First Cycle - Orals

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian84
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Oh shit, u pretty hard there omerta, must be to be talkin shit on the internet. Yea, and thats why there is milk thistle
gator_mclusky said:
The Winstrol tabs are not as harsh on one as say Anadrol or Dbol....its the same as taking Dbol at 50 mgs a day then adding another 20 mgs of Dbol per day...theres no difference.

The guy told Lifts to STFU so Id assume that he should and stop making threads in the convo.

This guy isnt asking for advice so Lifts.....step off!

You're supposed to be a vet around here. Start acting like one.
gator_mclusky said:
The Winstrol tabs are not as harsh on one as say Anadrol or Dbol....its the same as taking Dbol at 50 mgs a day then adding another 20 mgs of Dbol per day...theres no difference.

The guy told Lifts to STFU so Id assume that he should and stop making threads in the convo.

This guy isnt asking for advice so Lifts.....step off!

not getting into politics i just think this is a stupid cycle and i am not even thinking of toxicity
omerta said:
wtf this is ridiculus

gator i cant believe you r supporting this
Ive done Winstrol,Dbol, Test Suspension, Cyp and Tren which people say wont work.....well guess what, I got big strong and cut.
The dbol will fill out his muscles and the Winstrol will help put some sculpt to him if diet is on.
Hell no im not afraid of needles, i am just exhausting my options before i have to go to them. I am going to do this cycle, and depending if i like the results or not, then i will think about goin to them. Dumbass, you probly just stuck yourself the first time with your buddys needle filled with 700mg test and just kept doing that for years . Get lost . Your probably a bastard child also.
ill probly start tomorrow, so i can say they dont know shit about what their saying
:afro: :flipoffha :flamingma :gay: :dienewbie :dumbass: your right nobody here knows what they are talking about and we are all in debt to you for schooling us
gator_mclusky said:
Ive done Winstrol,Dbol, Test Suspension, Cyp and Tren which people say wont work.....well guess what, I got big strong and cut.
The dbol will fill out his muscles and the Winstrol will help put some sculpt to him if diet is on.

I could put anyone on susp, enan, cyp, tren, winstrol and dbol and they would definitely get jacked. That is a wicked cocktail.
Brian84 said:
Hell no im not afraid of needles, i am just exhausting my options before i have to go to them. I am going to do this cycle, and depending if i like the results or not, then i will think about goin to them. Dumbass, you probly just stuck yourself the first time with your buddys needle filled with 700mg test and just kept doing that for years . Get lost . Your probably a bastard child also.

Actually I used 500 mg test/wk as most experts will recommend. I kept a log also.
gator_mclusky said:
I said Dbol only was a bad idea....not dbol the thread before adding your inexperience to this forum.

Please get back into convo where you belong.

So dbol only is a bad idea but dbol + winstrol is ok? lmao
LiftTillIDie said:
So dbol only is a bad idea but dbol + winstrol is ok? lmao

And what from your years of extensive knowledge thinks that its not?
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