First cycle review time. Any input would be great, thanks


New member
Alright so after buying Epi and having it sit in my closet for the past 6 months I have decided to bail on that idea. I'm too concerned about liver issues.

I've been reading several forums and after many long nights I've decided to run a Test cycle. All steroid use should not be taken lightly but I feel this is a safer alternative to Epi.

I've been lifting for several years now And haven't been making the progress I would have expected. Used to lift with my little brother (21) and would count macros, lift same muscle groups on the same days yet his growth is insane and although I was for sure making progress it wasn't at the same pace. Of course I'm 29 and feel like an old fart compared to him.

29 years old
All my body fat is on my waist. My arms, legs and shoulder are toned but for the life of me I cannot get rid of this damn waist garbage no matter how much cardio or cutting I do.

Anyway I want to run test e at 500mg each weak, 250 on monday and thursday for about 10 weeks
while on cycle will be using .5mg of ARIMIDEX
after the cycle ends and 2 weeks later clomid @ 100,50,50,50

I would ultimately like to weigh in at around 220 for my height I think that would like pretty good. Not too sure about my source, It has good reviews on ******* but was wondering if anyone has used them. Not sure I'f im allowed to post the company though. Phrmacon

Any input would be great, thanks guys/gals
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I would stay away from cycling until you can get your body fat down to below 15%. The higher the body fat, the more Estrogen you will create, as well as other issues. You can easily drop that weight with a good diet. I can all but guarantee your diet is off - there is no shame in it, I thought I had a good diet at one time. Compared to the average American, it WAS good...but for body building purposes it was crappy. I went from 28% to 14% with the help of 3J and his diet / exercise regimen. Then, after a maintenance period, he took me through a clean bulk. I have more muscle now than ever in my entire life (and I am 46). I am now cutting again...harder this time, but doing it slowly.

Talk to 3J about it, the price of using him is far less than a single cycle. What you learn you will have forever. Once your body fat is down, you will see great gains from a cycle. Trust me, I lived it.
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Consistency is key to this bro and u need to both edu ma cate yo self and pick a plan and stay with offense
I would stay away from cycling until you can get your body fat down to below 15%. The higher the body fat, the more Estrogen you will create, as well as other issues. You can easily drop that weight with a good diet. I can all but guarantee your diet is off - there is no shame in it, I thought I had a good diet at one time. Compared to the average American, it WAS good...but for body building purposes it was crappy. I went from 28% to 14% with the help of 3J and his diet / exercise regimen. Then, after a maintenance period, he took me through a clean bulk. I have more muscle now than ever in my entire life (and I am 46). I am now cutting again...harder this time, but doing it slowly.

Talk to 3J about it, the price of using him is far less than a single cycle. What you learn you will have forever. Once your body fat is down, you will see great gains from a cycle. Trust me, I lived it.

i gotta agree with sage..

if your finances aren't up to hiring me i recommend you check out my free diet advice thread in the diet section

or email me for pricing
i gotta agree with sage..

if your finances aren't up to hiring me i recommend you check out my free diet advice thread in the diet section

or email me for pricing

The free advice is wonderful, but (IMO) if he can afford to buy the items needed for a cycle (including PCT), then he can easily afford your services. A beginner cycle will be at least $300, depending on how long it is. 8 weeks of your carb cycling plan is less than that!

EDIT: I forgot about your 25% off sale - he can get TWELVE weeks for less than the cost of one basic cycle!!
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Thanks for the replies guys. I've known about injectables for awhile but never wanted to pin myself hence me wanting to try alternatives. Just cant risk it with methylated compounds without knowing how my Liver will handle it. I took a few months off from the gym however I did not adjust my diet hence my higher body fat. I'm cutting now so by December I'll be alright. Had much lower BF when I tracked my macros which ill start back up.

Ill be getting blood work done before the cycle, halfway through and then after. Labcorp will do it for $30 per test so it's def worth it.

test e at 500mg each weak, 250 on monday and thursday for about 10 weeks
while on cycle will be using .5mg of ARIMIDEX
I'll also grab some hcg while on/after cycle starting around week 4.
after the cycle ends and 2 weeks later
clomid @ 100,50,50,50
Nolvadex at 40, 40, 20, 20