First Cycle T3/Clen


New member
My stats are im 21, 181 lb, 5ft 11, 15.9% fat.

i have been cutting for a few weeks now, my diet is in check (i am a vegetarian), and i have hit a wall. im training 6 times a week, doing high intensity cardio and weight training. eating adequate protein and low carbs.
i can never get below 15% :bawling:so im looking into taking clen, i no to pyramid it up 20mcg a day until i find my tolerance, while doing 2 weeks on 2 weeks off for 6 weeks. do you think t3 will be too harsh on my body as iv heard it burns muscle? also do you gain streight back what you have lost?
T3 cytomel will upregulate your thyroid/metabolism which burns fat but also increases protein synthesis, which can help grow muscles faster with the right diet and training.

clen 2 week on/off is ok, but you could use something like benadryl to keep your beta2 receptors fresh and just stay on for a longer period.
thanks, i think i rather cycles the clen, and pop in a eca stack to keep my body guessing..i didnt no t3 increased protein synthesis, what sort of diet should i eat? untra low carb? carb cycle? normaly i just eat tofu and protein shakes with salads!
If your going to take clen and t3 and your not running a aas then I wouldn't go any higher than 50mcg\day on t3. If you plan on taking an aas like winny@50mg\day or anavar @ 50mg\day or prop @ 50mg\day or 100mg EOD then you can up the t3 dose to 100-125mcg where ever you feel comfortable.

On clen ramp up slow it's not a ECA stack it's pretty potent stuff. On your off weeks (of clen) take the ECA stack.