First Cycle, Test Enanthate

need advice

Hey bro, I'm doing a similar cycle to yours except that I've a 4 week kick start of Dbol at 40mg e/d.

Thinking of adding in the Winstrol (winny) I have on hand towards the end of the cycle to achieve a more cut and hardened look (like why you thrown in the anavar).

Is this too much for a first cycle in your opinion? I've been taking a liver protectant called Liver Cleanse by Champion Nutrition to ease up on the liver toxicity part.
I'm actually still around my starting weight of 102kg ( but usually 101kg in morning ). On a very clean diet with 3300-500 cals ED and i wasn't looking to put on weight, but size and strength are going great.

I've been on the Anavar (var) for 3 full days now, not feeling any real difference but had a good workout on Sat, did back, maxed out at 200lbs on V-bar rows for 4 reps ( not including the bar ) 240lbs for 5 reps on Lat Pulldowns, and finished with 2 extra sets of chins. Fucken sore today, lol.

And hey ghost, if your'e already taking the dbol i would leave the Whinny for the next cycle, if it's your first i would stick to only the 2 compounds, most say do test only for your first, but i had the rare chance to get Anavar (var) so i took it, being in OZ it's hard as hell to get anything here so i jumped on it when i could, lol.

Good luck man.
And hey ghost, if your'e already taking the dbol i would leave the Whinny for the next cycle, if it's your first i would stick to only the 2 compounds, most say do test only for your first, but i had the rare chance to get Anavar (var) so i took it, being in OZ it's hard as hell to get anything here so i jumped on it when i could, lol.

Good luck man.

Thanks for the advice. Will continue tuning in to your thread. Awesome info and you seem to be having really great progress! Keep at it and good luck for the rest of your cycle! ;)
Thanks man, i have been having a ball on this cycle. Strength and size are going fucken awesome and can't wait for the Anavar (var) to cut down some more BF!

Your gonna enjoy your cycle, i feel good all the time and love going to the gym and putting up more weight every time.

Good luck man.
Hey guys, just another quick update. Near end of week 8 and just did shot into Right Delt, much better than last week, no oil came out this time, lol.

Did chest at the gym and had a great workout, think the Anavar (var) might be kickin in a bit, had a massive pump where my chest and shoulder join after bench press, it was a killer, haha.

Also finished off with 210 for 6 good reps in decline bench which is a PB for me, yay. I accidentally put the weight up without realising until i had finished, lol, definantly had a strength increase from last week.

Cant wait to hit my arms on Wed and see how the pump feels with them.
Hey guys, did arms today and definantly had an increase in strength from last week, thinking it's the Anavar (var) but i still haven't got that pump everyone talks about? I had a decent pump on Chest day but not much on arms? I've been on 40mg Ed for 6 full days and think i am leaning up a bit, i can notice a small difference in the mirror.

Anyway see how we go next week cause ill be bumping it up to 60mg ed for last 2 weeks for the bridge into PCT.

Diet has been average the last week, not eating any real crap or anything but had takeout at least twice with the GF- asian food and i try to stick to mongolian beef and rice or chicken and rice etc etc.

Anyway gotta go so speak soon.
Hey guys, another update for ya. Well im coming to the end of my cycle ( for the test anyway ) i have one more pin in 3 days then it's all over.

Still getting good gains and wish i didn't have to stop, lol. Will be doing Anavar (var) as a bridge into my post cycle therapy (pct) so i will give you an update on all my progress on Thu or Fri when i finish the test.
Doing Anavar (var) 2 weeks after last pin straight into my post cycle therapy (pct) so i keep gaining. Then starting Nolva and HCGenerate for 4 weeks, been hearing good things about it.

And i started the Anavar (var) 2 weeks ago, will only be doing 4 weeks. I must admit that it is giving me great strength gains as well! added another 10lbs to my bench the other day for a PB, yay!
Hey everyone, well it's come to that sad time when i have finished my cycle. Just thought i would let you guys know the results of this my first cycle. I started my post cycle therapy (pct) today and here are the pro's and con's

PRO'S - Increase in strength and size, and reshaped my body. Massive increase in sex drive ( fucken insane )

CON'S - Big time shrinkage, lol. And got acne when i started Anavar (var)

Here are some of the added weights i acheived to my exercises-

Bench - Added 50lbs
Decline Bench - Added 30-40lbs
Squat - Added 60lbs
Lat Pulldown - Added 30lbs
V-Bar row - Added 30-40lbs
Bicep Curl - Added 15-25lbs

Can't be bothered going into every exercise but got great strength and size increase all over the board, yay, lol.

My cardio also went through the roof, anyone who says test hinders cardio is wrong IMO, i was able to push harder and for longer than i ever have before.

Also managed to drop a huge amount of BF. I currently have veins coming out of the outer forearms and for the first time in years i can just see the outline of my upper abs ( although i do have a bit of puppy fat around the belly, haha )

I managed to reshape my chest and actually have pecs ( as opposed to the little bit of flabby stuff i had before, hehe )

All in all very happy with this cycle and looking forward to doing a bit of a cut later on after post cycle therapy (pct) and maybe doing a bigger cycle in a few months after time off.

Got good results from the Anavar (var) but i would have to recommend that to get the best benefit do it for at least 6 weeks at 60mg ED. I did 2 weeks at 40mg and 2 weeks at 60mg and felt as though i got the best results around week 3 which only gave me 1 week feeling it's full potential.

Anyway hope everyone who read my thread enjoyed it and to all the people out there thinking of starting their first cycle-


I asked heaps of stupid stuff before i started and i'm glad i did, it helped me out a lot and i probably would have fucked it up if i hadn't asked so many people for their help.

Good luck guys, speak soon.
Thanks Bunt, got BF tested at 16%, yay!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. Very happy with the cycle and even though im in my first week of PCT im thinking of my next one and can't wait, haha. ( however i'm not going to be stupid about it, ill wait for the proper time off protocol )

Oh and 1 more thing, just wanted to thank 3J for his diet advice throughout the cycle!
Awesome to hear that your cycle went well bro. I will be running a Test E only cycle for 12 weeks in a couple of months and I will post results also. Im gonna run GP Test, Aromasin on hand, and Nolva for post cycle therapy (pct). Any advice is welcomed from you guys.
Good luck Chedda, when you start your cycle start a thread so we can keep an eye on things and help if needed.

And it's good to see your only doing 1 compound for your first cycle, at 400-500mg PW you will see great results if your diet is in check, message 3J in the diet section if you need a hand with it.
Couldn't get any as stated in my thread but it's going pretty well now, i think the HCGenerate is working well, got a bit of size back already in the boys, lol