First Decadurobolin/Testaviron/Neurabol CYCLE


New member
hello guys,

so i've started a cycle month ago

25mg Deca Durobolin, Testoviron 100mg and Neurabol 40mg (i took those on every 3 days) i took 4 injections of 25mg,

then i started 50mg Deca with above Testa and neurabol (i took those on every 4 days) i took 2 injection of 50mgs

then i switched to 100mg Deca Durobolin, Testoviron 250mg and Neurabol 40mg (i took those on every 5 days) i took 4 injections

i didn't gained much

so what i wanna ask is i want to stop taking it so do i have to take some PCT tablets or just stop it simply??
if PCT then which TABs please tell me, im noob in this
hello guys,

so i've started a cycle month ago

25mg Deca Durobolin, Testoviron 100mg and Neurabol 40mg (i took those on every 3 days) i took 4 injections of 25mg,

then i started 50mg Deca with above Testa and neurabol (i took those on every 4 days) i took 2 injection of 50mgs

then i switched to 100mg Deca Durobolin, Testoviron 250mg and Neurabol 40mg (i took those on every 5 days) i took 4 injections

i didn't gained much

so what i wanna ask is i want to stop taking it so do i have to take some PCT tablets or just stop it simply??
if PCT then which TABs please tell me, im noob in this

to answer your question, I'm assuming you went on your cycle for a month? you were taking deca so you'll be shutdown so I'd recommend doing your PCT if you have your clomid and nolva. Preferably use both but get that clomid into you ASAP. Tbonexl gave you a good link. If you need more info regarding PCT (e.g. the nolva and clomid) then let us know. But yes, you need to get your HPTA functioning again!
First thank you all for quick reply guys
Now my question was i want it stop taking it and as u guys seen my above cycle was epic fail
So do i need to do PCT? Coz these are small doses i took
So im confused should i do it or not***8218; coz i didnt gain anything i think
Can i just simply stop taking it? And forget about the PCT?
yes.. you need pct.. esp with deca in the mix.. it shuts you down quickly..

you need to run a full pct
who knows...maybe it would be awesome if it wasnt the best of gear, sad to say but maybe, and nothing really got shut down. but run the PCT just to be safe as some have already said....