First Cycle - Orals

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brian84
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101 oral only sucks

i wills top the flaming what are your goals why do you think this is a good cycle
Brian84 said:
Hell no im not afraid of needles, i am just exhausting my options before i have to go to them. I am going to do this cycle, and depending if i like the results or not, then i will think about goin to them. Dumbass, you probly just stuck yourself the first time with your buddys needle filled with 700mg test and just kept doing that for years . Get lost . Your probably a bastard child also.

Like i said
LiftTillIDie said:
So dbol only is a bad idea but dbol + winstrol is ok? lmao
Exactly....Winstrol builds solid muscle and dbol gives alot of strength and size.
One highly anabolic combined with a high androgen is a great combo. The Winstrol will help him keep his gains.

I know...IVE DONE IT....Have you?

Brian84 said:
And what from your years of extensive knowledge thinks that its not?

There are several reasons. First of which is that test SHOULD be the basis of all cycles, as it is the bodies natural sex hormone. Therefore you want to figure out how you react to it first and then build up one steroid at a time. The point of this is so that if one steroid gives you a certain side effect you will know which drug is causing it, and how to combat it, instead of trying to pick from 2, 3 drugs etc. Perhaps you have run dbol and Winstrol (winny) before? Also as I mentioned before test is your bodies sex hormone, and once you start taking the orals your natural test production will be shut down quickly, you will find that the dbol and Winstrol (winny) make poor substitutes for test and your penis may stop working. There is also the fact that gains from oral only cycles tend to be more short lived (especially from dbol) so don't be surprised if you lose most of what you gained soon after coming off. Winstrol (winny) and dbol both have some nasty sides commonly associated, for example Winstrol (winny) is known for making hair disappear as well as horrible liver profiles and joint pain. Dbol on the other hand is often the culprit for gyno, acne, and especially water retention.
gator_mclusky said:
I know...IVE DONE IT....Have you?


No I wouldn't be stupid enough to run dbol/winny only. I tried superdrol only first and only lasted 3 weeks on that stuff. It was definitely a mistake to do oral only. So I'm trying to steer others away from those mistakes.
ok on Winstrol (winny) you will keep most gains as opposed to metandienonum but do you really feel this is a good cycle much less a first cycle

btw did you get this gear from a mag???
omerta said:
ok on Winstrol (winny) you will keep most gains as opposed to metandienonum but do you really feel this is a good cycle much less a first cycle

btw did you get this gear from a mag???
My first cycle was Sostenon(4types of test and Winstrol) 5 compounds and I came out like a champ.
pure stupidity. you probly copied that off another site or thread, who knows. You sound like you have no idea what your talking about, except second hand knowledge. U think you know what ur talking about. obviously not. Thats what an excellent post cycle therapy (pct) will prevent. And some good hair shampoo, go back to the convo lounge and talk about stupid shit with the other people who have no reason for being a member of this board except to talk shit to people.
LiftTillIDie said:
No I wouldn't be stupid enough to run dbol/winny only. I tried superdrol only first and only lasted 3 weeks on that stuff. It was definitely a mistake to do oral only. So I'm trying to steer others away from those mistakes.
Anyone that tried superdrol as their first cycle need not be posting in this forum.

Leave the guy alone...hes not looking for YOUR advice......
ok will he respond the same way

we all have done dumb things but i thought the point of this board was learning from each other
Brian84 said:
pure stupidity. you probly copied that off another site or thread, who knows. You sound like you have no idea what your talking about, except second hand knowledge. U think you know what ur talking about. obviously not. Thats what an excellent post cycle therapy (pct) will prevent. And some good hair shampoo, go back to the convo lounge and talk about stupid shit with the other people who have no reason for being a member of this board except to talk shit to people.

Holy shit man, I give up. I demonstrated more knowledge of steroids in that one post than you will likely accumulate in your entire life.
gator_mclusky said:
Anyone that tried superdrol as their first cycle need not be posting in this forum.

Leave the guy alone...hes not looking for YOUR advice......

So I can't post because I made a mistake and want to keep others from doing the same?
You obviously had no idea what you were doing when you first started, no post cycle therapy (pct) huh??
Brian84 said:
You obviously had no idea what you were doing when you first started, no post cycle therapy (pct) huh??

No I used post cycle therapy (pct) also. I was smart enough to get off before I got shut down extremely hard and/or my liver got too messed up.
I will and youll see what a dumbass you sound like in a few weeks. and after the cycle, youll want to never come back here and post your uneducated guesses
Brian84 said:
I will and youll see what a dumbass you sound like in a few weeks. and after the cycle, youll want to never come back here and post your uneducated guesses

I make no guesses here and I'm far from uneducated. Have a good time with your cycle though.
Whats your stats lift. You probably dont even lift do you. i have more mass natty than you probably did after 2 cycles.
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