first cycle(winny/tren/Enth)


New member
im thinking about doing a 8 week cycle this summer
*75mg Tren-daily
*50 mg Winny-every other day
*200 mg Enth- once a week
But i have some concerns. I play baseball and im a pitcher. I want to get bigger and alot stronger and cut up, but i had reconstructive elbow surgery(tommy john surgery) one year ago and im concerned about getting reinjured. Is this a good cycle for the goals i want? Will this cycle present a problem for me? And am i running a big risk for getting hurt again? if so, is there something else that would prevent injury?
Winny is a no-no for bad joints IMO.

First cycle? Why not just Test. 250-400mg a week of Ethanate is peltny, and you will grow like a monster. Because of you elbow, maybe 200mg of Deca a week is a good addition. But i would be careful, more muscle=more strain on tendons and ligaments.
Ill adress your pm here. I really think you shoudl stick to just Test, maybe some anavar in addition to it. I would be careful, i had major surgery on my knee, and If i remeber correctly, Tommy Johns, is much like ACL reconstruction. I stay away from Winstrol (winny) like its the plague. Tren is only rough on the joints, becuase you feel so strong, you may push yourself harder than needed.
rylly said:
im thinking about doing a 8 week cycle this summer
*75mg Tren-daily
*50 mg Winny-every other day
*200 mg Enth- once a week

big No No for first cycle bro.....

Test or Test/D-Bol or Test/Anavar would be a good mix like RoadHouse said..
Bro I have a friend thats a catcher for a major league team. Small amount of deca or primo and a good dose of anavar is all you need.