First Cycle

Yeah i'm throwing it in with the nolva. I really wanna see how hard I got shut down, and for how long after I come off, with the proper post cycle therapy (pct). This is gonna determine how my post cycle therapy (pct) is gonna be for my next cycle.
day 33, Saturday

What a bad day. I was supposed to work calves/bi's but had to miss it cuz my car broke down and I got stuck working on it all day. 10 hours straight, I was in a pretty bad mood. Diet was off today. No injects or anything.
Day 34, Sunday

Nothing to do today, still in a pissed off mood about yesterday and everything that happened. Just got some rest, diet was off again. I cooked food for the rest of the week.
Day 35, Monday

Chest day. All went well, diet was spot on and training was great. I matched to most I have ever pushed before which was 265. I only squeezed out 3reps, but I'll keep the same weight for next week and try to get out a few more. After that I'll go for my goal of 275, who knows, maybe i'll bust 300 this cycle. Other exercises were great as well.

i'm supposed to inject Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) today, but i'm gonna give it a go with my gear tomorrow.

day 36, Tuesday

Back day. What a great day, I deadlifted 385 x 3 which is the most I have ever done by far. I did 3 sets of rows 120lbs for 8 reps each (they don't have any heavier). T-bar rows w/ the machine (I can see my lats getting bigger from these) plus pulldowns and chinups.

I think diet really makes ALL the difference when your on cycle, more so than off. It's crazy to see the difference between when my diet is 100% and when it's not. The way I feel, act - everything. I will not let it slip again.

I have test/hcg injection today. Liquidex as well, orally of course. I'm saving the weigh-in for the friday coming up and hoping for some decent gains, though I don't know what to expect since the diet was off 2 days in a row.
Day 37, Wednesday

Regular day, no injects or workout today. It's a good thing, cuz I haven't been getting much sleep lately, due to holding down 2 jobs and working out. It's hard waking up at 5:45am and not getting home until 12:00am just to do the same thing the next day. Today however, I get a full day off my 2nd job and the gym so i'm takin it really easy. I'm goin to sleep at 10pm to rest up. Diet was 100% today. Haven't gotten any in like a week so i'm definately on the prowl right now. Feeling strong. I'm pretty sure i'm getting bigger, I can feel it in my arms and a lot in my chest and back - fuck, pretty much everywhere.

My injection went well yesterday, very little soreness today. However, I noticed a hard spot on my arm which has me a little bit concerned. It looks to be about an inch under where I injected, and is pretty sore. I have also noticed that I have been very hot lately and sweating like a pig. I really don't know if this is a sign of the gear really coming in (i'm still only in week 5) or the possibility of an abscess forming. I'm pretty confident that it's nothing serious but nonetheless I will keep a close watch on it and at any sign of an abscess consult a doctor. Acne on my back is getting a little bit worse, however the shoulders are gettin better because I am able to apply the cream I have on them. Still not a pimple on my face, I wonder if I will breakout when I come off and start post cycle therapy (pct). That's it for now.

outlawtas2 said:
Day 37, Wednesday

However, I noticed a hard spot on my arm which has me a little bit concerned. It looks to be about an inch under where I injected, and is pretty sore. I have also noticed that I have been very hot lately and sweating like a pig.

Exactly whats been going on with me.
Day 38 Thursday

Diet was spot on. Training was amazing. I went in a blasted shoulders and hit my tri's really hard. My bicep workouts have vastly improved, i'm really focusing on increasing their size. Also, I always think of what Arnold said when he worked his bi's "I always imagine my biceps are mountains, and that every time I contract them grown bigger until they fill th entire room" (something like that).

BTW, this is my diet right now

6:00am Weight gainer shake
10:00am 1 chicken breast, 1 potatoe/sweet potatoe (i know it's bit too long between meals, but I don't have a choice)
12:30pm: 1 chicken breast, 1 potatoe/sweet potatoe, 1 drink (maybe gatorade, water, or even pop sometims) and maybe a snack like a cupcake or something (i AM bulking afterall, lol)

2:30pm: 1 chicken breast, 1 potatoe/sweet potatoe, 1 drink

5:20pm: 1 chicken breast, 1 potatoe/sweet potatoe, usually water

8:00pm-9:30pm - PWO Shake

Before bed, 1 chicken 1 potatoe/sweet potatoe

I might have a snack here or there too since i'm bulking, and that's because when I'm cutting I can't have anything good, so I cheat a little more now since it doesn't affect me as much.
Day 40, Friday

Diet was spot on today again, feeling really good. Horny as hell this week. I haven't been sleeping that well, with 2 jobs and the gym so I came home from work at around 630pm, and just passed out. I woke up this morning (saturday).
Day 41, Friday

I can't fuckin believe this. I worked legs today, it was a decent workout. This was the first time I didn't break any records, but I had an early morning workout with only one meal in me. Get this, I weighed myslef. I lost 2 lbs. How the hell can I eat 5000+ calories a day, for 5 days straight and lose 2lbs!?!?! I'm pissed off. I mean, I did weigh myself after 12 hours of sleep and only one small meal (eggs and whole wheat toast) but could I really weigh 198lbs in the morning??? I swear to god I was eating everything in site, sticking to my plan and eating a lot more than was on the menu! I'm really trying hard no to look at the scale, because I feel bigger, I think i'm bigger, i'm stronger, and i'm getting comments from people i know saying, "your getting fuckin huge man" and all's just a bum that the scale isn't showing it. I'm sure that being persistant with my diet will fight back the scale eventually, so it's just matter of keeping it up. I'm trying hard to get discouraged.

Anyways, I have 2 injects today, HCG and Test. That's about it.

It's the working man. Labor jobs destroy gains. 2 summers ago when I worked fulltime in a warehouse I ate and ate and ate and I could not gain a pound. As soon as I cut my hours for school I gained 10 solid lbs in probably 3 weeks.
looks like you may want to add some more fat to your diet. Try that out whether its an efa, olive oil, or just a bit fattier foods like peanut butter, ground beef that is higher in fat, dairy products that have more fat, stuff like that, Try that and see how it goes. It works for me. Also looking at your diet again, try to have your carbs double your protien intake, not exactly sure the nutrition of a sweet patatoe but seems like you should be in the ball park. chicken breast are usually around 30-40 grams protien so make sure your carbs are 60-80g. Just things to think of.

If it comes down to it, binge eat some fast food on days off from work, like 3kcal in a sitting.
truck said:
looks like you may want to add some more fat to your diet. Try that out whether its an efa, olive oil, or just a bit fattier foods like peanut butter, ground beef that is higher in fat, dairy products that have more fat, stuff like that, Try that and see how it goes. It works for me. Also looking at your diet again, try to have your carbs double your protien intake, not exactly sure the nutrition of a sweet patatoe but seems like you should be in the ball park. chicken breast are usually around 30-40 grams protien so make sure your carbs are 60-80g. Just things to think of.

If it comes down to it, binge eat some fast food on days off from work, like 3kcal in a sitting.

All good advice.
outlawtas2 said:
I can't fuckin believe this. I worked legs today, it was a decent workout. This was the first time I didn't break any records, but I had an early morning workout with only one meal in me. Get this, I weighed myslef. I lost 2 lbs. How the hell can I eat 5000+ calories a day, for 5 days straight and lose 2lbs!?!?!

Did you weigh yourself at the same time that you usually do? I wouldn't freak out anyways. It could be due to a number of factors. If you continue to lose weight or fail to put more on, that's when I would start to worry.
JT - My test is Herculean Pharmacies, and i'm pretty sure it's legit due to my strength gains, acne and weight gains (thus far), but who really knows?

Aboot - I did not weigh myself at the regular time, I weighed myself in the morning after sleeping 13 consecutive hours without food, save a small meal of eggs/whole wheat toast. I think it has something to do with it, though I didn't think I would lose 2lbs.

Truck - I'll def take your advice. I'm gonna pack in even more calories.

LTID - I'm sure that the labour had a factor in my weight loss as well, but next week i'm done labour work and starting in the office so it will be eliminated and I think my gains will continue.