First Cycle, Test Enanthate

Hey guys, well did my 4th shot today into right Delt, not to bad but still a bit shakey, lol. Had to do it a day earlier as i wont get a chance to do it tomorrow so i hope it wont affect anything.

Ill get some pics up in the next week or so as well so you guys can pick the shit out of me, lol, joking, i love criticism, haha.

And i figure4d that it was all in my mind with the lifts and stuff but what about the shrinkage? does anyone else get it 2 weeks into a cycle? and comments appreciated.
Hey guys, just wanted to give a bit of an update, did Chest and Bi yesturday, slight increase in strength but nothing to get hard over, lol.

Also i had a bit of cramping/ bloat in my lower midsection last night? does anyone get it this early when on test e? it lasted for about an hour before i went to bed but didn't affect sleep and no probs in the morning?

And ive also strained my left calf a bit from running yesturday DAMN IT, lol, so no cardio for a couple of days, luckily my GF is a physio so she can massage it out for me, yay, haha.
Well i did 3rd pin today into Left Delt, no pain at all except when aspirating i had another tiny air bubble shoot into the syringe again, damn it, lol. Definantly no blood though so that was good. Did pin about 10hrs ago and still no pain.

Starting to get used to the injecting, definantly didn't shake as much this time but still a little bit i must admit, lol.

And i have to agree about the massaging in after injecting. My technique is i usually put about half the oil in, wait 5 sec then put the rest in, then i wait 10 sec and pull needle out half way, wait another 5 sec and pull out all the way. All this after a nice hot shower and warming the oil up of course.

I started my first clyce last week too
Hey guys, just a quick update. Skin is fine, noticed 2 small pimples on back the other day but have gone down/away which is good, nuts are still a bit smaller which sucks but sex drive is definantly up.

Did Chest and Bic today, went pretty hard at end of both workouts and lifted a bit more in the Bicep movements than i could last week, feels like more of a better endurance feeling than a strength thing so far.

Anyway still out of action with the calf but will be attempting a run tomorrow. Oh yeah one more thing, not sure if it's the heat or not ( it's quite warm in oz at the moment ) but i swear iv'e been sweating more lately?! My GF hates it and i have to keep blaming the weather but it's hard when your having dinner in a restaurant and the back of your hair is wet, lol.

Also not sure if anyone has seen my other thread but i will be cutting my cycle short to an 8 week one ( not ideal i know but no choice ) The reasons are stated in it and the tag is my username.

Anyway gotta go so talk soon.
Hey guys, thought i would give you a quick update on things. Did 7th pin today, went pretty smoothly and have the whole aspirate thing sorted out, i just grip the syringe a different way and its all good.

No real sides yet apart from a few small pimples on back and some nut shrinkage. Although i think i am getting a little bloated every now and then in my gut, I'm taking 0.25 Dex EOD and was thinking of upping it to 0.5 EOD or 0.25 ED.

Any thoughts on this?

And no massive changes in size or weight, although i am on a lean bulking diet designed by 3J and ive lost a bit of fat so far which is good, only consuming 3200-3400 cals ED and I'm 101kg.

Have been noticing small increases in strength and a fair bit more endurance in my workouts, i'm not that tired at the end which is good and i'm adding small amounts of weight every week.

Anyway gotta go so speak to you all soon.
Nice job. Regarding your question on the Aromatase inhibitor (AI), has .25 EOD been your starting dose? If so, and you're still bloated, sure, try .5 EOD. If you get low estrogen sides, you'll have to determine whats more important. As I'm sure you are, keep drinking a ton of water. Most guys say this helps w/ their bloat.
Hey Hell, thanks for the advice, i'm trying to drink as much water as i can and i would be downing around 4-6 litres a day at least.

As far as the Dex goes 0.25 EOD is what i started on, i don't have any other side except starting to get a little bloat in my gut, lol, had a few pimples but they've gone now, think i'll just suck it up and put up with it unless it gets to the point where i cant walk then ill up the Dex. Don't want to hinder my gains to much.
interested to see how your cycle goes for you. i've got a similar body type at 6'5 235 and around 10-12% BF.... might just have to be a copycat and get the same shit that seems to work best for you....Good luck bro, and hit that mother&%$#@! HARD!!!
Hi guys, sorry ive taken a while to give any updates, been busy as hell at work and with the GF.

Well did 8th pin today into Right delt, was probably the easiest one yet, absolutely nil pain but some of the oil did come out after i pulled it out, hoping its just the drop i use to lube the injection from the tip of the needle.

Did Chest/Bic today, definantly had an increase in strength during the chest workout, added 5lbs to just about all lifts, except by the time i got to dips i was hammered and only got out 2 sets of 6, lol. Still sweating badly all the time, haha, need air con or a fan on me all day and night! lol.

Bloat has gone away which is good, but ha da shocker last night for valentines day! went to a hungarian restaurant with my GF and had a great dinner of grilled chicken, potatoes and creamed spinach, except the spinach must have been to rich for my stomach as i shat it all out an hour later and was sick for 2 hours- very romantic guy arent i, lol.

So i didn't really eat fuck all yesturday as i worked night shift the night before and only had some egg whites and a shake before that dinner incident. Ended up having 2 vegimite sandwiches before bed and was all good.

Just a question with the diet and alcohol, i have been having 1-2 glasses of red wine with my GF every week for last 2 weeks ( 2 glasses PW basically ) is this ok whilst on cycle? I'm not doing any orals and was just wondering on peoples opinions on this? is it ok?

And about the diet, when around the GF it's hard to eat as much as i do especially if i'm at hers- which is usually only once or twice a week. Will it affect me greatly if i don't get all my cals in on those days? it's usually only once a week, should i make up for it on the other days? ( She doesn't know that i'm doing this cycle )

I am not trying to really bulk on my cycle more trying to convert fat to muscle which is goin g pretty well at the moment on 3300 cals ED.

Sorry for the really long post, lol, any info is welcome.
The 1-2 glasses of wine won't hurt you.

Not exactly getting the most out of your cycle @ only 3300 cals, but that's your decision. Make sure you're eating big on the protein. Since you are only taking in 3300 cals, I'd try my hardest to get in that much on the days you're with your gf. Just tell her you're trying to get big. Have a big breakfast to start the day to get in a good chunk of cals. As for converting fat to muscle, that's impossible. Two totally different types of tissue. I think you're aware of this, but just pointing it out that it's impossible to turn fat into muscle. Even at the higher cals, many report losing some bf% so I wouldn't worry so much about gaining fat.
Thats pretty much what i meant by saying fat to muscle, lol. And i have 300-350g of protein ED in my diet, was designed by 3J and is going well.

Thanks for the info about the wine, wasn't sure if it would affect anything or not, i know most will say not to drink but 1-2 glasses can't be that bad for you, haha.
Thats pretty much what i meant by saying fat to muscle, lol. And i have 300-350g of protein ED in my diet, was designed by 3J and is going well.

Thanks for the info about the wine, wasn't sure if it would affect anything or not, i know most will say not to drink but 1-2 glasses can't be that bad for you, haha.

Yeah, you're absolutely fine. It all comes down to how much you drink and whether it affects YOU. Of course getting wasted and having a hangover is going to hinder your ability to lift, but I don't think you get a hangover from 1-2 glasses of wine. Sounds fine to me. I have a few beers on the weekend myself. Nothing intense, but just a few to kick back with. It's all good. Keep up the good work!
Definantly dont get drunk of that, haha, have been really strict about all my food intake whilst on cycle and nil alcohol until a few weeks ago when i started to see the GF more, gotta keep up appearances but definantly wont be getting drunk whilst im on and will limit it to 2 glasses max once PW on my cheat day.
Hey guys, just a quick update. Had a good workout in the gym today, lifts have been going up every workout for last 2 weeks which is nice to see.

A friend of mine started to comment on how i was looking bigger and fuller the other day whici is always nice, lol. Haven't had any change in weight but i'm getting bigger in arms and chest/shoulders and dropping fat from stomach. Starting to see some veins coming close to the skin in my shoulder region which freaked me out a bit, haha.

All in all going pretty well i think, still a little bloat here and there but it's all good.
Hey guys, just need your advice, i can't get any HCG as my Dr wont prescribe it to me!!! i have plenty of Nolva for PCT and was wondering if this will be ok without the HCG.

I'm running 400mg PW of Test Enanthate ( 8 week cycle poss 10 if i can swindle work, having an ongoing issue with them- read previous threads ).

Any input is welcome.

PCT ( if i do 10 weeks, will obviously adjust for 8 weeks )

Week 12-14 Nolva 40mg ED ( Start 2 weeks after last pin )
Week 14-16 Nolva 20mg ED
Week 17 Nolva 10mg ED

Should i increase my Nolva to 50mg ED for first 2 weeks and 30mg ED for next 2 weeks to get that little extra test boost?
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dont take Nolva for that long, 3 weeks of PCT will be find, 4 max. 40-40-30-20. And for HCG , just get some without your doc prescription... your in Aussie right? most of HCG are made in China so its should be pretty easy for a delivery.