First cycle


New member
Hey guys, I'm looking to do my first cycle, I have a small prescription for test enanthate 1.3 cc's every 2 weeks, I'm looking to add more enanthate and possibly some primobolan or dbol. Can anyone help me with cycle info and recovery as well as gyno prevention if I need it. I'm 6ft 188lbs, training well, eating pretty good. Thanks so much.
There is definitely plenty of good stuff in the stickies that can help. Personally, I think the best first cycle is Test E at 500 mg per week, split into 2 shots per week. You could do the shots Monday and Thursday or something similiar. If you want to run Dbol, run it at 40-50 mg per day for four weeks. I actually like Tbol at 60-70 mg better, and if I could go back to my first cycle, I would run it w/ Test instead of Dbol with Test. I'm probably in the minority on that though because many people love Dbol. It gives me a headache though, whereas Tbol does not. I keep arimidex on hand for gyno, but there are many other choices. As far as recovery, you said you have a script for Test E. so I assume you are doing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or something so you shouldn't need anything for recovery since you will still be running test when the cycle is over. Maybe consider HCG though as it helps with atrophy and does some other cool things. Check out the stickies for sure. I usually find most of what I need in those or by using the search engine on this site.
read all the stickies at the top of the forum page , first cycle should be test only , u will need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) , hcg and pct , if u dont know what those are yet , u need to do quite a bit of research before u consider starting a cycle