First Cycle on Ostarine - Wondering if I should do a PCT


New member
Hey guys,

Hi I just ran my first cycle on Ostarine (Osta-red). I started last Tuesday and took it for 6 days at 25mgs. I stopped taking it because I noticed my boys were smaller and I could not get as hard.

Now I noticed my libido is down. I went to get bloodwork and will get it in the next day or two. I am a bit concerned about this and don't know what I should do at this point. I want to get back to my prior state and am considering doing a PCT.

So far I have HCGenerate and Post Cycle 3X. I am open to suggestions and to hear what I can do about this.

I got my bloodwork back. My total testosterone is 666 ng/DL and my free testosterone is 23 ng/DL, so both are normal. My TSH is in the normal range as well. Didn't get tested for estradiol and will do it soon.

What can I do now? I am slowly getting back my boners but they are still a bit limp. When I am about to have sex with my girlfriend I do get hard like 90% of what I used to. I just can't masturbate and get rock hard like I did pre the 6 days I tried Ostarine.

Was wondering if any of you guys could weigh in on this as I would certainly appreciate it. Should I just wait and sit it out? How long until my dick is back to normal?
Could just be performance anxiety. I get that after cycles. You can try something with fadogia like HPTA from Iron Champ. MRSUPPS sells it. It'll help boost libido and get you over that mental barrier. I take fadogia during all my cycles even.
6 days probably isn't long enough to do any lasting damage. You might be imagining that your nuts are smaller. Your lack of wood might not have anything to do with the osta other than the fact that your anxiety about taking osta might kill your wood. Osta is suppressive but you didn't even take it for a week.