First cycle/ weird changes


New member
Hey guys, so I'm on my first cycle about 5 weeks in, and I've started noticing results in my workout, but at the same time I'm noticing a lot of changes in how I feel. For instance I am horny like allll the time.. On top of that I've been dating this girl for well over two years and we've never had a problem and we've always been happy, but now I feel depressed all the time and I'm worried she's cheating on my even though I know it's not the case. Also whenever I hang around my other friends who are girls I find myself being way more attracted to them and when they talk about their husbands or boyfriends I find myself getting actually upset and jealous. You guys have any suggestions? I'm taking 500mg a week of Deca.
Being horny all the time is normal, especially with test. Aside from what 3J asked are you only taking Deca and are you using an AI?
That's more than likely why you are having the depressed feeling. Your test is shut down and you're not administering it exogenously. This is why test is recommended as a base for EVERY cycle. Are you taking caber or prami? How long have you been training? You honestly have a lot of room to grow naturally...
I'm not sure that deca without test is what is causing the "depression." People throw the term "depression" around lightly. What most people refer to as depression are just mild slumps or mood swings. Depression is where you cannot physically drag yourself out of bed, let alone go to the gym and stay in decent shape. So what you are having is some down times, which is okay and happens to everyone.

You're allowing the deca to take a toll on things. Most novice aas users do this. They get on a cycle without doing research (sorry, but if you're running deca alone, you didn't do any research...this isn't the point though), then ANY changes that happen over the course of their few month cycle they attribute to the steroids. Steroids don't cause you to lose trust in your girlfriend...her actions and your perceptions do. Your libido does increase while on steroids but this doesn't magically make you hate every other girls' boyfriend or husband.

It's not the deca...yes it is a terrible cycle but that's not the problem. Something is off in your relationship. Truthfully, if you are having these feelings about other women and their partners don't you think that your girlfriend feels that in some way? You are probably acting differently towards her based on these feelings with other women, she's picking up on the change, and is responding in a similar fashion which leads you to believe that she is cheating on you. She's not...the problem is you my friend...not the deca, not the girlfriend, not the other women or their partners.

If I were you, I'd slow down. Stop blaming everything on the deca and your girlfriend and focus on her. What does she need? She's probably not getting from the way you are talking.
Of course Deca can cause depression in some people..I'm not saying that's absolutely the case but it's a fact that deca can cause depression in people even with test. Simply the fact that deca boosts prolactin levels, especially at the dose he's taking, will always cause a decrease in dopamine. Prolactin goes up...dopamine goes down. Doesn't always cause a true depression in everyone, but once you throw neurotransmitters off their "normal" balance, you start to see psychological changes, such as depression, mood changes, jealousy, paranoia, ect...I wouldn't push the use of more drugs to combat deca's effects either. OP may be more sensitive than others to those side effects. I'm a bit on the sensitive side to such side effects and through trial and error, working with a psychiatrist, I've learned that its 100% a dopamine issue when it comes to deca. Instead of using something as strong as Dostinex (Caber)...which i think people take way too lightly btw...Considering it's devoped for Parkinson's and other movement disorders, there's a lot of risk associated with D-receptor agonists. Anyways, I usually take a super low dose of adderall XR (10mg) every few days and I find that to be plenty to keep prolactin down and obviously dopamine/norepinephirine up.
Of course Deca can cause depression in some people..I'm not saying that's absolutely the case but it's a fact that deca can cause depression in people even with test. Simply the fact that deca boosts prolactin levels, especially at the dose he's taking, will always cause a decrease in dopamine. Prolactin goes up...dopamine goes down. Doesn't always cause a true depression in everyone, but once you throw neurotransmitters off their "normal" balance, you start to see psychological changes, such as depression, mood changes, jealousy, paranoia, ect...I wouldn't push the use of more drugs to combat deca's effects either. OP may be more sensitive than others to those side effects. I'm a bit on the sensitive side to such side effects and through trial and error, working with a psychiatrist, I've learned that its 100% a dopamine issue when it comes to deca. Instead of using something as strong as Dostinex (Caber)...which i think people take way too lightly btw...Considering it's devoped for Parkinson's and other movement disorders, there's a lot of risk associated with D-receptor agonists. Anyways, I usually take a super low dose of adderall XR (10mg) every few days and I find that to be plenty to keep prolactin down and obviously dopamine/norepinephirine up.

is that right? Sorry my man, but you are 1000% incorrect. Coming from a professional in psychology, psychiatrists are the biggest joke of professionals known to man. They are not psychologists, they know nothing of human behavior and they only prescribe medicine to mask behavioral issues. They are MDs...meaning, they have training in medicine, not psychology or anything related to psychology for that matter.

One thing that the public doesn't understand is that depression is not a "thing you can get." It is a word used to describe certain patterns of behavior. Meaning, depression is not inside of is a term to describe the things you do. Psychiatrists only fuck people up...part of my job as a professional is to clean up the mess that psychiatrists create. They further the american view that everything is in your brain and therefore pills fix everything. Not the case. If I want to be happy, I can't take a pill. If I want to be successful, I can't take a pill. If I want to be more attracted to my girlfriend, I can't take a pill. A psychiatrist, ignorantly, would say you can just take a pill and you believing them helps buy them another car or house and only fucks you up further because now you have extremely harmful chemicals in your body with a host of side effects (serious side effects) when the root of the problem is in what you do. Fire your psychiatrist and start fixing things the right changing what you do.
Deca only cycle, stupid. Especially since this is your first cycle. And the possible depression your having assuming its not all in your head could be caused by high estro. Are you on any AI's. More info bro
Deca only cycle, stupid. Especially since this is your first cycle. And the possible depression your having assuming its not all in your head could be caused by high estro. Are you on any AI's. More info bro guys...estrogen does not CAUSE depression!! This is the equivalent of saying TV causes obesity. It's what YOU ARE DOING
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You can bring a horse to water but you can't make them drink....I love that people that are dropping into this thread cannot perform the simple act of reading
is that right? Sorry my man, but you are 1000% incorrect. Coming from a professional in psychology, psychiatrists are the biggest joke of professionals known to man. They are not psychologists, they know nothing of human behavior and they only prescribe medicine to mask behavioral issues. They are MDs...meaning, they have training in medicine, not psychology or anything related to psychology for that matter.

One thing that the public doesn't understand is that depression is not a "thing you can get." It is a word used to describe certain patterns of behavior. Meaning, depression is not inside of is a term to describe the things you do. Psychiatrists only fuck people up...part of my job as a professional is to clean up the mess that psychiatrists create. They further the american view that everything is in your brain and therefore pills fix everything. Not the case. If I want to be happy, I can't take a pill. If I want to be successful, I can't take a pill. If I want to be more attracted to my girlfriend, I can't take a pill. A psychiatrist, ignorantly, would say you can just take a pill and you believing them helps buy them another car or house and only fucks you up further because now you have extremely harmful chemicals in your body with a host of side effects (serious side effects) when the root of the problem is in what you do. Fire your psychiatrist and start fixing things the right changing what you do.

I never once said my psychiatrist gave me that information. With all due respect to your opinion and I have much respect for the psychology side of things too...ut to say that something that directly effects neurotransmitters in the brain can't cause depression, anxiety, apathy, anhedonia, ect, would be extremely ignorant. You seem to be looking at the subject through one side of things only. First, tell me how I am 1000% wrong in saying what I did...not my or any psychiatrist. I didn't learn from him...I learned and then went to him for scripts.
Lets look at this. Deca does in fact decrease dopamine at those doses. Hence the reason for Dostinex with most people that know what they're doing. Dopamine is directly associated with pleasure and rewarding feelings...If your dopamine is tanked, you can't feel pleasure, you cant feel rewarding feelings..THAT is the definition of depression..There is no psychological fix for that. I don't care how hard you try, changing your behavior isn't going to make you feel anything that your brain isnt allowing you to.

I'm going to give you my own personal example as to why this is true. This is completely unrelated to steroids of any kind. The males in my immediate family have a dopamine pathway deficiency...which ends up looking almost exactly like alexithymia. We don't feel emotion as a rewarding experience. For example, I have two daughters and I know that I love them more than anything. But, the love I feel for them is logical, I don't feel the emotion behind it and the rewards of it. I've worked with a psychologist on this for a long time. I also worked with a psychiatrist on this as well. The psychologist knew that she couldnt "fix" the problem...The psychiatrist agreed to attempt to fix the problem and has fixed it for about 95% of the time...I get that you don't like psychiatric meds but it is a fact of life...gentically, some people need them. Of course, I could go through life without them as my father and brother have but my relationships in life would be just as F'd up as theirs are. At this point, I understand what it is to "Feel" normal emotions and my marriage and relationship with my kids are much better off with me on a med or two to balance my brain chemistry, than it was to work my ass off in therapy with a psychologist (which i've continued to do since it's a good outlet).

Again, I understand and respect your thoughts on the psychological parts life but it's only one side of things and doesn't work for everyone. I didn't have a bad childhood, I never made bad decisions, I have a masters degree, I've been in the air force for 12 years with a top secret clearance, and I have basically everything a person could want in life...There is not psychology behind it...It is simply a matter of brain chemistry balance. Depression is sometimes a matter of brain chemistry...which is why there are meds that attempt to balance brain chemistry to fix depression. I get that depression describes behavior but there is way more to it than that..again, it's extremely narrow minded to say that if you fix your behavior or the things around you, then you're no longer depressed. Please, tell that to my wife, who has PMDD and subsequently MDD...Hormones play a major role as well. Depression is a thing you can get...its a thing people have...hereditary or through situations in life. There's way more to it than what you're describing.

Going back to OP's original problem..Nandrolone is proven to effect more neurotransmitters in the brain than any other steroid. If it's effecting you in a way that makes you uncomfortable than it's best to just get off the stuff. Unfortunately, you've already shut down your HPTA, so it might not be that easy.
Last edited: guys...estrogen does not CAUSE depression!! This is the equivalent of saying TV causes obesity. It's what YOU ARE DOING

Thats not true...Hormone fluctuations cause anxiety and depression all the time...What is PMDD..PMS...and what they end up becoming and what they do to relationships then? You think those things are choices?

And it isn't the equivalent...TV is something in your home...estrogen is something that regulates a lot of functions in your body and a number of specific functions in the brain. Please stop with the simplistic comparisons and making depression out to be something that is simply controlled by actions in life.
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