First Cycle...Opinions welcome


New member
Hello to all,

I have been a long time troll of the forums just reading and reading as a guest. Within the past few months, and reading tons and tons of newbie questions, I've decided to make the move. I am almost 23years old and have been lifting weights since my freshman year in high school, but lifting serious for about 4 years now. I have always used supplements(N.O., creatine, BCAA's, ect., the basics) and have my diet down to a pretty good regimen. However it seems that no matter what I do or how hard I work I can't get past the barrier that I've been stuck at for some time, which led me here.

After reading "my first cycle" threads, one after another, it seems pretty basic what the general rule for the first cycle is. Test only, see how your body reacts to it. Lots of guys, some I know personally and some from the forums, use D-Bol in addition to their first cycle of test. I will be using D-Bol in my first cycle as well and only for the reason that in my teenage years, when I was for the lack a better word stupid, me and a couple buddies all took 30mg ED of D-Bol by itself for 4 weeks thinking we would gain this massive amount of strength. We didnt. But I did learn that my body accepts it well atleast.

I am 23years old, 183-185lbs, 11-14%BF. On cycle I plan to eat 4500 as-clean-as-possible calories a day, and as close to 300g protein that I can shove down. So, on to the cycle.
12 Week cycle, weeks 14-16PCT
1-4 D-bol 30mg ED(maybe 40mg?)
1-12 Test E 500mg week(250mg x 2)
1-12 Aromasin 12.5 EOD(switch to ED if needed)

14-16 Clomid

Don't have any gear yet as I havent found a trusted source yet, so feel free to critque, add, or subtract. I'm all ears.