first cycle


New member
i,m lookin to do my first real cycle.Ihave bein trainin on off for bout 5-6 years has bein more on than off,have used stuff in my young past stupid an foolish thats youth for ya i,m 30 now and i,m doin every thin prop this time round.
5,11",170lbs,10% bf
400g protein daily
250g carbs
healthy fats
shake twice a day,400ml orange juice,300g ice,cream 2 tbls smooth peanut butter,5 scoops of muscle an size all in blender
weekly food intake,steak,bacon,chicken,fish,potatoes,rice...
4-5 meals a day of above
train 3-4 times a wee, hour or more depends how i feel if i have more in the tank.

wanna do dbol 15mg wk1
20mg wk2-wk4
primo 300mg wk4-wk8 or wk9
nolva & clomid pct for 4 weeks.

any input on how to make this better would be much appreciated thanks.
first cycles should be Test only, drop all that other stuff. No need for it. Also, 170 at 71 inches? I understand you're at 10% bf, and that's great, but my gut reaction is that you're not ready for steroids. I feel like at that weight you have a lot of room left to grow natural if your diet is right.
im not very experienced with primo but thats way too short.. just stick with test-ONCE YOU ADD NATURAL WEIGHT
thanks lads,i guess i gotta keep my head in da books an get more info before i juice better read more .

Smart man. Go hit up the diet section and talk to 3J about your diet breakdown. He'll hook you up fat.. You gotta eat to grow!
imo 85% diet 10% training 5% gear

not gonna lie.. it's a big 5%.. but you have a lot of room to grow naturally yet bud. Good luck to ya, and stay informed. I'd say hit 190 w/ your bf and then think about gear.