that are "steroids" and not precursors right?
beastdrol,epi-strong,deiselbolan 2.0 and the last being the one you may want to try considering you like the sound of deca so much.
From what I have read about Deca Durabolin the side effects are low, as its not supposed to convert to estrogen. Gynecomastia is something I want to avoid. The other side effects, I have come to terms with. But with everything you take you should be prepared for the small percentage, of people who have the adverse side effects. There is no safe drug.

I wanted something inject able, I understand the bio availability is better. But like I said I am open to suggestions as I am new to this.
fuck deca. bad choice i think.
Deca is usally used as a preload for Test cycles(and for helping with joints). youll fuck your dick up if you just run deca man. go ask the other guys in the anabolic steroid forum!

first timer? do either a PH orally, or run some TEST!
if you want an some test youf first time like JBRY said. 500mg a week probably. check the other forum man theyll give you better advice on that!
this is where you want to be. for TEST or DECA...good luck.
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Every experienced AAS user swears that the first cycle should be test. Its effects are well known and will give you a good baseline to see how your body responds to AAS. Also test will make you feel good. Deca will make your dick sick if you run it alone. It sounds like you should research more about AAS, because your setting yourself up for disaster.
From what I have read deca durabolin is stacked with testosterone e to help fight libido effects. I am married with two kids, I dont have much use for it anymore. ha

Like I said everything I read makes it sound good, but I want to hear from people who have more experience than me.

Thank you
From what I have read about Deca Durabolin the side effects are low, as its not supposed to convert to estrogen. Gynecomastia is something I want to avoid. The other side effects, I have come to terms with. But with everything you take you should be prepared for the small percentage, of people who have the adverse side effects. There is no safe drug.

deca being a 19nor compound, it's going to kill your libido, and could cause some unwanted sides from progestin.

the progestin side effects of 19nor compounds can enhance estrogen related side effects, and cause gyno.

Like I originally said, keep it simple. Just run a 12 week cycle of test e @ 500mg e/w.

get some formastanz to help control estrogen from the test if needed.

500mg is a pretty moderate dosage, and a good starting dosage for your first cycle.


weeks 1-3 beastdrol, 20mg each day.

weeks 1-12 test e 500mg each week.

pct clomid or nolva, hcgenerate, or hcg. which ever you choose. either would be good.

this would be a simple cycle, that you will have huge gains from. :naughty:
That sounds good, thank you guys for your help. I will try that cycle.

wks 1-3 beastdrol @ 20 mg
wks 1-12 Test E @ 500 mg

How long should I run the PCT?

I've read Aromasin is pretty good. Any thoughts?

I will let you guys know how it goes.

That sounds good, thank you guys for your help. I will try that cycle.

wks 1-3 beastdrol @ 20 mg
wks 1-12 Test E @ 500 mg

How long should I run the PCT?

I've read Aromasin is pretty good. Any thoughts?

I will let you guys know how it goes.


LOVE aromasin, does wonders during post cycle therapy (pct). Make sure to run PCT for at least 4 weeks but I prefer advising individuals to run pct for 8 weeks.
Test is the best way to get your feet wet in the aas world man. It is simply amazing. Keep us posted through out your cycle. Also check our Adex for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), but i do agree with above aromasin is great. And agree with the 4 week minimum for post cycle therapy (pct). if nothing else get a solid test booster to run with/after.

I would however suggest maybe only running the test instead of having two compounds running at once so that you can see how each one of the compounds truly effects your body and you can better combat sides as well that way. But that is just me personally, i prefer simple cycle so that i can see how each compound works with my body.

As well highly recommend researching a little on the correct way to pin yourself, A lot of first time users have trouble or anxiety the first few pins. but honestly its easy and fairly painless. Recommend a heating pad. good luck with your first cycle and dont forget eating correctly during your cycle should be your number one priority then the weights.
All this information is great!

Thank you

Anyone have suggestions on which website to buy from? My buddy gave me one.
LOVE aromasin, does wonders during post cycle therapy (pct). Make sure to run post cycle therapy (pct) for at least 4 weeks but I prefer advising individuals to run post cycle therapy (pct) for 8 weeks.

x2 for 8 weeks.

I'd say for you to get a copy of one of the books in my signature also. anabolics 09 is a must have for newbies to aas. it will explain everything.
Does anyone have experience with Testralin?
My chiropractor said he can get me a good price on it.

I was cosidering Testralin as an PCT
Here are the answers to your questions

I am thinking a 12 week cycle should be good, should it be shorter?

It is perfect and no problem with the time gap.

Do you think I should use a stack for my first time?

It is not recommended if you want than you can.

Has anyone used Deca with Proviron or nolvadex? I am going to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 3 weeks after cycle is complete.

No I dont have that
Here are the answers to your questions

I am thinking a 12 week cycle should be good, should it be shorter?

It is perfect and no problem with the time gap.

Do you think I should use a stack for my first time?

It is not recommended if you want than you can.

Has anyone used Deca with Proviron or nolvadex? I am going to use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for 3 weeks after cycle is complete.

No I dont have that

HCG is meant to be used on cycle, no novla for deca; opt for Clomid instead to avoid progesterone aggrevation.